Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 2.djvu/280

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io* s. n. sw. 17, wo*.

PEMBROKE EARLDOM. I should be highly obliged for a list of the sons of Thomas, eighth Earl of Pembroke, and for particulars as to their wives and children. All dates of births and marriages are particularly desired.

D. HERBERT, Major.

52, Windsor Road, Ealing, W.

[Burke gives five sons Henry, Robert Sawyer, Thomas, William, and Nicholas with their mar- riages, but does not mention date of birth. J

EDWARD COLSTON, JUN. He was a Bristol merchant, was M.P. for Wells 1708-13, and died 29 August, 1763 (Gent. Mag.). What was his relationship to Edward Colston, sen., the celebrated philanthropist, who died in 1721, aged eighty-one? I am inclined to think them uncle and nephew.


HERMIT'S CRUCIFIX. There is a hermit's cave in the rocks of Cratcliff Tor, in Derby- shire. On the east wall is carved in high relief a large crucifix. Can the date of this be approximately fixed ? The crucifix is curiously ornamented with " notches " or conventionalized leaves ; the head inclines to the right. Perhaps some reader who knows the spot can say whether there is anything in the design which might point to a par- ticular century. FRED. G. ACKERLEY.

Care of British Vice-Consul, Libau, Russia.

TOM MOODY. Can any of your readers tell me where to find a song on the death of the celebrated Shropshire huntsman of this name ? On lately visiting Barrow Church- yard, where he was buried, I found on his gravestone his name and the date of his burial in 1797 only. Tradition says that he left all that he possessed to his beloved old master, Squire Forester. W. H. J.

MINERAL WELLS, STREATHAM. I shall be glad if any reader can tell me the date when the existing mineral well at Streatham, now in possession of Messrs. Curtis Brothers, dairy farmers, and situated in the Valley Road, about a quarter of a mile eastward from Streatham High Road, was opened ; also the name of the first and of any subse- quent proprietor. The present proprietors are unable to give me any precise information as to the early history of the spring, and the well-known authorities, such as Lysons, Thorne, Walford, and others, make nc mention of this later spring. Arnold, a local author, who published a history of Streatham in 1886, after describing the older springs, discovered in 1660, merely states that on their decline in public favour people went to

  • ' another spring, which had been discovered

before the death of the eighteenth century,, situated at the bottom of Wells Lane." occurs to me that persons interested in archaeological lore may have newspaper cuttings or advertisements describing this .nteresting spring, the only one now open in,

he neighbourhood of London.

ALFRED STANLEY FOORD. 101, Castelnau, Barnes, S.W.

BALES. A boy of this name played for Westminster against Eton in the three cricket matches between these schools in 1799, ISOOj and 1801. I should be glad to obtain any information concerning him. G. F. R. B.

THOMAS BLACKLOCK. I have a copy of the 1754 Edinburgh edition of his 'Poems,' which

has a prefatory letter signed G. G n,

Dumfries, Dec. 15, 1753." The letter is mentioned by Prof. Spence, of Oxford, in 1754, as an "Account" of Blacklock's life "by one of his friends." Will any one- kindly tell me who "G. G n" was?

Meantime my conjecture is that he was- the "Mr. Gilbert Gordon" whose name appears among the subscribers to Spence's ~f .f\nr\f\n Qrlif.irkn f\f f.VlA * TYlfima '

1756 London edition of the

W. S.

'LYRICAL BALLADS,' 1798. The late ME. R. H. SHEPHERD, in his 'Bibliography of Coleridge' (8 th S. vii. 362), wrote that in an experience ranging over nearly fifty years he had seen only one copy of ' Lyrical Ballads ' with Cottle's original Bristol title-page. ^This copy contained manuscript additions to * The Ancient Mariner ' in the autograph of S. T. Coleridge, and I should be greatly obliged if any correspondent of * N. & Q.' could indicate its present whereabouts. I am also desirous of knowing if it contains Coleridge's poem 'Lewti,' which was originally printed in the volume, or the substituted leaf containing ' The Nightingale, a Conversational Poem.' W. F. PRIDEAUX.

NAVAL ACTION OF 1779. Could any of your readers kindly inform me where to find the best French account of the action of 6 October, 1779, between the frigates Quebec (Capt. Farmer) and Surveillante (Capt. de Couedic)? I have seen a French account, but cannot remember where.


Stonewold, Ballyshannon.

MAZZARD FAIR. Amongst the fairs i Red ruth, Cornwall, is one held 2 May, and still known as "April Fair." The charter allows fairs on 21 April and on the feast of St. Mary Magdalen. Another fair is held 3 August, and is known as "Mazzard Fair.