Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 2.djvu/568

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io. s. 11. DEC. 10, 190*.

The above extract has been sent to me by the present Vicar of St. Mary's.


[Gadyr is one spelling of gather, an animal's pluck. The earliest quotation in the 'N.E.D.' is from Palsgrave, 1530.]

THREE TAILORS OF TOOLEY STREET. I should be glad to know when and where Canning referred to the Three Tailors of Tooley Street. I have traced the allusion as far as Brewer's 4 Diet, of Phrase and Fable,' but cannot follow it further. A. G.

[MR. R. Hoc;o gave the names of the supposed originals at 7 th S. v. 55, but his identifications were challenged at v. 113 by ST. OLAVE'S.]

ANTHONY BREWER. I hav.e reason to be- lieve that Anthony Brewer (author of ' The Lovesick King,' printed in 1655, but probably written about 1604) was a Newcastle man. Can any of the readers of *N. & Q.' tell me whether this surmise is right, and give me particulars about Brewer? Is his name in any of the parish registers? Is there any evidence that * The Lovesick King ' was per- formed at Newcastle-on-Tyne ?


7, Van Eeghenstraat, Amsterdam.

VICTORIA. Reflecting on the use all over the world of the name of our late great Queen, I think it interesting to ask, When was that name first used for a woman ? I do not wish to encumber *N. & Q.' with its recent pedigree, if I may use the term, but I think the following passage is of interest, since it makes out the first as well as the latest famous holder of the name to be a famous queen. It is an account of one among the many rivals who disputed the throne of Gallienus :

"After the murder of so many valiant princes, it is somewhat remarkable that a female for a long time controlled the fierce legions of Gaul, and still more singular that she was the mother of Victorinus. The arts and treasures of Victoria enabled her suc- cessfully to place Mariusand Tetricus on the throne, and to reign with a manly vigour under the name of these dependent emperors. Money of copper, of silver, and of gold was coined in her name ; she assumed the titles of Augusta and Mother of the Camps ; her power ended only with her life ; but her life was perhaps shortened by the ingratitude of Tetricus." ' Roman Empire,' Gibbon, chap. xi. p. 301 (Bury's edition).

A note by Prof. Bury adds that she was called Victoria or Victorina. Can one men- tion an earlier Victoria ? HIPPOCLIDES.

MODERN ITALIAN ARTISTS. I am anxious to have a few biographical particulars of the following Italian artists, who were working circa 1870 : D. Biaccianelli, Lucio Rossi, and Vincenzo March! I do not find mention

of them in any of the usual reference books, English, Italian, or French. W. ROBERTS. 47, Lansdowne Gardens, Clapham, S.W.

SAMUEL POPE'S MARBLED PAPER. Amongst the advertisements at the end of a copy of the ninth edition of 'A Companion to the Altar,' published by Edmund Parker, at the Bible and Crown, Lombard Street, in 1724, is the following :

" Paper marbled by Samuel Pope for Merchants Notes, or Bills of Exchange ; to prevent Counter- feiting, or any of the Companies Bonds, are now Marbled by him to perfection, and Cheaper than formerly."

A patent was granted on 20 May, 1731, to Samuel Pope, citizen and draper of London, for "A new art of marbling paper with a margent, entirely new, by taking off the colours fromjB, body of water, prepared after a particular manner." It is just possible that specimens of Pope's process of marbling paper " with a margin " may have been preserved in some collection, as the peculiarity would at once strike any one familiar with the ordinary method of marbling paper. Can any of your readers assist? Is anything known of Samuel Pope ? R. B. P.


" Whene'er I take my walks abroad,"

And automobiles see, Their index letters surely rouse

My curiositee.

Is there any clue to the system on which these distinguishing signs have been awarded? London rightly leads off with a solitary A, and 1 and S seem to be sacred to places in Ireland and Scotland respectively (though I, alone, was lately still unappropriated) ; but why should Glasgow be the only town or district that has any dealing with G? Why should Devonshire be T ; Leeds, U ; Northumberland, X ; Somersetshire, Y ; the North Riding of Yorkshire, A J ; the East Riding, B T ; the West Riding, C ; and York itself, D N? "That way madness lies." I have studied Throup's waistcoat- pocket book of ' Motox Index Marks ' to but little purpose, and never before found the alphabet so difficult to deal with. Can any- body make easy the hornbook of my second childhood ? ST. SWITHIN.

PETTUS. About 1638 Thomas Pettus settled in Virginia, arid for twenty years, during a part of Berkeley's administration, was a member of the Colonial Council, an office of high honour and great responsibility. He- is said to have accompanied Sir Thomas Dale- from England to the Continent, engaging in the Thirty Years' War, and to have been