Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 2.djvu/83

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s. ii. JULY 23, 190*.] NOTES AND QUERIES.

Hobart (Vere Henry, Lord). The Mission of

Richard Cobden Reprinted from Macmillan s

Magazine. London [1867]. 8vo. 8139. aa.

Holtzendorff (F. von). Richard Cobden von F.

von HoltzendortF. Virchow (R.) and Holtzen- dorft-Vietmansdorf (F. v.) Sammlung gemein- versttindlicher wissenschaftlicher vortriige, herausgegeben von R. Virchow und F. von Holtzendorff. Berlin, 1866, &c. Series I. Heft 17. 8vo.

In Memoriam. Richard Cobden, his Life and Times. London [1865]. 8vo. 10817- cc.

Johnson (Joseph). Life of Richard Cobden : the Apostle of Free Trade and Champion of the Rights of the Industrious Classes. Manchester [1865]. 8vo, pp. 16.

Kretzschmar (Auguste). Richard Cobden, der Apostel der Handelsfreiheit und die jiingste staatsokonomische Revolution in Grossbritan- nien. Nach der besten englischen und fran- zosischen Quellen. Grimma, 1846. 12mo. 8245. a. 69. (2.)

Levi(L.). On Richard Cobden. An Introductory Lecture, delivered in King's College, London, &c. London, 1865. 8vo. 8205. bb. 10.

MacGilchrist (John), of London. Richard Cobden, the Apostle of Free Trade, his Political Career and Public Services. A Biography. [Illustrated with photographs.] London, Lock wood & Co., 1865. 8vo, pp. vii, 294. 10817. aa. 25.

Het Leven van Richard Cobden, den Apostel

van Vrijen Handel. Uit het Engelsch door E. C. Mackay. Amsterdam, K. H. Schadd, 1865. 8vo, pp.328.

Mallet (Sir L.). The Political Opinions of Richard Cobden. London, Macmillan & Co., 1869. 8vo, pp. viii, 64. 8008. aaa.

Memorial Verses on Richard Cobden, 1865. (Cobden Club Leaflet, No. 20.)

Morley (Right Hon. John). The Life of Richard Cobden. 2 vola. London, Chapman & Hall, 1881. 8yo. 2406. f. 6. This has gone through nine editions, and has been translated into French by Sophie Raffalovich.

Parkinson (Rev. H. W.). Richard Cobden. A Lecture delivered in the Public Hall, Rochdale, 27 February, 1868. Reprinted from the Rochdale Observer. Rochdale Observer Office [1868]. 8vo, pp. 18.

Prentice (Archibald). History of the Anti-Corn Law League. London, 1853. 8yo, 2 vols. This, although not a biography in form, is a mine of information respecting Cobden's public work.

Ritchie (J. E.). The Life of Richard Cobden [by J. E. Ritchie] : with a faithful likeness from a photograph by Easthan 1 ., &c. London [1865]. Fol. 10816. i.

Rogers (James E. Thorold). A Sermon preached at West Lavington Church on Sunday, 9 April, 1865. Oxford and London, 1865. 8vo, pp. 16. M.F.L. A sermon on the death of Cobden, preached and printed at the request of the widow.

Rogers (James Edwin Thorold). Cobden and Modern Political Opinion. Essays on certain political topics. London, Macmillan & Co., is;;;. BVO, M-. s?i :N2 !:is. a I-J.

Sails Schwabe (Madame Julie). Richard Cobden, Notes sur ses Voyages, Correspondances et Souvenirs, recueillies par Mme. Salis Schwabe,

avec une preface de M. G. Molinari. Paris.. 1879. 8yo, pp. xvi-384. 10920. ee. 14. Reminiscences of Richard Cobden, compiled by Mrs. Salis Schwabe. With a Preface by Lord Farrer. London, T. Fisher Unwin 1895. 8vo, pp. xvi-340. 10815. e. 18.

Say (L(k>n). Cobden: Ligue centre les Lois Ce>e"ale8 et Discours Politiques. Paris [1886?]. 18mo, pp. 304. M.F.L. A French translation of various speeches and writings, with intro- duction.

Scott (A. T.). In Memoriam. The Life and

Labours of Richard Cobden, to which is

appended an account of the Funeral. London 1865. 8vo. 10825. bb. 33. (6.)

Sibree (James). Richard Cobden : Philanthropist and Statesman. Hull, London [1865]. 16mo.

Walcker ' (Carl). Richard Cobden's Volkswirth- schaf tliche und politische Ansichten, auf Grund' aelteren und neuerer Quellen systematisclv dargestellt. Hamburg, Leipzig [printed], 1885. 8vo, pp. vi-91. 8229. d. 35. (7.)

Watkin (Sir Edward William), Bart. Alderman, Cobden, of Manchester. Letters and reminis- cences of Richard Cobden, with portraits,, illustrations, &c. London, Ward & Lock [1891]. 4to, pp. 218. 10816. g. 10.

Withers (J. R.). Elegy on the late Richard Cobdeu, M.P. Manchester, 1865. 8vo, pp. 8.

Woods (J. Crawford). In Memory of Richard Cobden, a Sermon [on Isaiah x. 18, and

Matt. xxv. 34, 35, 40] preached 9 July, 1865.

Adelaide, 1865. 8vo. 10816. bbb. 15. (3.)

WILLIAM E. A. AXON. (To be continued.)


WITHOUT any departure from democratic principles, the study of family history in the United States has been approached from many standpoints since our second President,. John Adams, expressed his views of th& matter in a letter to Hannah Adams, " the author of the first book written by a woman in America." "You and I," he wrote, "are undoubtedly related by birth, and although we were both born in ' humble obscurity ' [she had made this reference to herself in one of her dedications to him], yet I presume neither of us has any cause to regret that circumstance."

" If I could ever suppose that family pride was in. any case excusable, 1 should think a descent from a line of virtuous, independent New England^ farmers for one hundred and sixty years was a better foundation for it than a descent through royal and titled scoundrels ever since the Flood." Household, December ?

These words call to mind those concluding the first chapter of Irving's * Life of Washing- ton' : "Hereditary rank may be an illusion ; but hereditary virtue gives a patent of innate nobleness beyond all the blazonry of the