Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 3.djvu/268

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io- s. in. MARCH is, 1905.

IPlatt Mawdsley is due the first Liverpool directory. Among Liverpool writers Mr. Jaggard claims Roscoe, Gladstone, Hemans, Clough, Jevons, Mete- yard, and Abraham Hume, one of the founders of the Historic Society. The items contained in the catalogue are very interesting, but we have only space to mention one, a valuable Heraldic Manu- .script of Armorial Bearings of Great Britain, France, Italy (including the Popes), Russia, Turkey, &c. The whole collection, mounted and interleaved, 43 vols., 1800-50, is priced at 3QI.

Messrs. J. & J. Leighton have sent us Part VIII. ^Si-T) of their catalogue of early printed and other interesting books, manuscripts, and fine bindings. There are many illustrations, each item being of interest. "We can mention only a few. The very rare first edition of ' Queen Mab,' privately printed foy Shelley, 1813, is 15^.; ' The Cenci,' first edition, Rome and London, 1819, 17^. ; and ' The Masque of Anarchy,' Moxon, 1832, 41. 4.S. Under Sibyls we ifind Philippus de Barberiis, four editions, the first, 1481, very rare, 30^. The first edition of ' Roderick Random,' 2 vols., 1748-51, is 551. Under Spanish "Books are the famous "Bear Bible," 51. 5*., and lioccaccio, 1539, \'2l. 12*. A first edition of Spenser, W.Ponsonby, 1590-90, is priced at ISl. 18*. Stirling- Maxwell's ' Annals of the Artists of Spain,' 4 vols., contains the exceptionally scarce additional volume of photographs, 1848, 30 guineas. Under Testa- ments is the Coverdale, 1538, wanting only the eight leaves before the Prologue, 251. The two in "the British Museum are imperfect, and only three perfect copies are known. There is also an ancient >Greek manuscript on thick vellum, 120/. Valuable topographical works and a number of first editions of Tennyson and Thackeray are included in the catalogue.

Mr. Alexander Macphail, of Edinburgh, has a number of rarities in Scottish literature, curious pamphlets, and trials. These include ' Trial of Witches in Shetland,' 1644, price 10*. Ql. Under rScott and Burns are many items of interest. Under .Jacobite we find 'The Jacobite Peerage,' 1903, only 25Q copies printed, 42.s. There are a number of works relating to Scotch law. Birkbeck Hill's ' Footsteps of Dr. Johnson in Scotland,' 1890, is 35-.'., published

at 11. Is. ; and Jervise's 'Epitaphs and Inscriptions

iin the North-East of Scotland,' 1875-9, 31. 3*. (this is marked rare). Among general items are a first .edition, in the original boards, of Miss Ferrier's 'Inheritance,' 1824, 3/. 15s. ; and Journal of the Arch(Eolo(/ical Institute, vol. i., 1845, to vol. xxi., 1864, 4. 15*. There are also editions of Dickens, "Thackeray, and George Eliot.

Mr. Thomas Thorp, of Reading, has a good mis- cellaneous collection, also a number of books relating to Australia. Under Berks there is a collection of 22 scarce tracts, 1642-51, 161. 10*. A list of contents is given. There are a first edition of Browning's ' Inn Album,' 1875, 12*. 6d. ; and a collection of Civil War tracts, 1641-8, 3/. 3* % Under Dickens are first editions. Under George Eliot are the very scarce ' Scenes of Clerical Life,' 1858, 11. 10*. ; also 'The Mill on the Floss,' 18*. Under Leigh Hunt are interesting first editions. A copy of Muther's 'Modern Painting' is priced at 4/. 10*. 'Shakespeare Illustrated,' 1793, very scarce, is priced at 45*. ; and the original edition of Walpole's works, 1798, the same. There is a tall choice copy -of Ackermann's ' Colleges,' 1816, 20/., and ' West- minster,' 1812, 4?. 18s. ; a set of Mrs. Barbauld's

' British Novelists,' 50 vols. 12mo, full calf, 1820, 11. 10*. ; and a copy of Burton's ' Arabian Nights,' 81. 10*.

Mr. Wilfrid M. Voynich sends his Short Cata- logue, No. 12. There are very rare items under Africa and African Presses, Aldine, Archreology, Astronomy, Astrology, Scotland and Scotch Presses, &c. Mr. Voynich has still his wonderful collection of unknown books for disposal. He has now an agency in Birmingham (Mr. George Mackey, 70, New Street).

Messrs. Henry Young & Sons, of Liverpool, have a choice illuminated manuscript, 1494, l'2ol. ; and La Fontaine, extra-illustrated, 250 copper-plates, 1765-7, 551. Under Scott is the rare first complete edition of the Waverley Novels, 1822-30, 1QL 10s. (cost56Z.); also a set of steel engravings to illus- trate the novels and poems, 1829-54, 50/. Under Milton is the rare first edition of ' Paradise Re-

Sained,' fine state, 1671, 321. A first edition of ohnson's 'Dictionary,' 1755, is 3/. 3*. ; Voltaire's 'La Pucelle d'Orleans,' 1761, bound by Lortic, 8^.8*. ; Charnock's 'Marine Architecture,' 1800-2, 31. 10*. ; Nash's ' Worcestershire,' folio, 1781-99, 14Z. There is a large-paper copy of Clarke and M 'Arthur's 'Life of Nelson,' 51. 5s. This and many other books in the catalogue are from the library of the late Marquess of Anglesey.

' ATHEN.E DUNELMENSES.' An attempt is being made to collect in the pages of the Durham Univer- S'ty Journal brief biographical notices of former members of the University. Those who are willing to make communications are requested to. write to the Rev. W. C. Boulter, 28, Queen's Road, Bays- water, W.

fjtoikes to Cormjrxwbtttta.

We must call special attention to the following notices :

ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately.

To secure insertion of communications corre- spondents must observe the following rules. Let each note, query, or reply be written on a separate slip of paper, with the signature of the writer and such address as he wishes to appear. When answer- ing queries, or making notes with regard to previous entries in the paper, contributors are requested to put in parentheses, immediately after the exact heading, the series, volume, and. page or pages to which they refer. Correspondents who repeat queries are requested to head the second com- munication "Duplicate."

HUBERT SMITH ('Rebecca, a Novel'). MR. DODGSON gave the particulars ante, p. T28.


Editorial communications should be addressed to " The Editor of 'Notes and Queries'" Adver- tisements and Business Letters to " The Pub- lisher" at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.G.

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