Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 3.djvu/629

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1906.



Quotations :

May virtue all thy paths attend, 109

Mr. Pilblister and Betsy his sister, 16

Mon verre n'est par grand, mais je bois dans mon

verre, 148, 197

Needy knife-grinder, whither are you going ? 380 Nolumus leges Anglise mutare, 8 that those lips had language ! 128 Oh ! the Pilgrims of Zion, 109, 176 Once so merrily hopt she, 127 Our lives are songs, 249 Poeta nascitur non fit, 433 Qui sou vent se pese bien se connait, 348 Religion of all sensible men, 80 Roma tibi subito motions ibit amor, 448 St. George to save a maid, 227, 276 Swayed by every wind that blows, 148 Thanks are lost by promises delayed, 148, 835 That cook (I could scold her), 89, 134 The breaking waves dashed high, 80 The bands are such dear hands, 229 The heart has many a dwelling-place, 328 The hungry flaes, 294 The more I know of men, 120 The waking cock, that airly crowes, 70, 294 The way was long and weary, 476 The world's a bubble, 94, 155 There is no because in anything, 88 There is on earth a yet auguster thing, 206, 294,


There never was anything by the wit of man, 109 There shall no tempests blow, 449 Though lost to sight, to memory dear, 327 Though the mills of God grind slowly, 280 To see a world in a grain of sand, 13 Truth for ever on the scaffold, 128 Un jour de fete, 148 Yelut inter ignes, Luna minores, 88 Voltaire, quel que soit le nom dont on le nomine,


Warm summer sun, 288 When our old Catholic fathers lived, 109, 176 Write me as one who loves his fellow-men, 480

R. (A. F.) on child executed for witchcraft, 468 "Monmouth Street of literature," 188 Newspaper editions, 287

R. (D. M. ) on arms of Cumbria, 208 Luther family, 272 Queen of Duncan IT., 107, 256, 311

R. (E.) on 'Notes on the Book of Genesis,' 50

R. (E. S. ) on firearms in the seventeenth century, 89 Eowse or Rous, of Cransford, West Suffolk, 270

B. (G. W.) on Longman, barrel-organ builder, 348

R. (J.) on Parliamentary quotation, 494

R. ( J. F. ) on Queen Anne's last years, 32 Satan's autograph, 357

R n (A. F.) on Dryden's sisters, 288

Rabbards (Ralph), o. 1591, his biography, 389

Radclitfe ( J.) on Algarva, ] 94 Allen, 473

Anjou, House of, 333 Sorrow's ' Turkish Jester,' 335 Charlemagne's Roman ancestors, 433 Cope of Bramshill, 174 Elm, great hollow, at Hampstead, 257 King's Cock-Crower, 312

Badcliffe (J.) on Langley Meynell: Sir Robert Francis, 332

Marriott (Bev. Bandolpb), 193

Parkins (Joseph Wilfred), 157

Baleigh's ' Historic of the World, 1 194

Spratt family, 313

Turvile, 454

Twitchel, 351

Verschoyle: Folden, 116

Badford (W. L.) on the Victoria and Camperdown, 2<J Rae (W. Fraser), his death, 80 ; and Junius, 108 Raimondi (Eugenio), his plagiarism from Ortensio

Lando, 363

Baleigh (ir W.), in Bliss's edition of Wood's ' Athen. Oxon," 62 ; early editions of his ' Historic of the World,' 127, 194, 274, 317 Ralfe (P. G.) on Farker*, 188

Bamsay (A.) and authorship of ' Hardyknute,' 78, 113 Ranee (A. K.) on Bishop Colenso, 251 Randolph (J. A.) on Fleet Street, 493

Statutes of Merton, 8

Tunbridge Wells and district, 476 Rastell (William), ' D.N.B.' on, 86 Ratcliffe (T.) on All Fools' Day, 286

" An old woman went to market," 74

Beating the bounds, 891

" Born on Holy Thursday, and idle," 287

Guinea balances, 418

Horseshoes for luck, 216

" I sit with my feet in a brook," 498

Lines on a mug, 353

Pancake Day, 225

Penny wares wanted, 312

Picking up scraps of iron, 897

Pillion : flails, 434

Royal Oak Day, 446

Twitchel, 351 Rates in aid in 1601, 469 " BationaTs Festival " of 1837, 428 Ravison=a variety of rapeseed, 335 Rayment (H.) on Rogestvensky, 396 Read (F. W.) on Vincent Stuckey Lean, 14 Records, local government, 287, 337, 355 Records of Somersetshire, 464 Regiments, royal, of the line, 69, 112 Religious houses, ancient, 69 Relton (F. H.) on Vice- Chamberlain Coke, 146

Luther family, 27

Shorter: Walpole, 317

Walpole (Horace), his letters, 386 Residence dinners in Durham, 1, 343 ReVrend (Vicomte A.) on Stutt family, 448 Reynolds (Sir Joshua), his group of Hon. Henry Fane,.

Jones, and Blair, 387

Richard of Scotland, A.D. 700-20, his biography, 14 Richardson (Rev. W. V. or Athanasius) and the

Russian Church, 327, 376 Rich borough, excavations at, 17 Rickword (G.) on David Morgan, Jacobite, 28 Riddle : Jack and Jill, 450 Riclgemere, derivation of the name, 182 Rifled cannon, submarines, and torpedoes in Napoleon's

time, 89, 111

Ripley family, of Ripley, Yorkshire, 167 Ritter (0.) on verses : author wanted, 294 Bobbins (A. F.) on " Fed up," 66