Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/127

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NOTES AND QTJEKIES: hun jof FOB LITERARY MEN, GENERAL READERS, ETC. " When found, make a not* of."—CAPTAIN CUTTLK. No. 84. [STK*RT£] SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1905. | PRICK FOURPKKOK. X<pi*Ur«l at a A'<»<] „, r r f,./,,;.! „ '.',. N.T.P.O. „• Strand-Cle,, Haltrr. flarlt Sttturipliiai, Ml. ii,l ,...,i _/,,,. NOTES AND QnERIKS.—The SUBSCRIPTION to NOTB3 AMD QURKIRS fr#e by post Is 10*. 3d. for SL< Month*; «r2P« 6J. for Twelve Month*. lncladln« the Volnme Index —JOHN C. FRANCIS, ffotli and yti*n« ultice, Breaiu'l Balldlnn. Chancery L»ne. MB. J. HOBSON MATTHEWS, Solicitor, •Xpert Record-Searcher, who has completed bis eleven yesr*' work at Archivist to the Corporation of Cardiff and Editor nf ' Cardiff Record*,' and n now similarly engaged for the County and Borough Coancila of Monmouthshire, PERSONALLY UNDERTAKES (JENEA- LOOICAL. TOPOGRAPHICAL, and HISTORICAL INVESTIGATIONS among Ancient Documents in London and the Country.—Address 7D, Corn hi II, B.C. MR. L. 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