Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/148

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120 NOTES AND QUERIES. [io* a iv. AUG. s. 1905. centenary edition of • The Complete Angler,' 121. 12*. ; ' Hudibras,' with Gray s annotations, 1819-27, rare, 67. 10*. ; and Hogarth's ' Complete Works,' 1822, 11. 10*. The last is marked "a bargain." An extra-illustrated copy of Austin Dobson's ' Four Frenchwomen' is priced 29 guineas. There are also very fine books of portraits, collec- i ions of tracts and trials, &c. Mr. A. Russell Smith has a Catalogue of Engraved Portraits at very low prices. To snow how varied the list is, we may mention that the portraits •include Mrs. Abington, Addison, Marshal Bliicher, I'.yrnn, Chaucer, Cruikshank, Nancy Dawsqn, Dickens reading to his daughters, Garrick, Miss Glover. Miss Glyn, John Angel James, the Rev. Win. Jay, of Bath, and Mrs. Siddons. Although reference is made in another page to the death of Mr. Sotheran, we cannot pass on to notice the new catalogue of the firm without an expression of deep regret at the death of our old and esteemed friend. He was of the kindliest and most .genial disposition, full of brightness, and as long as he remained in the firm one of the most active and energetic men in the bookselling world. Mr. .Sotheran retired at the end of June, 1893, when Mr. Henry Cecil Sotheran succeeded his father. An excellent likeness of Mr. Sotheran appeared in The Publishers' Circular of 8 July, 1893. Messrs. Sotheran open their Mid-monthly List •with two unique relics. Tennyson's own copy of the first edition of his 'Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington' contains copious additions and alterations in his autograph, also twenty lines •in Lady Tennyson's hand on an inserted slip, and a 'letter from Moxon offering him 200/. for an edition •of 10,000. The copy is in the original wrapper, vuncut, enclosed in a levant morocco " pull-off' case by Riviere. The price is 12W. The second relic is •the first draft of the Dedication to the Queen of his Poems published in 1853. The price of this is 1251. Under America is a coloured copy of Kingsborough's •rare work, 'The Antiquities of Mexico,' 1051. A choice set of Archseological Reports is 91. 9s. In a list of rare Bibles we find the Ashburnham copy -of the London Polyglott, 1657-69, 357. : first edition of Cromwell's Bible, 367.; and the Coverdale, 24W. The whole catalogue is full of important items. We can mention only a few more: Curtis's ' Flora Xondinensis,' 331. ; Bunyan's last work,' The Water of Life,' 1688, 2A 2*.: an illustrated copy of Dyer's

  • Cambridge,' 1814, 71. 10*.; a genuine and perfect

•copy of the ' Chronicon Nurembergense,' 1493, /28/. 10?. : and a set of the Chetham Society's publi- cations, SI. 9*. There are a number of Common- wealth and Revolution books ; and under Edward FitzGerald are two relics: his will, four pages, large ifolio, 4 September, 1858, wholly in his handwriting, 84/.; and his copy, with autograph, of Tucker's ' Pocket Dictionary of English and Persian,' 2U. Mr. James Thin, of Edinburgh, has in his new list a complete set of the 'Acts of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, 1638-1800,' 1W. 10*. : Grote's ' Greece,' the scarce 1872 edition. .51.: the First, the Second, and the Oriental Series of the Palseographical Society, 1873-94, 30/.; Perkins's 4 Tuscan Sculptors,' 31. 3*. ; a spotless copy of the ' Engravings from the Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds,'Graves, 95 guineas ; a set of The tt'itiitxs, 1840-51, 8/. 8*.: also of The Beafon, 1821, 15s. The latter paper was very scurrilous, and one of its articles was the cause of the duel between Sir Alex. Boswell and James Stuart, in which the former was fatally wounded. There are a number of items under Ruskin, America, Early Railways, Music, Law Books, &e. The catalogue of Mr. Thorp, of St. Martin's Lane, includes among black-letter books ' A New Booke of Destillatyon of Waters,' 1559, il. 4s. Mr. Swin- burne's ' Rosamund,' with autograph poem, is ii'. 6s. There are also a number of other first editions of the poet, including ' The Heptalogia,' 31. 3s. Wee- ver's ' Funeral Monuments,' 1767, is 18s. There are a number of books relating to the county of Kent. These include Berry's ' Pedigrees,' 1830. 11. 10*.; and Boys's ' History of Sandwich,' 1792, 51. 10*. Of Mr. Thorp's Reading Catalogue, containing 320 pages and 7,426 items. The Athena-um of 22 July said : " It is not easy to imagine the specialist who will fail to find something in it of interest." We fully endorse this. There are but few rarities, as this is a clearance catalogue, so that most of the books are well within the reach of the average collector. Messrs. Henry Young & Sons, of Liverpool, have a fine copy of the New Testament of Erasmus, very rare, price 157. 15*.; a tall copy of Chaucer, 1687. 1W. 10,x.; Dugdale's ' English Laws,' 1666, 57. 5s.; Madame Sevigne's letters, Paris, 87. 8*.; Grose's 'Antiquities,' 67. 6*.: Turner and Durikarton'i ' Historical Portraits,' 127. 12*. ; Humphreys's ' Illu- minated Books of the Middle Ages,' 1849, I .<'. 12*.; Roby's 'Lancashire,' 97. 9s.; Westall and Martin's engravings to Milton, 1794-1827, 31. 10*.; the first edition of Owen Jones's ' Ornamental Design,' 1856, SI. 10s. ; and a proof copy of Rogers'a ' Italy, 51. 15*. ii'/. The last contains a holograph note from the author to Mrs. Jameson, inviting her to one of his famous breakfasts. There is also much of interest under Rowlandson, English Scenery, Engraved Views, &c. 10 We mt call special attention to the following noticet :— V K cannot undertake to answerqueries privately. To secure insertion of communication* corre- spondents must observe the following rules. Let each note, query, or reply be written on a separate slip of paper, with the signature of the writer and such address as he wishes to appear. V hen answer- ing queries, or making notes with regard to previoui entries in the paper, contributors are requested to put in parentheses, immediately after the exact heading, the series, volume, and page or pages to which they refer. Correspondents who repeat queries are requested to head the second com- munication "Duplicate." D. K. T. ("Turkey Merchants").—Particulars of the Levant or Turkey Company will be found at 5th S. xii. 254, 516. J. F. CARTER (" Value of Money in Henry VHI.'g Time ").—See 9"' S. xi. 393 and the earlier references there supplied. NOTICE. Editorial communications should be addressed to "The Editor of ' Notes and Queries'"—Adver- tisements and Business Letters to "The Pub- lisher"—at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C.