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NOTES AND QUERIES, no* s. iv. AUG. 19,1005. THE ATHENJEUM JOURNAL OF ENGLISH AND FOREIGN LITERATURE, SCIENCE, THE FINE ARTS, MUSIC, AND THE DRAMA. THIS WEEK'S ATHEKEUM contains Articles on BASHIDO the SOUL of JAPAN. YOUNG JAPAN : The STOKY of the JAPANESE PEOPLE, and ESPECIALLY of their EDUCA- TIONAL DEVBLOPMKNT. JOHN KNOX and the RKFORMATION. CONTRIBUTIONS to BIBLICAL and PATRISTIC LITERATURE.and A STUDY of AMBROSIASTER. JAMKS MACPHERSON : an EPISODK in LITERATURE. JHARY and LETTERS of MADAME D'AKBLAY. A JAY of ITALY. The STORM CENTRE. The PARISH NURSE. ALTON of SOMASCO The NEW MINISTER. AL1X of the GLKN. The EXPLOITS of JO BALIS The REBEL PRINCE. The HOUSE of CAKDS. LOCAL HISTORY. PUBLICATIONS of the 8.P.C.K. YEAR-BOOKS and ROLLS TALES and FANTASIES. COUNTRY COTTAGES: HOW to BUILD. BUY, and FIT THEM UP MODEKN HOUSING in TOWN and COUNTRY. The JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDIA The RELIGION} of ISRAEL. N. LBNAU, POETB LYRIQUB. MORAL DISCIPLINE in the CHRISTIAN CHURCH. A COUNTRY BUNCH. LE8 DKUX S(EURS The WILD MARQUIS. HIKRURGIA ANGL1CANA. THOUGHT TRANSFERENCE. CRYSTAL GAZING. The FRANCE BOOK. The CATALOGUE of the IMPERIAL LIBRARY at CALCUTTA. 'The BON GAU1.TIER BALLADS.' DRYDEN'3 'ART of PAINTING.' The LOST EIGHTH- CKNTURY GRKGOHIANUM of the ROMAN CHUHCH. The PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS to the BRITISH ASSOCIATION for the ADVANCEMENT of SCIENCE LAST WEEK'S ATHENAEUM contains Articles on IN REMOTEST BAHOTSELAND. EDWARD FITZGERALD. TheCUKETONIAN VrfRSlON of the FOUR GOSPELS. A NEW VIEW of CRANMER. NEW NOVELS:—The Day's Journey; Glenanaar : Rose of Lone Farm; Mrs. Alemer's Elopement; Behind the Throne ; The Maid of the River; Mrs. Lygon's Husband; Fortune's Favourite ; The Valley of Inheritance; John Henry Smith; The Premier's Daughter; The Lady of Hirta; A Village Chronicle ; The King's Messenger. THEOLOGICAL LITERATURE. BOOKS for SCHOOLS and STUDENTS. OUR LIBRARY TABbE:—Some Famous Women of Wit and Beauty; The Regency of Marie de Me'dicis; The Origin of Thought and Speech; The Essentials of Composition and Rhetoric; A Welsh Classic : An Ancient Nuns' Rule ; An English Church History for Children; The Courtships of Catherine the Great; Propos d'Espagne ; Parisians out of Doors ; Mory & Cie.; Reprints and New Edition*. LIST of NEW BOOKS. DRYDES'd 'ART of PAINTING'; OLD MIDDLESEX RECORDS; JANE, the QUEEN'S FOOL- RAMET KL-KHALIL; MR. JOSEPH FOSTER'S 'INDEX ECCLESIA8TICUS' • TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS of the PRESS ; The CROWN of ANNE BOLEYN ; VOYAGK to the BANT INDIES. LITKRAKY GOSSIP. HCIENCE:—Books on Birds ; Research Notes; Anthropological Notes ; Gossip. FINE ARTS:—The Etchings of Rembrandt; History of Scottish Seals; Illustrated Books; Gossip. MUSIC :—Music Old and New ; Gossip. DRAMA:—What the Butler Saw ; Lucky Miss Dean; Time is Money ; Plajs ; Gossip. NEXT WEEK'S ATflENJEUM will contain Notices of The NOVELS of MRS. APHRA BEHN. The DOONES of EXMOOR. The ATHENAEUM, every SATURDAY, price THREEPENCE, of JOHN C. FRANCIS, Athrmeum Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, B.C. And of all Newsagents.