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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io* s. iv. SEPT. 9, ira. "MEWS VENDOR 8* BENEVOLENT and .Ll PROVIDENT INSTITUTION. Founded 1639. Fund* exceed 25,0001. Office : Memorial Hall Buildings, 16, Farrtngdon Street, London, B.C. Patron: •llu- Right Hon. the EARL of ROSEBBHY, K.G. President - The Right Hon. the LORD GLBNBSK. Treasurer : The LONDON and WESTMINSTER HANK, LIHITZD, 217, srimiil. W.C. Trustees (Ex-Ofticto Member* of Committee) : CHARLES HBNKY WALTER. h>.j. sir HORACE BROOKS MAU8HALL, M.A. J P. D.L. ALFRED HJSNRY HANCB, Esq. (Chairman of Ootumlttee). CHARLES AWDRY, K-M , M.A. OBJECTS — This Institution was established In 1639 In the City of London under the Presidency of the late Alderman Manner, for granting Pensions and Temporary Auistance to principals and iiH-L-'tirii » engaged as vendors ol newspapers. A Donation of Ten Guineas constitutes a Vice-Preside!, t and gives three votes for life at all elections. Kach Donation of Three Guineas gives a TO e at all election* for life. 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