Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/270

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [10th S. IV. SEPT. 16, 1905.


The last issue of the REFERENCE CATALOGUE having long been exhausted, the Publishers are preparing a NEW EDITION, to appear in APRIL or MAY, 1906.

As the indexing of the separate Catalogues is a process requiring much time-the last index contained upwards of ninety-nine thousand references-two copies of those intended for insertion should reach the office at the latest by the 15th of October. Rough proofs, or Catalogues corrected in manuscript, will serve for this purpose, as additions, in the shape of an addendum, may be made up to the end of March.

The Catalogues themselves should be ready for delivery by the middle of March. The number required for insertion is 4,040, demy 8vo, printed on thin white paper (18 lb.), deliverd cold-pressed, but not cut.

It will be of very great advantage for ready reference if the Name of the Publishers be printed at the head of each page of their Catalogue.

The charge for insertion of Catalogues will be as follows:- 3l. 3s. per sheet of 16 pp. or less, and 10s. 6d. for every succeeding 16pp. or less.

As copies of the REFERENCE CATALOGUE find their way into the hands of many private bookbuyers, and into private libraries, and as it is one of the Reference Books in all the Public Libraries, trade prices are not admissible. It should also be stated that, as many copies are absorbed by the Continental Booksellers and Public Libraries, as well as by those of the Colonies, India, and the United States, it will be found expedient to annotate the lists more freely than would otherwise be though necessary.

A voucher copy will be sent to every Publisher whose List is included in the Volumes.

London: J. WHITAKER & SONS, LIMITED, Warwick Lane, Paternoster Row, E.C.