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io«. s. iv. SEPT. 16,1905.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 223

The New Testament. History of the warrs of Italy. The Life of Gasman. Erasmus. The Old Testament. The french Academy. The History of Flanders. The Institution of the Sacrament. Willets Commentary on Genesis. Montaigues Essayes. Sandersons Life of King Charles. The 3"' Desk. Doct' Hammond Annot. on y" Fsalmes. Kings Description of Cheshire. Camodens Elizabeth, Lat. The State of Christendoms. Sandys Travells. He[y]lyns Hist, of the Church. Laud & Fishers Conference. The Hist, of Presbytery by H. F. Bodins Commonwealth. The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia. Bacons Henry the Seventh. Wilsons Life of King James. Herberts Travells. Ushers Body of Divinity. Daniels Chronicle. Orlando Furiosp. Lisander & Calista. Seldens Mare Clausum. Antoninus his Commentary. The History of Guicciardin. Halls Government. The Compleat Ambassadour. Mysteryes of State. Scrinia Sacra. Ephemeris Parliamentarian. A Declaration of the late Tumults by Charles « Jl... Fullers Holy warre. Cornelius Tacitus, 2 parts. Bacons Resuscitation. Hookers Eclesiasticall Polyty. Stradas Low Country warrs. Ovids Metamorphoses, 2 parts. Brownes Vulgar Erroun. Cowleys Poems. The Life of Lewis the 13th. Riverius his Physick. Generall Dictionary. Morisons Itenerary. The life of Henry the eighth. The 4th Desk. Descartes, two volumes. Barclays Argenis Kngl., 3 volumes. Scrinia Sacra. Calvins Institutes. The life of Sr Thomas Moore. Blundeviles Exercises. Boyles Experiments of Air. Powers Microscopicall Observations. Leiceeters Commonwealth. Monntagues Appeall to Cassar. Certamen Religiosum. The Hist, of Indepen[den]cy. Donnes Letters. Long Parlment Speeches. Observations on the Roman Emperours. The Analysis of Honour. Grotius of warre & peace, 2 parts. Englands Worthies. • The Life of Oliver Cromwell. A practical! discourse of Prayer. The Diurnall Occurrences of the L: Parl. Bacons Essays. Roman Antiquities, 2 parts. Sucklins Poems. Lithgowes Travells. A Collection of Parl. Occurrences. Tlowells Letters. The Tryall of the Registries of C : y° 1™'. Donnes selfe Homicide. Ushers Answer to a Jesuite. Hammonds Reveiw [tic] on the New Testament, Balzacks Letters. The Abridgment of Stow. The 5th Desk. 2 Dictionaries. Taylours Practice of Repentance. The Stimuli; of Christian Religion. Browne[s] Vulgar Errours. The History of Justin. Maines Sermons. Hammonds Discourse of Gods Grace, &c. Witts Interpreter. The 2'"' Part of Hudibras. Bramhalls Answer to Hobbs. Boyles Occasipnall Reflections. Culpeppers Dispensatory. The Arcadian Princesse. Balsacks Letters. Parlment Speeches, 2 parts. Donnes Sermons. Surveyours Dialouge [sic]. Pamplets. Brerewoods Enquiries. The Accedence of Armory. Three Worlds England. Boultons Lectures. The Hist, of Waldenses 4 Albingens [«»c]. The Theatre of Gods judgments. The Orthodox foundation. Ortelius his Epitome. Hist, of y* 10 persecutions. Charltones thankful! Remembrances. Birth of Man. Eng. Heroicall Epistles, 2. The life of Edward y« fi. Sinii h[s] Commonwealth. Mathematicall Recreations. Butlers Bees. The City Purchaser (?). Machiavills discourses. The H. of Mary queene of S. Halls Cases of Conscience. Sermons. Donnes Poems. Rawleighs Ghost. Bramhalls Church of England. Culpeppers Astroll. judgment, &c. Mrs. Pnylipps poems. Hammonds Fundamentalls. Stapletons Juvenal!. The life of Sejanus. A patterne of Chatechesticall [«ic] Uoct. Wottons Collections. Taylours Holy Liveing. Herberts Poems. The 6"1 Desk. Cornelius Agrippa. Usheri Antiquitates. - Operse.