Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/296

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242 NOTES AND QUERIES. [io«-s. iv. SEPT. 23.1905 that the name of Clara is intended as a sobriquet. Vet, unless the actress was nick- named '• Clara," as Mrs. Wells was termed " Becky," or unless Clara was a character in a play in which she appeared, I do not believe that the editor would have taken such a liberty with her nomenclature. A moments reflection must convince any one that the magazine would not have run for twenty- four years if these tete-a-tetes, which unques- tionably are its most distinguished feature, had been spurious or inaccurate. Sir George Trevelyan has pointed out that in the early days of Charles James Fox the fashionable world of London was very small, and that every one took an absorbing interest m its daily life. The editor of The Town and Countn/ Magazine would not have been able to produce so much smoke unless he had been assisted by a certain amount of fire. Although my list is incomplete, and pos- sibly in many instances inaccurate, 1 am sending it in its present form with the hope that the readers of ' N. & Q.' will be able to fill up the vacant places more quickly than 1 can do myself. Those familiar with the lives of Eichard Rigby and Sir Fletcher Norton will be able to decide the identity of Mrs. g n and Mrs. G..h..m.* It is dangerous to make phonetic guesses, notwithstanding that many of the blanks appear sufficiently obvious. KEY TO THE TETE-A-TETES, VOLS. I.-XX.» Vol. I. (1769). 1 P 13 Dorimont and Maria.—Duke of Glouces- ter and Lady Waldegrave.

  • > P 57 Americanus and Eliza.—George, third

Karl of Albemarle, and Mrs. Anne T. P 114 Paliniirus and Annabella. — Duke of

  • Graf ton and Nancy Parsons.

4 P 170, Gordianus and Messalina.—Lord Wm. Gordon and Lady Sarah Lennox. 5 p 005 Dunkara and Marianne.—Earl of Halifax and Mrs. Donaldson. 6 P 281, Volpone and Mrs. S.. — Lord Holland and Mrs. Saunders. 7 P 237, Honorius and Mrs. Wh..te.—Hugh, first Duke of Northumberland, and Mrs. White. 8 P. 394. Scotius and the Countess of L......a.— Earl of March and Countess La Rena. 9. P. 449, Nauticus and the Countess of D.h.ft- Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumber- land, and the Countess of Dunhoff. 10 P. 505, The Amorous Agent and Miss B...e.— John Calcraft and Miss Bride. 11 P 561, Jemmy Twitcher and Miss R...y.—Lord " " Sandwich and Martha Ray. • Since writing the above I have found that Mr. F G. Stephens has suggested in his mor» .mental work, ?A Catalogue to the Satirical Prints and Drawings in the British Museum' (vo - iv. p. 687), that Mrs. G..h..m is a Mrs. Goreham. 12. P. 617, Baron Otranto and Mrs. Heidelburgh.— Horace Walpole and Mrs. Clive. 13. P. 673, Dr. Snuintum and Parrawanka.—George Whitefield and Parrawanka, the Indian squaw. Vol. II. (1770). 14. P. 9, GermanicusandSignoraG i.—Alarqui* of Granby and Signora Guadagni. 15. P. 65, The Father of the City and Mrs. T s. —Sir Robert Ladbroke and 16. P. 121, Lord Pybald and Mrs. M sh.—Hugh, second Viscount Falmouth, and 17. P. 177, The Old Soldier and the Youthful Hebe. —Sir John Ligonier and Mrs. Watson. 18. P. 233, SirBullface Doublefee and Mrs. G..h..m. —Sir Fletcher Norton and Mn Goreham (T). 19. P. 289, L. d R... S.... and Miss Ken.dy.—Lord Robert Spencer and Polly Kennedy. 20. P. 345, Tom Tilbury and Mrs. T..rr...t.—Robert, Earl of Northington, and 21. P. 401, The Cheshire Cornuto and Miss W...U*. —Lord Grosvenor and Nancy W 22. P. 457, E..1 of R d and Miss Gr n.—Lord Rochford and Polly Green. 23. P. 613, Count H g and Madame M..y..r.— Count Haslang and Madame Meyer. 24. P. 569, Col. Las lies and Miss—Col. Lascelles and Miss Catley. 25. P. 625, Lord D ne and Miss H..ll..d.—Lord Deloraine and Miss Holland. 26. P. 681, Sir Simony Scruple and the SubtU Sinner.—Rev. Martin Madan and VOL. III. (1771). 27. P. 9, The Hostile Scribe and the Stable Yard Messalina.—William, 2nd Viscount Barrington, and Lady Harrington. 28 P. 65, L.d W and Miss H— Lord Weymouth and Miss Harriett Lambe. "9 P 121, L..d C gh and Mrs. D.V.S.—Robert, Earl of Catherlough, and Mrs. Davis. 30. P. 177, The Sorry Motion Maker and Miss Ev.ns.—George, Earl of Onslow, and Miss Evans. 31. P. 233, Lord Vainlove and Mrs. M.rsh...!.— William, second Viscount Vane, and Mrs. Marshall. 32. P. 289, Mungo and Miss—Jeremiah Dyson and...... 33 P 345 L..d S and Mrs. M.lls. — Henry, twelfth Earl of Suffolk, and Mrs. M ills. 34. P. 401, The Duke of R and Mrs. —John, third Duke of Rutland, and Mrs. Drake. 35. P. 457, Ad....l K and Mrs. VV..IU.—Admiral Augustus Keppel and 36. P. 513, LordT and Mrs.—LordTalbofc 37. P. 569, Lord T y and Miss J n.—Lord Tyrawlev and Miss Johnson. 38. P. 625, The Middlesex Champion and Mis» J..nes.—Col. Henry Lawes Luttrell and Polly Jones. 39 P. 681, The Reverend Joiner and the Female Politician.—Dr. Thomas Wilson and' Mrs. L n. HORACE BLEACKLEY. Fox Oak, Walton-on-Thames. (To be continued.)