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io» s. iv. SEW. so, iocs.] NOTES AND QUERIES. THE ATHEN-ffiUM JOURNAL OF ENGLISH AND FOREIGN LITERATURE, SCIENCE, THE FINE ARTS, MUSIC, AND THE DRAMA. THIS WEEK'S ATHENAEUM contains Articles on The LIFE of CHARLES DICKENS as REVEALED in his WRITINGS. FROM the CAPE to the ZAMBESI. TWO ST. CATHERINES. The CIVIL WAR in the UNITED STATES. The HDNDRED DAYS. HELENA. The COMING of BILLY. A MAKER of HISTORY. At the SIGN of the JACK o' LANTHORN. A LONDON GIRL. EGYPTOLOGICAL BOOKS. LECTURES by a THOUGHTFUL RUSSIAN. REPORTS on HOUSING and INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS. The BRASSWORKERS of BERLIN and of BIRMINGHAM. WILD FLOWERS MONTH by MONTH in their NATURAL HAUNTS. JOHN WESLEY, EVANGELIST. REPRINTS. O. H. OVEREND. 'A CURIOUS DANCE ROUND A CURIOUS TRBE.1 ENGLISH PRONUNCIA- TION- The Late Mr. L. F. AUSTIN. AUTUMN PUBLISHING SEASON. RESEARCH NOTES. The CONQUEROR. The BETURN of the PRODIGAL. LAST WEEK'S ATHENJEUM contains Articles on HISTORY of BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. CORYAT'S CRUDITIES. EDDCATION, ANCIENT and MODERN. NEW NOVELS :—Starvecrow Farm; A Servant of the Public ; Because of Jock; At the Sign of the Fox ; His Better Half. SCHOOL-BOOKS. OCR LIBRARY TABLE :—China in Law and Commerce; Book-Auction Records; History of Hadley; Modern Masters of Pulpit Discourse; The Pocket Richard Jefferiea; Austin Dobson's Selected Poems ; The "Harmsworth Library." LIST of NEW BOOKS. GEORGE MAC DONALD; The TEACHING of ENGLISH; The REFORM in CLASSICAL TEACH- ING ; The CRABBE CELEBRATIONS; ' KNOX and the REFORMATION'; The Rev. S. G. GREBN, D.D. ; ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION ; The AUTUMN PUBLISHING SEASON. LITERARY GOSSIP. SCIENCK:—Our Library Table (British Rainfall; British Progress in Municipal Engineering); The International Congress of Radiology; Anthropological Notes; Gossip. FINE ARTS:—Notes on the Churches of Blytbing Hundred ; Hoppner's Portrait of Miss Mercer; Gossip. MUSIC :—The Worcester Festival; Gossip ; Performances Next Week. DRAMA :— Clarice; Dick Hope; Grein's Dramatic Criticism; Elizabethan Drama; Some Marlowa Biddies; Gossip. NEXT WEEK'S ATHEKEUM will contain Notices of J. H. SLATER'S HOW to COLLECT BOOKS. PROF. HARNACK'S The EXPANSION of CHRISTIANITY in the FIRST THREE CENTURIES. JOHN C. FRANCIS, Athentevm Office, Bream's Buildings, E.G.