Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/342

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io-s.iv. OCT. 7,1905. N KWSVBNDORS' BENEVOLENT rnilM Dl'.M- INSTITUTION. Founded 1639. Fundi exceed 25«X». Offlc* : Memorial Hall Buildings, 16, Farrlngdon Street. London, B.C. Patron : The Right Hon. the EAUL of KOSKHKKY. K.G. President: The Right Hon. the LOH1I GLENBSK. Treasurer: The LONDON and WEHTMINHTRK BANK, LlxiriD, 217. Mrand. W.C. Trustees fKx-Offielo Members of Committee): CHAKLBS HKNKY WALI'Klt. Esq. Mr HORA'JK BROOKS MARSHALL. M.A. 3.Y. D.L. Al '. li < ii HKMiy HANL'K. E«q. (Chairman of Committee). CHAHLFS AWDRY, Eiq., M.A. OBJECT" —This Institution was established in ISS9 ID the City of London, nnder the Presidency of the lat« Alderman Mariner for granting Pensions and Temporary Assistance to principals and atMflianu engaged an vendors or newspapers. A Donation of Ten Guineas constitutes a Vice-President and gives three votes for life at all elections. Kaeb Donation of Three Onineas ITlves a vo e at all elections for life. Every Annual Kubserlber Is entitled to one vote at all elections In respect of each Five shillings so paid MKMHERSHIP.—Every min and woman throughout the United Kingdom. wn*ther publisher, wholesaler, retailer, employer, or employed in entitled to become a member of this institution and enj'iy its benefits upon payment of Five Shillings annually or Three Oulneas f u Life, provided that he or she is engaged In the sale of newspapers. The principal features of the Rules governlngelectlon to all Pensions are, that eich candidate shall hare beenil) a member of the Institution for not les« than len years preceding application! (I'l not legs than flftr-flve tears ol age i |3j engaged In the sale of newspapers for u least ton vear« KBL1KF.— Temporary relief Is given In cases of distress, not only to Members of the Institution, hnt to newsvendors or their servspts who may l»e recommended for assistance by members of the Institu- tion Inquiry Is made In Huch cases by Visiting Committees and relief is awarded lu accordance with the merits and requirements of «sch c»« W. WILK1E JONES, Secretary. NOW BEADY, price lOj. M. net. THE NINTH SERIES rj. E N E R A L INDEX OF NOTES AND QUERIES. With Introduction by JOSEPH KNIGHT, F.S.A. This Index is double the size of previous ones, ss It contains. In addition to the usual Index ot Subjects, the Names and Pseudonyms of Writers, with a 1.1st of their Contributions. The number of con*tant Contributors exceeds eleven hundred. The Publisher reserves the right of Increasing the price of the Volume at any time. The number printed is limited, and the type haa been distributed. Free by post, lOi. lid. JOHN 0. FRANCIS, NoUi and Qwri« Office, Bream's Buildings. B.C. SECOND EDITION, fcap. 8vo, price Fourpence. NEW TKSTAMENT CHRONOLOGY: the Principal Event* recorded In the New Testament arranged under their Probable Respective Dates. By W. T. LYNN B A F K.A.B., Associate of King's College. London. Lay Header In the IHocese of Rochester, Author of •Celestial Motions.' 'Remarkable Comets,' ' Remarkable Ecllpies,' ' Astronomy for the Young,' Ae. London: SAMUEL BA08TER * SONS, LIMITED, 1C, Paternoster Row. NOW READY, THIRD EDITION, REVISED and BNLAROBD. T'HK PENNY CHRONOLOGY: a Series of Important Dates In the History of the World from the Reign of David to the Present Time. Third Edition. By W. T. LYNN, B.A. London: SAMUEL BA09TER ft SON3, Lixrrxn. U, Paternoster Bow. bjj 3lactum. i'I'll.,/.:,• Mucellaneoui Boo/a, including Portion* if tlu Librarie* of the late H. C. KlCHAKDS.ElQ..K.C.Mf., and tlu Col. MOORS, C.B. (told by order if tlu Ezecutorg). It/I KSSRS. HODGSON & CO. beg to annonnce •«*• that their AUTUMN SKASON for the Sale of RiBB and V AM Aid.K BOOKS will oommence on TUESDAY, October 10, at 1 o'clock, when they will offer the above LIBKAKIKS and other Properties, comprising a fine Set in full Oalf of The State Papers. 89 vols —HerUlet's Collectioo nf Treaties, 19 vols. morocco—Harlelan Society's Publica- tions', 54 vola.—a Complete Set of the Henry Bradihav Society, 28 vole.—Series of Arebwologia, Surrey Arcbwlo- gical Collections., 40.—Baker'l Hittory of Northampton, 2 vola.—Plinche'a Cjclopiedla of Cost urn", 2 vola.—Tiuot'i Life of Christ, * vols.. and other Pine Art Booka—Freeman's Norman Conquest. 6 vola., and other Historical Work»-Tbe Kcloiscott Type Edition of Morrii'i Worfci, 8 voli —Hnt K.iitloi)B, and an extenaive Selection of Standard Books In all Department*, of Literature—Kecent Publications Irom the Library of a Reviewer—Bncyclopirdla Brirannlca, Tenth Edition, 3rt vola.—Arundel Society's ChromolaboKraphi— Coloured Caricatures, 4o, To be viewed and Catalogues had. Valuable Miuxllantmu Booki, including the Library <f tkt lute Rev. J. M. BACON, F.B.A.S.; Portion of the Library of the late JAUKU MADDEN; tlu Library of an Eminat Journalitt (recently deceated), and other Proper tia. ItTESSRS. HODGSON & CO. will SBLL by 1**- AUCTION, at their Rooms. 115. Chancery Lane, W.C, on MONDAY. TUBSDAY, THUBSDAY. aud FK1- >AY, October 18, 17, 19, and 20, at 1 o'clock, the above LlbBAHIBS, comprising Hash's History of Worcestershire, ( vols.. and otbrr Topographical and Antiquarian Books— lowell'l State Trials, 34 vols.—English Historical Society1! 'ublloations, 23 vols , large paper—the Works of Von Sybel. ianke. Burton, Froude, and others—Max Muller's Transla- lous of the Sacred Books of the Bast, 42 volt.—Symonds's Jistory of the Renaissance, 7 vols., First Editions—Buskin's dodern Painters, 7 vols.. Original and Brat Editions— Burton's Arabian Nights, Original Edition, wlrh theSuppl^ ment. Id vols.—Beaumont and Fletcher's Wo'ki. by Dyoe, 1 vols.; also Engravings—Coloured Sporting Prints, to. Catalogues on application. are and Valuable Boo/a, including tlu Library ,f the late Bet. FRANCIS PROCTER, It.A., remoc,dfrom Witun Vicarage, NoifM; and a Selection of fine Bookt fnan the Libra'y of a Collector. MESSRS. HODGSON & CO. will SRLL by AUCTION, at their Rooms, 115, Cbancerv Lane, IheKNU of OOTOBKR. RARE and VALUABLE IOOK.S, the above Library, and other Properties, comprising tie Engraved Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds,,and olocr tie Illustrated Books—Ackermanu's Oxford University, vols.. a beautiful Copy on Large Paper— Drummond'i kible British Families, 2 vols., and other Antiquarian and 'opograpblcal Works—a Collection of Incunabula from the 1'ilu.n and other Foreign Presses—Illuminated .Mas. on Vlliim; Jesuit Relations (America and Canada, 1K1U-1T91), xilted by Thwaitee, 73 vols.; also handsome Sets of Arcbvo- oglcal. Historical, and other valuable Standard Works in uf and morocco bindings—B»oks illustrated by Boir- andson—Original Drawings by Thackeray, Jtc. . HODGSON k CO. will be pleased to receive applications for CATALOGUES of the adore ALBS, which will be posted as soon as ready. TheyirUl Iso be glad to explain the methods of their Sales, and to uote Terms In respeot of the utm«, or for Valuation* °* Literary Property.