Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/380

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314 NOTES AND QUERIES. [io» B. iv. OCT. H, NOG. Ashbee's 'Iconography,' but do not find these volumes in his lists. KALPH THOMAS. FLEET STREET, No. 53 (10th S. iii. 427,493: iv. 94).—The prints of Westminster and London, making a panoramic view which begins with the south end of Westminster and ends with the To^wer and London Bridge, engraved by S. & N. Buck, were published "Sept. llth, 1749, No. 1. Garden Court, Middle Temple, London." These five prints I have before me. As to place or places of publication of the rest of the (about) 500 views engraved by the brothers Buck I know nothing. ROBERT PIERPOINT. ETON SCHOOL LISTS (10th S. iv. 187).—Is there any note in these lists of George, Earl Waldegrave, who was unfortunately drowned when at Eton in 1794, at the early age of ten years 1 He had succeeded to the title in 1789, when only five years of age. The probability is that he was buried with his ancestors at Navestock, in Essex, in the mausoleum adjoining the church. JOHN PICKFORD, M.A. Newbourne Rectory, Woodbridge. THE PURPOSE OF A FLAW (10th S. iv. 208). —In Lower Bengal, where I lived for many years, the same custom was common as regards the building of a new pucca (brick) house (there were no stones there) and of a Muth (Hindoo temple). Some part was always left in an unfinished state. The reason of this, however, was a superstition among the natives that, if any one completed such a building, he would die shortly after- wards. Might not this Oriental idea have some bearing with regard to the Jewish dwellings ? ALEX. THOM.S. RIPLEY ARMS (10th S. iii. 167).—Some months ago I asked for information as to the existence of an heraldic seal of early date bearing the arms of Ripley of Ripley Castle, near Foun- tains Abbey, Yorkshire, but obtained no response. Can any one now give me in- formation on another point? In Papworth's 'Ordinary,' under "3 lions," there occurs the following blazon: "Per chev. arg. and az. three lions ramp, counterchanged. SIR REPLEY," and the reference (v.) is to Glover's 'Ordinary,' Cotton MS. Tiberius D. 10; Harl. MSS. 1392 and 1459. But in the copy of 'Glover's Roll' printed in 1868 by George J. Armytage I am unable to find any such blazon, or any reference to the name of Ripley or Repley. Is Mr. Armytage's Roll the ' Ordinary ' referred to in Papworth ? And if so, how is the omission of this blazon to be accounted for 2 A. CALDER. OFFICERS OF STATE IN IRELAND (10th S. IT. 149, 214).—With reference to the answer at the latter reference, I should like to state that I am acquainted with the lists in the 'Book of Dignities,' and have reason to believe them inaccurate. Could any con- tributor refer me to the actual records from which information may be derived about the Officers of State in Ireland, in particular the Principal Secretary of State, or Secretary of the Council, and Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant, or Secretary for Ireland ? My name is Holt, not "Hall," as printed ante, p. 149. R. VINCENT HOLT. Lincoln College, Oxford. The authoritative lists of such officers will be found in the ' Liber Munerum Publicornm Hibernire ; or, the Establishments of Ireland from the 19th of King Stephen to the 7th of George IV.,'compiled by Rowley Lascelles, of the Middle Temple, barrister-at-law, uader the authority of Parliament, and ordered to be printed in 1824. An index to the work will be found in Appendix III. of the Ninth Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Records in Ireland (1877). EDMUND T. BEWLIY. JOHN BLAND, THE EDINBURGH ACTOK- MANAGER (10tl1 S. iv. 204).—Is MR. LAWREXCE acquainted with what has already appeared in ' N. & Q.' respecting this celebrated actor! See 9"' S. xii. 207, 277, 335. EVERARD HOME COLKMAS. 71, Brecknock Road. ISAAC JOHNSON, OF MASSACHUSETTS (10"| S. iv. 227).—Had he any children? His wife. Lady Arbella Clinton, alias ffynes, was a descendant of George, Duke of Clarence. See the 'Plantagenet Roll,' Clarence vol., p. 174. Any information would greatly oblige. RUVIGXY. Galway Cottage, Chertsey. THE ALMSMEN, WESTMINSTER ABBEY S. iv. 168, 236).—May I be permitted to say that, if MR. HARLAND-OXLEY be right as u> the constitution of this_ body of men—and i would appear from his statement that b must be—there seems to be something wrong somewhere? I have been informed that » Mr. Smith, lately connected with the church of St. James the Less, Westminster, and pre- viously in the employment of Messrs. Mowkffl & Co., has been, upon the suggestion of the Rev. Theophilus Greatorex, the vicar of thai church, nominated to be one of the aln»OT« by the Dean of Westminster; and a fartbt statement was made to me that the aforesaid Mr. Smith has never been in either the or army. It may not be out of place