Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/413

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NOTES AND QUERIES: §, HJtbhim of Jnlmflmmunuaiirjn FOR LITERARY MEN, GENERAL READERS, ETC. 1 When found, make a note of."—CAPTAIN CUTTLE. No. 96. [£££] SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1905. OXFORD JJNIVERSITY PRESS. SHAKESPEARE'S POEMS AND PERICLES. A Reproduction in Facsimile, with Introductions by Mr. SIDNEY LEE, of the Earliest Kditions of that portion of Shakespeare's Work which found no place in the First Folio, viz., PERICLES and the Four VoiumeR of Poems—VENUS and ADONIS, LUCRECE. SONNETS, and The PAS- SIONATE PILGRIM. Bach Volume will be reproduced by the Collotype process from the finest accessible copy of the Original Issue, and will be similar to the Collotype Reproduction of the Shakespeare First Folio. The Five Reproductions will be printed on 0. W. Paper, the size being 10 in. by 8 in. They will be issued in four styles of binding: la five volumes, not sold separately, either (a) in real vellum with kid leather ties (the precise form of the original binding), at 6/. 5*. net the set; or (b) in paper boards imitating vellum, with ties after the original manner of binding, at 31. Wt. net the set, Or in a single volume (c) in rough calf, at 4/. 4». net; or (d) in paper boards, at 3/. 3*. net. The number of copies printed will not be more than 1,250, of which 250 are for America. All copies will be numbered, and VENUS and ADONIS, the first volume of each set, will be signed by Mr. Lee. [Firit volume ready immediately. The DREAM of the ROOD. An Old English Poem attributed to Cynewnlf. Edited by ALBERT S. COOK. Extra fcap. 8vo, cloth, 3*. 6d. The OXFORD HISTORY of MUSIC will be completed by the issue of the late Mr. DANNRKUTHER'S The ROMANTIC PERIOD (Vol. VI.) and the Second Portion of Mr. WOOLDKIDGE'3 The POLYPHONIC PERIOD (Vol. II ). The Six Volumes are I.. II.. The POLYPHONIC PERIOD, bv Mr. WOOLDRIDSE ; III.. The SEVENTEENTH CEN- TURY, by Sir HUBERT PARRY; IV.. The AGE of BACH and HANDKL, by Mr. FULLER MAITLAND; V., The VIENNESE SCHOOL, by Mr. HADOW; and VI., The ROMANTIC PERIOD, by Mr. DANNREUTHEH. 15*. net per vol. SPECIAL OFFER FOR A FEW WEEKS ONLY.—Vols. II. and VI., 15*. net for the Two Volumes ; the Complete Work, 31. The TRAVERSING of GEOMETRICAL FIGURES. By J. Cook WILSON. Crown 8vo, cloth, 6*. net. ALSO PUBLISHED BY BKNRY FROWDE. The ENGLISH DIALECT GRAMMAR: comprising the Dialects of England, of the Shetland and Orkney Inlands, and of tbnpe parts of Scotland, Ireland, and Wales where Kn|jll«ti Is habitually spoken. ByJOSBPH WRIGHT, Ph D. D.C.L. LL.D. J.itt.D. Crown 8»o, cloth, 16i. net ; but until December 31st, 19U5, the Work can be purchased for 10>. W. net. CHAUCER. Facsimile Reproduction of the First Folio, 1532. Edited, with Introduction, bv the Rev. Prof. SKBiT, Lltt.D. The Bdltlon Is limited to 1,000 Copies. 61 5f. net, bound In antique boards, or o/. ti». net In rough calf. London : HENRY FROWDE, Oxford University Press Warehouse, Amen Corner, F.C.