Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/436

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [l0“B-IV- Ocr. 28.15- STANDARD BOOKS FOR THE LIBRARY. ,_¢é,_¢@w»¢ LORD MACAULAYI HISTORY of ENGLAND from the ACCESSION of JAMES the SECOND. POPULAR EDITION. 2 vols. crown Svo, 51. CRITICAL and HISTORICAL ESSAYS, with LAYS of ANCIENT ROME, Ac. 1 vol. RD ION Cro 8 21 6d POPULAR IT . wn vo, . . “ SILVER LIBRARY ” EDITION. Wlth Portrait and 4 Illustrations to the ‘ Lays.” Crown 8vo, 31. 6d. MISCELLANEOUS WRITINGS, SPEECHES, and POEMS. POPULAR EDITION. Crown 8vo, 21. Sd. COMPLETE VVORKS. “ ALBANY " EDITION. Wlth 12 Portraits. 12 vols. large crown 8vo, 31. 64. each, or 21. 21. the Set. “EDINBURGH " EDITION. 8 vols. 8vo, 61. each. CABINET EDITION. 16 vols. post 8vo, 41. 161.

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