Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/438

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [w»txr.>*r.uft NEWS VENDORS' BENEVOLENT and PROVIDENT INSTITUTION. Founded 1839. Fundi exceed 250001. Office : Memorial Hall Buildings, 18, Farriogdon Street, London, B.C. I'.itriMi : The Right Hon. the EiKL of KOSBBEHY, K.G. President • The Right Hon. the LORD GLBNE8K, Treasurer: The LONDON and WB8TMINRTRR BANK, LIMITED, Z17, Strand, W.C. Trustees (Bx-Ofticlo Hembeni of Commtttee): CHARLES UBNHY WALTER. Esq. Sir HORACE BROOKS MARSHALL, M.A. J.P. D.L. ALFRE1> HBNKY HANOB, Esq. (Chairman of Committee). CHARLKS A W Mi( Y. Esq.. M.A. OBJECTS —This Institution WM established In 1S39 In tbe City of London, under the Presidency of the late Alderman Harmer, for granting Pensions and Temporary Assistance to prluclpala and assistant* engaged as vendors of newspapers. A Donation of Ten Guineas constitutes a Vice-President and (rives three votes for life at all elections. Kach Donation of Three Guineas gives a vo e at all elections for life. Every Annual subscriber is entitled to one vote at all elections in respect of each Five Shillings so paid. MtfMHKtt«H11'.—Every m«n and woman throughout the United Kingdom, whether publisher, wholesaler, retailer, employer, or employed, is entitled to become a member of thts Institution, and enjoy Its benefits upon payment of live Shillings annually or Three Guineas f »r Life, provided that he or she is engaged in the sale of newspaper*. The principal features of the Kuleg governlngelectlon to all Pensions are, that e >ch candidate shall have been (1) * member of the Inttttation for not if-- than ten years preceding application; f2i not less than flfty-flve years of age; <•; engaged In the sale of newspapers for at least ten vears. KELIRF.— Temporary relief is given ID eases of distress, not only to Members of the Institution, but to newsvendors or their servants who may be recommended for assistance hv members of the Institu- tion inquiry IN made in -m-ii cases by Visiting Committees, and relief Is awarded in accordance with the merits and requirements of each case. W. WILXIE JONKS, Secretary. NOW READY, price 1 '-. 6d. net. THE NINTH SERIES ^.ENERAL INDEX OF NOTES AND QUERIES. With Introdnctlon by JOSEPH KNIGHT, F.8.A. This Index is double the slxe of previous ones, as it contains, In addition to the usual Index ol Subjects, the Names and Pseudonyms of Writers, with a List of their Contributions. The number of constant Contributors exceeds eleven hundred. The Publisher reserves the right of Increasing the price of the Volume at any time. Th0 number printed Is limited, and the type has been distributed. Free by post, 10«. lid. JOHN 0. FRANCIS, Xote* atd Queries Office, Bream's Building*. B.C. TWELFTH EDITION, price Sixpence, cloth. TJEMARKABLK COMBTS : a Brief Survey of the •t-V most Interesting Facts In the History of Cometary Astronomy. By W. T. LYNN, B.A. F R A 8. 8AMP30N LOW. MAR8TON A CO , LIMITED, 15k, Paternoster Row, E.C. THIRD EDITION, Revised to 1904, fcap. 8vo, cloth, price Sixpence. ASTRONOMY for the YOUNG. By W. T. LYNN, B.A. F.K.A.8. London: SAMUEL HAOSTER & SONS, LIMITED, 15, Paternoster Row. . M A THENJEUM PRESS. —JOHN EDWARD J FRANCIS. Printer of the Attien#um, Kottt and Qucrtti, Ac., ll prepared to SUBMIT KSTIMATKs for all kinds of BOUK. NBWS. and PERIODICAL PRINTING. —13, Breams HulldlDgs, Chancery Lane, B.C. VTOTES AND QUERIES.—The SUBSCRIPTION 1 ^ to NOTES AND QUERIES free by post Is 10... id. for Sti Moiihi; or 20s 6J. for Twelve Months. Including the Volume lBdex.-JOHK C. FRANCIS, KoUt and Qutriet Office. Bream's Buildings. Uhsncttj Lsa>. OHORTHAND-TYPIST WANTED.—Character of kJ more Importance than speed. A person with knowledge of Tnot Revising would he given preference —Apply Box 500, Athenian Frm IS, Bream's Buildings, Chancery L*ne, B.C. PATIENT (PAYING) could be TAKEN by a

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