Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/534

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io* B. iv. DEC. 2, in ONDON TOPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Th*PRVBNTH ANNUAL MRETINO ol thU SOCIETY will be hrtd OD FK1I»Y |)f)-f iiitMT 15. 1906 »l 4.30 p » , la the KOOMS of the flOCIBTYflF ANTIQUAKltt*, BURLING I ON HOUHK. MB PHILIP NOKMAN. F B A., will take the Chair aad deliver an Address on the • lUmian Wall of Loodon.' Ticket* for the Meeting .WMoMtfM4fnH.IMM.ntW7, BBHHAKUOOMMB. 19, Chtl.inl'i Inn, Fleet Street, B.C. T ONDON TOPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. PUBLICATIONS OF THB SOCIETY FOR THE VEAK 1905. (1) AOAS'8 MAP of LOKUON, circa 1MO. ..: FA1THOKHR'8 HAP of LONDON, 1658. ANNUAL 8CR8C11IFTION to Ihe 8OOIKTV, ONE Gl'INBA. Al.i-l of the «nciety's lt*^ Publication*, together with a Form of Application «or M.mb«.l,lp, mar b. obtame, from the 10, Cllftard'l Ion, fleet Street. B.C. S AND QUERIES.—The SUBSCRIPTION ' NKWSVENDOKb' BKNEVOLKNT and PBOTIU8MT INSTITUTION. Founded 18J9. Fond* eiemd 290001. OOoe: Memorial Hall Bnlldlnirt. 16, Farrtnfdon Street, London, K.C. Patron: Toe Right Hon. the KIKL of KOBBBBHY, K.O. Preildent, Tbe Rl(bt Hon. the LOUD OLENESK. Treasurer The LONDON and WBSTH1NHTEH BANK, LimnD, 217, Kliand. W.C. RKLIBP.—Temporary r-llef lit flfen In eaa«« «f dUtreaa, not onl? to Member* of the Initltutlim hnt to newaTendora or their MTT.rU who mar be recommended for assistance by member! of the Institu- tion Inquiry I* made In inch casts by visiting Commltteee, and awarded la accordance with the merit* and requirement* of . w- W1LK1B JONES, Secretary. pOETRY for CHILDREN. I,Ot'EY CHIR1OLM Is prepartnir for publication a ROOK OF PiiECKY FUK CHILDKHN. and InTlus from tboie Interetited suffKoitlons of unfamiliar pieces contained In no Addreai. care of T. 0. * B. C. JACK, CauKWj;>lde, Bdlntmigb. SECOND ElliriON, feap. ITO. prto* Fourpence. NEW TKSTAMKNT CHRONOLOGY: the Principal Event* recorded In the Ne* TentamenE arranred nicler their Probali.e H^MuectlTe lh ei. Hy T. LYNN, H.A. F K A «., »«»nclat« of K<ni • Colle««. London. Ijy Ke«d«r In the JHocw of Knche«rer. Anchor of •Celratlal Mntloni.' ' H.markable Cometa,' • Kemaraable Kcllpiea. Aitronomy for the Young, Ac. London: SAMUEL BAO8TER * SOUK, LIHITID, 18, Pattrnorter Row. G NUV ICK M» prlea 10«. t. / net. THE NINTH SKKIKS BNEBAL INDKX OF NOTES AND QUERIES. With Introduction by JOSEPH KNIGHT, F.B.A. Thin Tnrtex Is doable the size of preTloa* ones, «* it contains, 1 addition tit the usual Index ot Hunjecw, the Names and I'MUdonyms ol Writers, with a List of their Contribution». The number of con«tant Contributor* exceeds eleven hDDdred. The Publisher reserves the rlvht of IncreaMnK the prtee of the Volnme ac any time. Th« camber printed Is limited, ud the typ« bai be«D distributed. Free by poet, lot. lid. JOHN C. FKANCI8, Jf»U*a*d Qtwrtci Offioe, BrefttD'a WolldlBRS. B.C. I^UNBRIDGE WKLL8.— APARTMENTS. Com- forubly Famished Kitting-Room »nd One Bedroom. Pl*>»sant and central. No others takea.-K. H., 66, O.ovt Hiil Koad, Tanbnd)te i ~ to NOTES AMD Qri.KIRS free by poet Is 10j. M. for Six 3 or 20* 6d for Twelve Months Ineludinc the Volume Index —JOHN C. FRANCIS. >'-.". and UU«M«J Office, Brram'i Bulldiurs, Cbueery Us.. PATIENT (PAYINO) could be TAKEN by a DOCTOR at RRIOHTON. House spacious and ftpleslldlr situated. Every comfort and m^dicil care.—Apply, tn flrat IB>UUK*, to Box Ml, Atheoa>am Press. 13. Hre»m » HulldlDKs, Cbancerj Lane. EC MR. L. CULLETON, 92. Piccadilly, London rMember of Bn|ll»b and For»i»n Antlqaartaa 8oeletle«), aaicr- taket the fiirnUhinft of KzCracU Irom Parlth HPRinter*. Coptrt or Ah»!rn.-t« from WtlU, Chancery I'rnoef Jing*, and other Koeords nicfil for 'if neal' cu-al «Tldene«> In Boirlantl. Scotland, and Ireland ForetKi. Ke*e*rtfhf» carried ou». Km.Qlr.oB Invited, Mr. Calleloai Yi v*r.. Uollecllons are worth roiiMiltlnar forClaei. Antlqaartan and Hvlentifle Material learched for aDd copied at tb* trltiih MuM'uni and other Archives. " Examine well your hlnod He From John of Oaunt dotb brtog his pedigree."—^HAKBCPUU. ANCK8TKY, Knsrlish,Scotch. Irish, and American. TRACRDfromSTATRHBOnKDB. ftperlallty : W«>st of EnfIu4 and Bmicrmnt Kannhm Mr KEYNKLl^UPHAM, 7. Cathedral Uoee, • ett-r and 1. Upbani Park Uoad, Chlswick, London. W. ITCailRNOT PRDIGRERS in Knglard and I 1 Trance and French-t'inadlan Pedlirotw, from PrlTtM* rnpeb- frt MA. Source*.— C. B. LAHi, Charmonth, Dorset; and 37, Ha?ei d, Hroraley. 8. HOOKS.—ALL OUT.OK.PRINT BOOKS supplied, no matter nn what subject. Acknowledged the world o**r K4 the most expert Bookflnders extant. Pleaae atate wants.— BAKKK'8 Great Bookshop. 14-10, John Bright Street. BirmlBffhaoi. t'HR AUTHOR'S HAIRLK88 PAPER-PAD. (The LBADRNHALL PHKSR. Ltd , Publishers and Printers, H). Leadenhall fttre»t. London. ( r Contains hairless paper, over which the pen sllpa wltb freedom. Klxpenee each fis perdozeo, ruled or plain. New Sire. 9*. per dnxen, rated »r pt»tn Authors nhould note that The Leadenhall Press, Ltd . eaauot bi nponntble for the loas of MHS. by fire or otherwise. Daplicvu c«pte* sbonld b« retained. CTICKPHAST PASTE is miles better than Gam v for •lleklnir In fteraps Jolnlnfr Papers Ac. M.. M.. aad If. wttk Btronff. Useful Mniath mot a Toy). Hrnd two 'Lamps to co»er po*taf« for a sample Mottle. Ineindlni Hrvtr. Fa-tory, Segar Loaf Oeert, Leadenhall Street, B C. Of all Htatlonen. stickPhm»t Pm»t« sticks. t!HB BOOKSELLERS' PROVIDENT INSTITUTION. Founded 1S37. Fatron-HBR MAJBSTY UUBBN ALEXANDRA. Invested Capital. 30 0001 A VN1QUR INVBSTHBNT Offered to London Booksellers and their AseislMU. A younft nan or woman of twenty-five can Invest the eum of Twealy Ootneae ior lu rqutvalent by Instalmente) and obtain the rtffht ts partlcloate In the followlnjr advanuirm : — FIHKT. Freedom from want In time of adversity as Ion* as Be** exists. 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