Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/55

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NOTES AND QTJEKIES: §t HJttbinm of Jnlmommunuaiion FOB LITERARY MEN, GENERAL READERS, ETC. " When found, make a note of."—CAPTAIN CUTTLE. f PRICK FOUHPKHCK. No. 81. K™] SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1905. *titt.P.&Z3SSh£?S!£ ' I r<arfr3Mk<mpli°n.H» U. PUBLISHED THIS DAT. No. 654, for JULY, of SOTHERAN'S PRICE CURRENT OF LITERATURE, (MONTHLY CATALOGUE OF FRESH PURCHASES IN SECOND-HAND BOOKS), POST FREE ON APPLICATION TO HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., Booksellers, Publishers, and Bookbinders To his Majesty the King; and General Agents for Bookbuyers at Home and Abroad. LIBRARIES AND BOOKS BOUGHT, VALUED FOR PROBATE, OR ARRANGED AND CATALOGUED; ALSO ENGRAVINGS, MANUSCRIPTS, AND AUTOGRAPH LETTERS. They are at all times prepared to INSPKCT, VALUK, and PURCHASE LIBEAUIKS or smaller Collections of Books, Engravings, and Autographs, either in Town or Country, for their full Cash value, and to remove them without trouble or expense. 140, STRAND, W.C. (near Waterloo Bridge); 37, PICCADILLY, W. (opposite St. James's Church). Telegraphic Address: BOOKMEN, LONDON. Codes: UNICODE and ABC. Telephone: CENTBAb 1516. Founded in Tower Street, City, 1816.