Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/560

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462 . iv. DEC. 9, m NOTES AND QUERIES. Lady Morgan. Rich supported the lady by some arguments in The Daily Neivs under the title of ' The Battle of the Chairs,' and repro- duced them in this tract. After llich's return to England he built for himself, from the designs of Martineau the architect, the house called "Chappell Croft" at Heene, Worthing, and found a neighbour and friend in Byron's Trelawny, who was also a member of the Reform Club. In 1878 he informed Darwin that he intended, being an old man, almost alone in the world, to leave him " the rever- sion of the greater part of his fortune," in token of his admiration for Darwin's scien- tific work. Darwin visited him at Heene more than once, and they were occasional correspondents (' Life of Darwin,' ed. F. Darwin, iii. 217; 'More Letters of Darwin,' 1903, ii. 445-8). Rich suffered a good deal from illness through life, but he lived to exceed the great age of eighty-seven years, dying from "decay of nature" at his house of Chappell Croft on 4 April, 1891. He was buried on 9 April at Brompton Cemetery, where a small cross of Aberdeen granite was erected to his memory, with his name and the dates of his birth and death on the plinth. Rich's will was dated 22 November, 1878, and there were four codicils, dated 1885, 1886,1889, and 25 March, 1891 ; the personal estate was proved at 15,083£. Subject to a life-interest to his sister, Emma Burnaby, wife of William Dyot Burnaby, who died soon after tier brother, most of the property passed to the family of Darwin, the first codicil to the will having settled that the children should not suffer by the death of their father. He left his house of Chappell Croft and its contents, "notably a very interesting library," to Huxley, who sold the house in July, 1891, for 2,8001. Rich took much interest in botany, and was a good artist; a landscape by him is in the possession of Prof. Sir G. H. Darwin, of Cambridge. He contributed to Smith's ' Dictionary of Greek and Roman Anti- quities,' and furnished some articles to vols. i. and iii. of the First Series of ' N. & Q.' His college in 1886 paid him the compliment of electing him an Honorary Fellow (Venn's ' Gonville and Caius Coll. Biog. Hist.,' ii. 183). W. P. COURTNEY. TETE-A-TETE PORTRAITS IN •THE TOWN AND COUNTRY MAGAZINE.' (See ante, pp. 241, 342.) THE following is a continuation of my identifications of these portraits :— Vol..XL (1779). 132. P. 9, The Boisterous Lover and the Capricious .Marchioness.—Capt. John Byron (father of Lord Byron) and the Marchioness of Carmarthen. 133. P. 65, The Devoted General and the fair Virginian.—General John Burgoyne and 134. P. 121, Lord Champetre and the celebrated Mrs A... mst...d.—Lord Derby (twelfth Earl) and Mrs. Armistead. 135. P. 177, The Military Secretary and the lovqly Emily.—Charles Jenkinson, first Earl of Liverpool, and Miss Emily Roberts. 136. P. 233, The Favourite of the Fair and the Captivating Lais. — Robert, fourth Duke of Ancaster, and Miss St...y. 137. P. 289, The Noble Retaliator and Mrs. S...L- Lord Tyrconnel and Mrs. Sewell (?). 138. P. 345, The Manilla Hero and Mrs. P...tto.- Sir William Draper and 139. P. 401, The Modern Apelles and the Amiable Laura.—Sir Joshua Reynolds and Miss Jennings. 140. P. 457, The Experienced Ambassador and Madame Vanb...n.—Joseph Yorke, Baron Dover, and 141. P. 513, The Universal Gallant and the Cyprian Votary.—Mr. Medlicott and Miss Louisa 142. P. 569, Lord L and Mrs. W...r.-John, fourth Earl of Loudoun, and Kitty Walker. 143. P. 625, The Seducing Captain and tie Abandoned VVife.—Capt. Boscawen and Lady Blake. 144. P. 681, The Conscientious Parson and Mis Lucy Lurewell.— and Vol. XII. (1780). 145. P. 9, The Hardy Commander and the lovelr Miss— Lord Howe' and Miss Lawson. 146. P. 65, Lord M...t and Miss Thomas, second Baron Montfort, and Miss Loveband. 147. P. 121, The Admirable Advocate and Miss Ch...d...le.—Mr. Howarth (?) and .... 148. P. 177, Admiral P...e and Mrs. B...U.-Admiral Sir Thomas Pye and Agnes Maria Bennett. 149. P. 233, The Doating Lover and the Dramatic Enchantress.—Lord Maiden and Mr Robinson. 150. P. 289, The Manager in Distress and the adomt Alicia.- George Colman and ...... 151. P. 345, Colonel W and the Faithful Mis- tress.— and Miss Lennox. 152. P. 401, Lord C and Mrs. C...xe.-Iarf Craven and Mrs. Coxe. 153. P. 457, The Valiant Commander and Mi* H - and 154. P. 513, Sir J Hogstic and Mrs. FI.~yi- Sir Joseph Mawbey and Mrs. Flop*. 155. P. 577, Lord L...n and Miaa B...dg...r. and Miss Bridger. 156. P. 633, Lord S and Miss SP...r.-L*d Surrey and 157. P. 689, The American Financier and the Satow Seducer.—Rev. Ricfiard Price .** Misa P....-