Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/567

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ID"- s. iv. DEC. 9,1905.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 469 (when and where?) Anna, only daughter of Sir Swinnerton Dyer. Bart. What was the date of her death, and where was she buried? Paul Whitehead died (date and month wanted) in 1774, and bequeathed his heart to Lord Despenser. It was buried at West Wycombe. Where was his body buried ] Did lie leave any issue 1 E. H. M. [You have, of course, seen the life in ' D.N.B.' by the Master of Peterhouse.] STAINES BRIDGE. —Staines Bridge, built by Ronnie 1832, has three principal arches. The piers are said to be only nine feet in thick- ness, and to be smaller in proportion to the span of the arches sustained than those of any other bridge in England. I should like to know if this is correct. FREDERIC TURNER. SCOTCH. IRISH, AND WELSH MAYPOLES.— When did the maypole disappear in the Low- lands of Scotland .' and what were the local customs connected with it? Were maypoles formerly known to the Scotch Highlanders, the Irish, Welsh, and Bretons? If so, are they still used ? G. W. TAILOR IN DRESDEN CHINA.—I have often seen a figure of a tailor, made of Dresden china, wearing a pair of spectacles, and mounted on a goat. On the goat's horns are a thimble aud iron ; his rider wears a pair of shears in lieu of a sword, and carries a tape- measure, pattern-book, &c. Does this figure represent the tailor of Augustus the Strong, or the maker of some of Count Brunt's three hundred and sixty-five Court saints? If so, why has he been immortalized in this manner ? R. L. MORETON. Greenford, Middlesex. AUSIAS MARCH.—Can MR. DODGSON or any student of Catalan literature inform me whether any of the verses of this writer have been translated into English ? Ausias has been styled the Spanish Petrarch, and has left many beautiful love poems, though careful to explain that his sentiments for Teresa Bou were purely platonic:— Sens lo desig de cosa deshonesta Don ve dolor t tot enarnorat. His name, by the way, might well have figured in a recent correspondence in these columns as a "curious Christian name." In Latin documents it appears as " Ansiacus." JAMES PLATT, Jun. LONDON EPISCOPAL RECORDS. — Will any one kindly inform me definitely where the bishop's transcripts of the City parish registers are to be found, also the records of visitations (ecclesiastical) of the same place ? I have a pretty good idea as to where they ought to be, but what I want to know is where they actually are. Have any lists of them been printed ? or do any such lists exist in any public building in London in MS. ? I may remark that I am aware of the fact that a few visitation documents are contained in the British Museum (MS. Dept.) and in St. Paul's Cathedral Library. I also know that a thirteenth-century record was pub- lished some years ago in Archceoloyia. W. McM. " HELPER."—This word appears to mean a person in some definite feudal or tenurial relation to a lord in the precept of seisin from which an extract is given below. What was that relation? Is the word used elsewhere in the same sense ? "Alexander Innes of that Ilk to my bailli eg in that pairt coniunctlie and seuerallie speciallie constitute greting....[ ye me] toihave sett and to maill lattin to the said James Innes of Roth- nmken/e hissubtennentis helperis and cottorris all and haill my landis of the Kirktoun forester sete and Dunkympty with their pertinence Hand within the shirefdome of Elgin and forea." Q. V. 'CHERRY RIPE.'—Where does the song 'Cherry Ripe'occur for the first time ? In Pugin's 'Gothic Furniture' I find on the plate of an horizontal grand pianoforte a piece of music lying open on the piano bear- ing the words ' Cherry Ripe.' The plate bears the date 1 July, 1826. LUDWIG ROSENTHAL. Hildegardstrasse, 16, Munich. [Horn's 'Cherry Ripe' belongs supposedly to 1825, in which year Madame Vestris sang it at Vauxhall.] J. PITTS, PRINTER.—I should very much like to know the approximate date of chap- books printed by J. Pitts, Printer, and WholesaleToy Warehouse, 6,GreatSt. Andrew Street, 7 Dials." F. JESSEL. THOMASGERY was admitted on the founda - tion at Westminster School in 1704. J should be glad to obtain particulars of his parentage and career. G. F. R. B. REV. ROBERT GORDON LATHAM.—Was he in any way connected with the Rev. Charles Latham, Melton Mowbray, who had General Thomas Gordon, of Greek liberation fame, as his pupil from 1804 to 1806? J. M. BULLOCH. 118, Pall Mall. MELCHIOR GUY DICKENS.—Can any of your readers inform me who was Melchior Guy