Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/571

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10* s. iv. DEC. 9,1905.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 473 .,-.., Bcvfcrloy — Agnes, dau. and licii of Drayton, of London. =William Wrythe, otherwise Wriothesley, York Herald, eldest son of Sir John Wrythe, Garter King of Arms, and brother of Sir Thomas Wriothesley , Garter King of Arms. William Pounde, of=pHelen Beverley, ... .. Wriothes- Thomas, Baron Wrio- Sir Oliver Law-=f=Anne Beaumond, in the eldest dau. and ley, wife of thesley, Chancellor rence, of Creech Wrio- parish of Farling- coheir. Buried John Pounde, of England, created Grange, in the thesley. ton, co. Southamp- at Farlington, Somerset He- Earl of Southampton, county of Dor- ton, second son of William Pounde, of 14 Oct., 1589. raid, basely Willdat.2oSep- slain in his ta- 16 Feb., 1546/7. K.G. Born about 1500 at set, knighted at Mussel boro Drayton and South- tembor, 1589 ; bard near Dun- Garter Court, Bar- field, in Scot- wick Priory (by Ed- proved P.C.C. bar, son of Sir bican, in the parish land, in 1547. burga, dau. and co- 15 Oct. follow- John Pound, of St. Giles, Cripple- Died 1 January, heir of Thomas ing. of Drayton, co. gate. 1559/60. Troyes, of Macwell, Southampton, ^P and widow of Wil- Kiii., ana bro- liam Benger, whose ther of Wm. | third husband was Pounde. xk Nicholas Upton). , Died Feb., 1559, and bur. at Farlington. Thomas Pounde, of Beaumond, William, second son. Nicholas, fifth son. Anne, Mary, Jane, S. J., son and heir. Barrister- John, third son. William, sixth son. eldest second third at-Law of Lincoln's Inn. Bap. Richarc , fourth son. Henry, seventh son. dau. dau. dau. at Farlington, 29 May, 1538. Ail in at Lincoln's Inn, 16 Feb., 1559/fiO. ESIIU re of the Body to Queen Elizabeth. Died s.p., 26 Feb., 1613. As regards the crest of the Pounde family, it is not a gourd, as stated by the late Mr. W. C. Metcalfe, but a pomegranate slipped and leaved proper. EVERARD GREEN, Kouge Dragon. Heralds' College. At the earlier reference MR. WAINEWRIGHT mentions, in connexion with the Pounds of Drayton, Hants, two Winchester scholars— Robert Pownde, elected 1518, and William Pownd, elected 1579. These scholars came probably not from Drayton, Hants, but from Drayton, Berks. Robert is described as of Drayton, Berks, in Foster's ' Al. Oxon.,' p. 1189; and William, though he is said in Mr. Kirby's ' Scholars,' p. 149, to have been of Drayton, Middlesex, is described in the original college register as of Drayton, in the diocese of Salisbury, which means, I suppose, Drayton, Berks. It may be doubted, there- fore, whether either of them was of the same family as Thomas Pounde. Mr. Kirby, in his 'Annals' of the College, p. 115, gives lists of commoners there in 1486 and 1490, and the name of Pownde occurs in both lists. Possibly this Pownde was Thomas's grandfather Wil- liam, who, according to MR. EVERITT at the later reference, was born about 1474. If the recorded findings of the jury upon tin- inquisition of 1553 mentioned by me at the later reference be correct, Anthony Founde, of Drayton, Hants, died on 22 Feb- ruary, 1546/7, and his widow Anne was re- married to John White, of South wick, on 3 January, 1547/8. MR. EVERITT'S note makes it clear that she was John White's second wife, and not his first, as suggested in Berry's 'Hants,' p. 194. But it seems hard to reconcile the date of his second marriage, as found by the aforesaid jury, with the date of the death of his first wife Katherine, as given on the tomb at Southwick ; for accord- ing to the inscription on this tomb, as cited by MR. EVERITT, Katherine did not die until 31 October, 1548. John White, of Southwick, was a man of considerable importance, but has no biography in the ' D.N.B.' 1 feel sure that readers of ' N. <fe Q.' would welcome an account of him and his family if MR. EVERITT would furnish it, under a separate heading, out of his store of information about Hampshire landowners. H. C. With reference to the date of Thomas Pounde's baptism, the rector of Farlington has kindly permitted me to make a further examination of his earliest register. It is a very ancient book, with parchment leaves. The first four entries, beginning in January and ending with Thomas Pounde's baptism in May. are bracketed together and dated 1538. The succeeding entries, commencing in November and ending after William Pounde's baptism in the following May, are bracketed