Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/653

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INDEX. 543 Notes and Queries, Jan. 37,1906. Barker (H. T.) on pigmies and cranes, 266 Barrett (A. E.) on Sussex inscription, 389 Barrett (C. R. B.) on cricket pictures, 238 Barren (H. M.) on Ryme Intrinseca, 89 Basque-Latin-English dictionary, 143, 255, 333 Bathilda, wife of Clovis II., 28, 93, 474 Bathurst (Lord) and the.highwayman, 349, 415, 495 Batten (W. M.) on Batten family, 88 Batten family of Cornwall and Devon, 88 Baxter ( F. W.) on caterpillars of Commonwealth, 248 Shakespeariana, 443 Bayham Abbey, its date, 448 Bayley (A. R.) on Almsmen, Westminster Abbey, 236 Caterpillers of the Convnonwealth, 396 Civil War earthwork*, 453 Cricket: pictures and engravings, 132 Cromwell (R >bina), 376 Dante's sonnet to Guido Cavalcanti, 277 Detached belfries, 290 Gastrell and Shakespeare's home, 115 Gytha, mother of Harold II., 232 Harley (Robert), Earl of Oxford, 817 Ki-mpc! (Archbishop), 434 Lytton (Sir Robert), 455 Magdalen College School, 21, 101, 183, 244, 364 Pictures inspired by music, 57 Pitt (Col.), 333 Premonstratensian abbeys, 231 Quotations wanted, 435 Waynflete (William), 213 Bayne (T.) on Belappit, 305 Beside, 434 Buchanan (George), 317 Burns, "last words," 45 ; Palace of Traquair, 437 Carnegie: its pronunciation, 52 English poets and Armada, 346 Footfalls and music, 161 Ice, its splitting, 325, 454 "In danger"=impending, 86 Incledon: Cooke, 135 James V.'s poems, 476 Lonning, 70 Pig : swine: hog, 449 Politeness=literary elegance, 465 Skerrick, 475 "There shrill no tempests blow," 96 Tobacco: its pronunciation, 126 Tulipomania, 137 " Vouchsafe of your refute," 386 Wyatt (Sir T.), poem by, 109 Bayonet, etymology of the word, 161 Bd, (W. C.) on suicides buried in open fields, 514 Beale (Bartholomew), 1632-97, portrait painter, 104 Beale (Charles), artist, his biography, 104 Beanstall and crown, badge, its meaning, 55 Beardshaw (H. J.) on chapbooks and broadsides, 413 Beating the bounds, 31 Beaumont (Francii), judge, and Thomas Speght, 47 Beo (Anthony), burial in Durham Cathedral, 369, 436 Becket (Thomas a), form of name, 147, 214, 278 Beckford and Rabelais, 264 Belappit, etymology of the word, 305, 354 Belfries, detached, 207, 290, 415, 455, 513 4 Belle Assembled,' portrait of Miss Cubitt in, 108,152 Bells, the largest, in the world, 409 Belot (Adolphe), his novels in English, 46, 177 Benbow (Admiral John), his descendants, 235 Bensly (E.) on Berenice, wife of Ptolemy III., 193 Book, nameless, 176 Browne (Sir T.) on oblivion, 214 Burton's ' Anatomy of Melancholy,' 25, 523 ' Cloister and the Hearth,' 313, 335 Coryat's 'Crudities,' 132 Dowries for ugly women, 292 Duke's Bagnio in Long Acre, 217 Ephis and his lion, 351 "Love in phantastick triumph sat," 212 " Nobile virtutis genui eat patientia," 417 Quotations wanted, 16, 115 References wanted, 151 Vescalion, 73 Virgil or Vergil ? 309 Bequests payable in the church porch, late date, 369 Berenice, wife of Ptolemy III. Euergetes, 126, 193 Beresford (G. B.) on Blore's collections, 207 Beresford (S. B.) on Cumbermere Abbey, 229 Berlin, derivation of the place-name, 466 Berkeley (Lord) and the highwayman, 349, 415, 495 Bernau (C. A.) on Dummer family, 315 St. Brelade, 188 Besaut (Sir W.) on Dr. Watts, 38 Beside : besides, their meanings, 306, 375, 434, 193 Bewley (Sir E. T.) on Jack and Jill, 153 Officers of State in Ireland, 314 Bexfield (W. R.), MUD.Doc., 267, 315 Bible: cheap editions of the Vulgate, 17, 93 ; Paalm cxxxvii. 2, the weeping willow, 115; New Testament in Basque, 143, 255, 333 ; Luther's 'Commentary on the Galatians,' 156; Spanish " Bear Bible," 189, 274 ; Graham family, 207 Bibliographical queries, 95 Bibliographies, their annotation, 135 Bibliography :— Alchemy, 167 1 Arabian Nights,' 409, 513 Arne (Dr.), 409 Arnold (Matthew), 405 Beating the bounds, 31 Belot (Adolphe), 46, 177 Briason, his ' Ornithologie,' 105 Bulbs, 90, 137 Burton (Robert), 25, 523 Camerarius (Philip), 425 Campbell (Thomas), 127 Catalogues of MSS., 368, 415, 436, 531 Catalogues of public libraries, 383, 451 Cervantes, ' Don Quixote,' 1595-6, 107, 158 Chesterfiald (Lord), 158 Christmas, 503 Cole (William), 429 Coryat (Tom), 49, 132, 195 Clapham (Henoch), 362 Dekker, his •Gull's Hornbook,' 227 Diamond-making, 167 'Doctrinali Alani,' 150 Gibbon's 'Decline and Fall,' 405 Greene (R.), prose works, 1,81,162, 224, 227,483 Halley (Dr. Edmond), 526 Hookea (N.), • Amanda,' 301 Horton (S.), 369 House of Lords, 1625-60, 36 James I. and V. of Scotland, 363, 476