Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/656

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546 Notes and Queriet, Jan. 37, 1908. INDEX. Brien (Viscount) and Ken1 family of Lothian, 448 Brigetocke family, 113, 217 Brigetocke (G. R.) en Owen Brigstocke, 217 BrisBon's ' Orniibologie,' 105 Bristol Merchant Adventurers' Company, early, 69 Broadsides and chapbooke, 327, 413 Brocklehurst on Mozart, 409 Bromby (B. H.) on cricket pictures, 496 Bronte (Patrick): Mr. Prunty, 100 Brotanek (R. F.) on cbapbooks and broadsides, 327 Brown (Edward Maxwell), of London, 1795, 409 Brown (Horatio F.) on Consul Smith, 221, 282, 883 Brown (W.) on original registers, 235 Browne (Sir 'Ihomati) on oblivion, 128, 214 Brougham Castle and Ball. 229, 293, 329, 373 Brudenell (Elizabeth), portrait as Diana, 29, 193 Brushfield (T. ,N.) on bibliographical queries, 95 Christie (J. H.), 252 ' Living Librarie,' by P. Camerarius, 494 Lundy Island, 16 Quotations wanted, 273 Rushbearing, 278 Buchanan (George) as professional jester, 147,234,817 Buck (Timothy), Westminster scholar, c. 1748, 509 Buckie (Groatir), myth contacted with the, 630 Bullen (M. W.) on Baines family, 330, 537 Vane of Kent, 165 Bulloch (J. M.) on J. H. Christie, 252 Evan* : tSymonds : Bering, Garden, 397 Glen family, 68 Latham (Rev. Robert Gordon), 469 • Les Jumelles,' 9 Stannus (Lady), 188 Bullock (T.) on Henry Sanderson, clockmaker, 143 Bunyan (J.), "Mr. Get i' th' hundred,"88 Burch (E. T.) on Gibbon, ch. Ivi. note 81, 167 Burford stone, used for St. Paul's Cathedral, 114 Burial custom in Scotland, 10, 76 Burial gronnd, Greyfriars, 205, 253, 352 Burns (Robert), his last words, 45 ; "loan" in 'The TwaDogs,' 70 ; and " Palace of Traquair," 387, 437 Bunt, use ot " bust " for, 105 Burton (Robert), notes on Shilleto'sedition of A natomy of Melancholy,' 25,523 Buahell (Brown), date of his execution in 1651, 46 Bust and burst, u«e of the word, 105 Butler (James), Duke of Ormond, his later life, 467,536 Butler ()r. James Davie), his death, 48C Butterworth (Major S.) on Charles Lamb, 512, 538 Byrch (Thomas), c. 1536, his arms, 90, 135 Byrom (John) and Satan's autograph, 133 Byron (Lord), called the " Pilgrim of Eternity," 68 158, 213 ; his use of the phrase " death is " danger," 86 ; Napoleon on, 147 Byron House, Fleet Street, 147 C. on Isaac Johnson, 491 C. (A. B.) on J. Haekoll, 329 St. Gilbert of Sempringham, 94 Bkerrick, 408 C. (B. L. R.) on ball-games on festivals, 347 Devil and St. Botolph, 328 O. (C. C.) on dogs in war, 488 O. (E.) on Ytbancsester, Essex, 48 C. (E. G.) on Bishop Cox of Ely, 48 C. (E. S.) on Nothe, Weymouth, 169 C. (G. E.) on Sir George Davies, Bart., 93 . (G. E.) on Turvile, 14 !. (H.) on Henry Alvarez, S.J., 374 Canister (John), Wykehamist, 355 Doherty, Winchester Commoner, 157 Elizabeth's visits to Winchester, 344 Lopez (Koderigo), 434 Pounde (Thomas), S.J., 268, 472 Shelley (William), 66 Waynflete (William), 154 William of Wykeham and Norfolk, ISO C. (J. G.) on Rockefeller, 507 j. (R.) on events in Church history in pictures, 101 . (R. de) on pictures inspired by music, 9 !. (S. D.) on Dummer family, 316 !. (T. W.) on Kerr of Lothian : De Brien, 448 Cain, the mark of, Hebrew tradition, 429 Calabria, earthquake in, 247 Calamary on "tinterero," 396 Calder i A ) on Macdonald of Moidart, 308 Mackintosh, 448 Ripley Arms, 314 Caldwell family, 73, 158 - Cambridge University, Tripos verses, at, 124, 172, 292 Camerarius (Philip), his ' Living Librarie,' 425, 494 Campbell (Rev. Bunbury FitzGerald), his death, 489' Campbell (G. W.) on "This too shall pas» away," 466 Campbell (T.), M S. of • Lochiel's Warning,'127 Campbells in the Strand, • 1692 and 1765, 509 Campion (H. C.), Jun., on Campion family, 328 Campion family, 328 Canning (G.), his riming dispatch, 307 Cannizaro (Duchess of), 265, 316, 358, 456 Canova (Antonio) in England, 448, 518 Cartlers, or Kentish Town, Prebend of, 410, 472 Capillarians, use of the word by Lamb, 69 Capri antiquities, 29 Caravanserai to public-house, evolution of, 308, 413 Cards with eltven and twelve tpots, 28 Carey or Gary (Catherine), d. 1691, her parentage, 248- Carlaverock, English translation of Boll of, 529 Carnegie, pronunciation of the surname, 52 Cassell (John), ' Works of Eminent Masters,' 468 Cat, black, folk-lore, 505 Catalogues : of MSS., 368,415,631; of public libraries 388, 454 " Catamaran," its meanings, 286, 433 Caterpillers of the Commonwealth, 248, 896 Cats and clover in Darwinian argument, 169, 237 Catzius (Josias), gathering of Jews under, 10, 77 Cavalcanti (Guido), Dante's sonnet to, 207, 277 Cave (F. R.) on ' Chevy Chase,' 89, 537 Cenci on ' Poculnm Elevatum,' 409 Cervantes, ' Don Quixote,' 1595-6, 107, 158, 81* Chafy (W. K. W.) on detached belfries, 290 Cbaloner, in the blakeway MS., 609 Cbapbooks and broadside*, 327, 4,13 Chamberlen (Dr.), his descendants, 17 Charlemagne's Koman ancestors, 116 Charles I., his execution, 46 ; a private library e., 305 Charles II. and yatching, 108, 166 Charter, Warwickshire, ite enrolment, 128 Chasseur in French hotels, 227 Chaucer (G.), and the English Universities, 47 J Kynaston's translation, 109 ; final e in, 429, 472 Chaucer (John le), d. 1802, tragedy of, 6 Chaunoy (Sir Henry), his correspondence, 285