Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/659

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Notr.s and Queries, Jan. 27, 1906. 549 INDEX. Devonshire (Duke of), his peerage title, 169 Devonshire (Duke of) who never reaii newspapers, 116 Dey (E. Merton) on quotations wanted, 168 Shakespeariana, '284 Dialect: Yorkshire, 102, 170, 190, 257; Cumber, land, 169, 291; Cheshire, 203, 332, 414; com- pletion of' Eng. Dialect Diet..' 381 ; High Peak, 427 Diamonds produced by artificial processes, 167 Dibdin (10. Rimbault) on dowries for ugly women, 292 Pigmies and cranes, 356 Prisoner suckled by his daughter, 432 'She Stoops to Conquer,' its origin, 317 Dickens (Charles), and London, 35 ; ' Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices,' 255; errors in 'Nicholas Nickleby,' 455 ; Affery Flintwinch in ' Little Dorrit," 468 ; and the "infant phenomenon," 507 Dickens. See ffuydiokem. Dickisson (W. J.) on Trafalgar, 431 'Dictionary of National Biography,'notes and addi- tions, 21, 66, 86, 101, 104, 125,131, 141, 154, 166, 182, 190, 227, 244, 281, 314, 362, 364, 491 Dilliana, Christian name, 7 Directory of foreign peers, 428 Dobbs (E. W.) on American place-names, 155 Easter Day and the full moon, 136 " Warm summer sun," 135 Dobell (Bertram) on "Fountain heads," &c., 390 Shakespeare's portrait, 368 'Doctrinali AUni,' English translation wanted, 150 Dodgson (E. S.) on Dover pier, 491 Emanuel of Portugal and Pope Julian II., 154 Female crucifixes, 230 Foxes as food for men, 286 " Gentleman " as a title, 88 Gibbon, cb. Ivi. note 31, 372 Horse-pew=horse-block, 132 Inscriptions at Figueira da Foz, 147 Latin- English-Basque dictionary, 255 Mules, their crying, 465 Piccaninny, 128 Pickeridge : Puckeridge, 495 Piece-broker, 412 bbakexpeariana, 443 Dog, Toby's, fine for preaching on, 508, 535 Dog training, 488, 537 Dogs in war, 488, 537 Doherty, Winchester Commoner, 1840, 107, 157 Domesday, Sheriff's challenge in, 290 Doncaster races, frost and, 246 Donne and Webster. 41, 121, 201, 302 Dormer (J.) on detectives in fiction, 417 Faded daguerreotypes, 275 George III.'s birthday, 173 Mungo, 309 Resp., 50 Dorset place-name: Ky me Intrinseca, 89, 536 Douglas (M.) on Basil Montagu's MSS., 156 Douglas (It. B ) on Alinanaa, 315 Hyde marriages, 348 ' Les Misfirables.' its topography, 374 Donglas Cause, new light on, 85 Douglas family of Dornock, Dumfriesshire, 369 Dover pier, its construction. 387, 45i, 491 Dowries for ugly women, 247, 292 Dragoons, 4th Light, uniform 1808-14, 69, 132 Drake (Sir Francis) and Cbigwell Kow 230, 332, 416 Dramatic clubs, amateur, in the sixties, 388, 431, 493 Draper: " drapier" omitted from the ' N. E. D.,' 286 Dresden china, tailor in, 469, 536 Drinking-time and drinkings on a farm, 506 Drownd=deerhound, use of the word, 306 Dryden portraits, 389 Du Bartas, passage in his 'Second Weak,' 348 Dublin, Gay's ' Beggar's Opera' in, 91; tholsels in, 887, 453, 516 Duciemore, place-name, its meaning, 323 Dudley (G.) on Governor Thomas Uudley, 150 Dudley (Thomas), Governor of Massachusetts, 150 Dudley family arms, 230, 317 Duel, last military in England, 72 Duelling in England, its suppression, 333 Duelling in Germany, 388, 455, 616 Dugdale, his trustworthiness as an author, 487 Duh Ah Coo on Christ's Hospital,' 247 Kabafutoed, 246 Philippine : Philooaena, 25 < Phonetics of the Far East, 8 Duke's Bagnio in Long Acre, 24, 115, 217,277, 376 Dumas, pronunciation of the name, 189, 275 Dummer family, 230, 315 Dundas (Sir Lawrence), Macaulay on, 448, 516 Dunnington-Jefferson (J. J.) on Yorkshire dialect, 102 Dunutan (M. J. R.) on Abp. Kemp, 348 Durant (Rev. John), of Canterbury, 1645-79, 217,3M Durham, Royal Oak P*y, observance at, 30 Dyer (B. L.) on " Most eloquent of ancient writers," 287 Dyer (John), poet, date of his birth, 530 E, final, in Chaucer, 429, 472 E. (D.) on honesty on a competence, 308 E. (J.) on Lord Bathnrst and highwayman, 349 E. (K. P. D.) on American Civil War varses, 354 John (King) poisoned by a toad, 168 E. (R. L.) on population of a country parish, 42S Earthquake in Calabria, 247 Earthworks, Civil War, their remains, 328, 394, 453 East, Far, its phonetics, 8 Easter, and the full moon, 136, 195 ; by the Julian and Gregorian styles, 166 ; and the hare, 306 Easter Woods, place-name, 149, 217, 335 Easton (W. M. G.) on Campbells in the Strand, 509 Forrester of Garden, 149 Graham family Bible, 207 Stewart of Rotterdam, 487 E.B. in the churchyard of Laleham, 428 Ecorcheville (J.) on mnsio ' Louis XIV., 46 Edgcumbe (R.) on Nelson's coat, 445 Edinburgh : Scottish Naval and Military Academy 212, 274 Editorial :— A pagan Buckled in a creed outworn, 460 Aliudque cupido, Mens aliud suadet, 480 Belfries, detached, 480 Bible "appointed to be read in churches," 540 Bird (Bishop John), bin biography, 200 Bronte (Patrick): vlr. I'runty, 100 Christening a ship, 260 Clifton (Jeremiah), 360 Cogitavi dies antiques et annos setemog, 360 Cromwell (Oliver), a brewer, 80 Crying down credit, 40