Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/669

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INDEX. 559 Notes and Queries, Jan. 27, 1906. Murray (Dr. J. H. H.) on " From pillar to post," 528 Horse-pew: horse-block, 27 Photography, 367, 450 Photo-lithograph, 447 Tlireiiesiac, 447 Pickeridge: Puckeridge, 367 Piece-broker, 367 Pig : swine : hog, 407 Ply, 110 Muses, Academy of the, 54, 177, 233 Museum Minervse, Covent Garden, e. 1626, 54 Music, footfalls and, 161 Music, pictures inspired by, 9, 57, 91; temp. Louis XIV., 46 MusweU IIill, also called Pinsenall Hill, 77 Mutations, Welsh, 286 N. (A.) on authors of quotations wanted, 68 Gibbets, 296, 315 N. (A. A.) on Romanoff and Stuart pedigree, 108 N. (F.) on ' Villikins and his Dinah,' 188 N. (M.) on lonning, 70 N. (Y.) on Hebrew traditions, 429 Messiah=name of the Lord, 529 Nadgairs, its meaning, 49, 213 Napoleon on Byron, 147 National Anthem, first, 249, 332 Naval and Military Academy, Scottish, 212, 274 Naylor (Dr.), his • Elizabethan Virginal Book,' 287 Neck and heels, early mention of the punishment, 465 Nelson (Horatio, Lord), and Cardinal York, 106 ; big signal at Trafalgar, 321, 370, 411, 471, 533; his royal descent, 322; colour of his uniform, 326, 370; his patent of peerage, 365 ; music of ' The Death of Nelson,' 365, 412, 450, 490; pronunciation of Trafalgar, 385, 431; monody on his death, 407, 450 ; memorial rings, 421; his coat and Admiral Westphal's blood, 445 Nelson (Lord) on Nelson and Cardinal York, 108 Nelson (Horatio), transmission of Christian name, 365 Nelson (Rev. Joseph), vicar of Skipwith, 441 Nelson (Thomas Horatio), 441 Nelson Column, its dimensions, 175 Nelson panoramas, 365 Nelson poems, 186, 329, 407, 450 Nelson recollections, 322 Nelsoniana, 445 Neshitt (M. S.) on 'Richard IT.' and 'The Spanish Tragedy,' 323 Nevill (R.) on Cromwell Fleetwood, 74 New v. old style in chronology, 173 New England, 1652, funds for preaching in, 329 'New English Dictionary.' See Sittorical English Jjictiunary. Newcome (W. F.) on 'The Arms of Abraham,' 409 Newland (Sir Abraham) and Newlands, Chalfont St. Peter, 148, 213, 276, 457 Newspaper leading articles, their three paragraphs, 128 Newspapers, London, of the eighteenth century, 510 Newspapers not read by Prime Ministers, 146 Newton (Prof. A.) on Brisson's ' Ornithologie,' 105 Nicklin (T.) on drownd : deerhound, 306 Nield (J.) on author of ' Whitefriars,' 447 Nile, r-ocock's paintings of the battle, 468 Nixon (John Bolt), his ' Early Wild Flowers,' 29 50 Noblesse, lacking in England, 69, 157 Norden (John), his ' Speculum Britannia;,' 12, 75,19ft Norfolk, William of Wykeham and, 130 Norman (P.) on Christ's Hospital, 310 Norman inscriptions in Yorkshire, 16 Norris (J. A.) on Oxford matriculations, 290 Northampton, Royal Oak Day observance at, 31 Northamptonshire, Heralds'visitations, 1681, 530 Northamptonshire dialect, 172 North Midland on lonning, 29 Splitting fields of ice, 513 "That same," 515 Norway, Haakon VII., King of, 466 Norwich Court Rolls, 489 'Notes and Queries,' three generations contributors to, 140 Notbe, the, Weymouth, its derivation, 169 Nouns and verbs differently pronounced, 64 Numismatic guide wanted, 288, 375 Nursery rimes: Pop goes the weasel, 54, 209 Nnttall (J. R.) on Ythancasster, Essex, 90 Nutting and tbe Devil's nutbag, 265, 358, 896 O. (B. I.) on black images of the Madonna, 305- O. (S. W.) on Sir William De Lancey, 409 Oakapple Day observances, 30,132 Dates (J.) on St. Paulinus and the Swale, 168- Obituaries:— Adams (Frederick), 499 Butler (Dr. James Davie), 480 Campbell (Rev. Bunbury FitzGerald), 499- Foster (Joseph), 199 Jackson (Francis M.), 60 Marshall (George William), 258 Page (Edward John), 480, 540 Sotheran (Henry), 118 Sykes (James), 440 Vane (Rev. and Hon. Gilbert Holies Farrer), 100> Oblivion, Sir Thomas Browne on, 128, 214 "Of" after "inside," "outside," &c., 168 Officers, general, c. 1830, 107 Officers of State in Ireland, 149, 214, 314 O'Hagan (Mr. Justice), his acrostic on Jack and Jill, 153 Oldenbuck (Aldobrand) on William Miller's engrav- ings, 437 Oliver (A.) on Dickensian London, 35 Jack and Jill, 13 Olorensbaw family, 66 'Omar Khayyam,1 FitzGerald's first edition, 1869K 105 ; bibliography, 249 Ondatra, etymology of the word, 406 Onlooker on Sarah Curran and Robert Emmet, 310 Organ-builder, early, at Oxford, 183 Oriental on 'The Eve of St. Agnes,' 449 Ormskirk Church, Lancashire, its two steeples, 415 Ostermayer (Jehan), sixteenth-century musician, 287 Owen (D.) on coop, to trap, 358 Puggle, 486 Oxberry (J.) on electric railways, 406 Hyphens after street names, 515 Oxford Circus, earliest use of the name, 527 Oxford University: foundation of Magdalen College and School, 21, 101, 154, 182, 244, 364 ; of Corpus Christi College, 23 ; matriculations at, 290 Oxoniensis on Cromwell's death, 307 Matthew (Roger), vicar of Bloxham, 1605-57, 488