Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/671

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Rote* and Qneriei, .Inn. 27, 1906. 561 INDEX. Fickford (J.) on Sarah Curran and Robert Emmet, 111 Dante's sonnet to Guido Cavalcanti, 277 Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, 37 Eton School Lists, 314 Fate of the Tracys, 192 Fitzherbert (Mrs.), 530 Gibbets, 370 Jefferyes (Capt. J.), 496 Nelsoniana, 445 Nelson's signal, 533 Piccaninny, 255 Punch, the beverage, 531 Quotations wanted, 68, 168, 294 Bushbearing, 216 Satan's autograph, 133 Screaming skull, 252 "Tertias of foot," 12 Pictures: inspired by music, 9, 57, 91; of cricket, 9, 95, 1S2, 215, 238, 496 ; of Old and New Testa- ment subjects, 57; of Church history, 107; aa signs, 169, 218 ; of scenes in 'Julius Caesar' and ' Borneo and Juliet,' 169, 234 Piece-broker explained, 367, 391, 412 Pier, earliest use of the word, 387, 451, 491 Pierpoint (R.) on American Civil War verses, 296 " Bear Bible," Spanish, 189 Brougham Castle, 293 Buchanan (George), 234 Charlemagne's Roman ancestors, 116 Cheshire uords, 414 Christie (J. H.), 252 Cope of Bramshill, 97 Davies (Sir George), 36 Dickens or Wilkie Collins? 255 Drake (Sir Francis) and Chtgwell Kow, 416 Duelling, its suppression in England, 333 Eton School Lists, 356 Fermor, 393 Fleet Street, No. 53, 314 George III.'s birthday, 173 Gibbon, ch. Ivi. note 81, 272 Eniaz, 152, 334 Looping the loop, 65 Lundy Island, 16 Luther's Commentary on the Galatians, 1S6 Moon and hair-cutting, 234 Moxh.vy (Mr.), Leicester Square showman, 35 Polish royal genealogy, 196 Quotations wanted, 208 ' Villikins and his Dinah,' 318 Pig, use of the word, 407, 449, 510, 636 Pigeon and death folk-lore, 515 Pigmies and the cranes. Pompeian fresco, 266, 356,417 Pigott (W. J.) on Dayies of Cornwall, 368 Davye (Rouse), 289 Pig's-head supper, Christmas, 505 "Pilgrim of eternity," applied to Byron, 68, 158, 218 Pillars, Adam's Commemorative, 69, 136 Pillion, 72 Pinchbeck (W. H.) on Pinchbeck family, 33 Pinchbeck family, 33, 77 I'ink (W. 1).) on Sir Robert Howard, 211 Joliffe family of Domet, 307 Pink's ' History of Clerkenwell' and T, £. Tomlins, 427 Pirates in Lnndy Island, 16 Pitt (Col.), 1711, his wife, 206, 333, 375 Pitt-Lewis (G.) on ' Love's Labour's Lost," 32 Pitta (J.), printer of Seven Dials, 469 Place-names, American, 165 Planche, place-name, its meaning, 389 Plantagenete, their descendants, 528 Platt (H. E. P.), his ' By ways iu the Classics, 261, 352, 435 Platt (J.), .Inn., on Almansa, 315 ' Arabian Nights,' 409 Ascham (Roger) : Schedule, 216 Badges, 55 •Bathilda,'93 Belot (Adolphe), 46 Bombay Grab, 177 Detectives in notion, 456 Dumas, its pronunciation, 189 " Famous " Chelsea, 517 Herero, its pronunciation, 527 Hickery-puckery, 87 Ithamar, 438 Eabafutoed, 335 Klimius (Nicholas), 163 Kniaz, 152,193 Man of noses, 125 March (Ausias), 469 Melisande : Ettarre, 156 Mereday, Christian name, 334 Ondatra : its origin. 406 Pauncbea, a kind of silk, 366 " Pearls cannot equal the whiteness of his teeth," 355 Perrywhimptering, 127 Phoorea, a ghost-word, 105 Piccaninny, 27, 317 Piece-broker, 412 Potto, its etymology, 286 Praty, its origin, 846 Quillin or Quillan : name and arms, 253 Kabi'ah, son of Mukaddam, 515 Resp., 50 Saghalien, its pronunciation, 185 Sjambok, its pronunciation, 204 Smith in Latin, 457 TeBtout, 131, 853 " This too shall pass away," 368 Tholsels, 453 Tinterero, 316 Trafalgar, 471 Welsh poem, 208 Pleiades : Atlas and Pleione: the daisy, 887, 475, 497 Pleshey fortifications, 48, 116 Ply : to ply, etymology of the verb, 44, 110 Pocock (Nicholas), his paintings of battle of Nile, 468 Poem in Welsh, containing only vowels, 208, 392, 516- Poets, English, and the Armada, 346, 414 Poland (Sir H. B.) on Canning's riming dispatch, 807 Polar inhabitants, 413 Polish royal genealogy, 196 Politeness=literary elegance, 465 Politician on Italy, a " geographical expression," 249> Prime Ministers and newspapers, 146 Public meetings, 148 Twopenny for head, 331 War Office in fiction, 127