Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/678

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568 Notec and Queriei. Jan. 87, IPO*. INDEX. T. (W.) on Sir John Fastolf, 214 T. (W. A.) on Lord Mayor's Day, 448 Tailor in Dresden china/469, 536 Tait and Tate, origin of the names, 297, 353 Tandy (James Napper), bis biography, 230 Tangle; (E.) on Almsmen, Westminster Abbey, 314 Pound, Rochester Kow, 288 Tavern Signs;— Bomtaj Grab, 107, 177 Fountain, in the Strand, 289, 336 Teed and Aehburner families, 90 Telegraph, patent signal, or writing machine, 65 Templars, Knights, charters at Yoik, 167, 235 Temple of the Muses, 54, 177, 233 Tennyson's 'Becket,' archiepiscopal cross in, 106, 157 Tering, the word in churchwardens' accounts, 509 Terry's 'Voyage to East India,' 1655, 347 Tertiaa of foot, 12 Test match, me of the term, 246 Testator, full description, 186 Testout, pronunciation of the name, 69, 131,297, 853 Tfite-a-Tete portraits in 'The Town and Country Magazine,' 241, 342, 4C2, 522 Thackeray (W. M.) on George III., 148, 273 Theatre, juvenile plates for, 414 Theatres, old, of London, 125 Tholsels, definition of the word, 887, 453, 516 Thomas (Kalph) on .Academy of the Muses, 54 Beside, 806 Coke or Cook ? 78 'Don Quixote,' 1595-6, 313 'Hugh Trevor,' 513 Hyphens after street names, 515 Penhallow (John), 507 Btreader (W. T.), 369 Trepolpea (P. W.), 527 Wheatstone, 386 • Whitefriars,1 its author, 535 Thorns (A.) on purpose of a Haw, 314 Thomson (J.) and Charles Lamb, 306 Thornbury (W.) on the Civil War, 148 Thothmes I., " the first warlike king," 305 Thraves, custom of, its origin, 350, 397 Thumb (Tom), his biography, 37 Tinterero, a huge sea-animal, 267, 316, 396 Tithe barns, 300 Titian's 'Venus with Mirror,' 127 Tittle, etymology of the word, 325 Tiverton, ducking the mayor and constable at, 325 Toad, King John poisoned by a, 168, 250, 492 Tobacco, pronunciation of the word, 126 Toby's dog. fine for preaching on, 608, 535 Tokens, Communion, earliest use in Scotland, 387, 430 ' Tom Moore of Fleet Street,' melodrama, 230 Tomlins (T. E.) and i'inks's ' History of Clerkenwell,' 427 Topbam (Mrs.), 1791. See W<ll» (Mri. Mary). Touching for the king's evil, 287, 335 Tovey (1J.C.) on ' Byways in the Classics,' 261 'Town and Country Magazine,' Tfite-a-T6te portraits, 241, 342, 462, 62'2 Tracy family, their fate, 128,192, 274, 335 Trafalgar, last survivor of the battle, 485 Trafalgar, pronunciation of the name, 385, 431, 471, 534 Traquair, " Palace " of, and Burns, 387, 437 Trapesing, dialect word, 414 Treaty of Peace, 1815, and the English Press, 167 Trenchard (Francis), his library, a. 1658, 222 Trepolpen (P. W.), pseudonym, 527 Tresilian (Cecil) on Crockford's, 489 Tripos and tripos verst-s, 124, 172, 292 Trudgen-stroke in swimming, 205, 832 Tufnel family, 389, 438 Tulipomania, its bibliography, 90, 137 Tunbridge Wells harvest custom, 447 Turner (F.) on Bowtell family, 134 Maneis : Mayne, 48 Staines Bridge, 469 Turner (T.) on Great Queen Street, No. 56, 414 Turville (Henry), o. 1714, his identity, 14 Twins, prayer for, 176 Twizzle-twigs, dialect word, 507 Two first, use of the term, 294 Twopenny for head, slang term, 69,217, 331 TJ. (H. W.) on " That is, he would have," 474 ITchoreus, king mentioned by Diodorus, 346 Udal (J. 8.) on John Aleyn, law reporter, 416 Dorset place-name: Ryme Intrinseca, 526 First Earring, 228 Lynde : Delalynde family, 436 Screaming skull, 514 Semper family, 487 Underdown (H. W.) on parish records neglected, 186 Worple Way, 848 Undertaker, ita use by Swift, 436 Underwood (T.) and I). Churchill, 308, 357 Uniform, Windsor, 527 United Irishmen and Lord Moira, 28 Universities, English, and Chaucer, 47 Unwin (6.) on hair-powdering closets, 453 Uriani, a sect of Jewish Christians, 509 Urquijo (J. de) on Latin - English - Basque die tionary, 333 V. (Q.) on Add : Adder, 406 Helper, 469 Norwich Court Rolls, 489 Paules fete, 435 Lucca, plans of, 409 Punctuation in MSS. and printed books, 144 Shakespeare's vocabulary, 49 Tulipomania, 90 Vulgate, 17 V. (Q. W.) on Byrch arms, 90 V. (V.H.I.L. I.C.I.) on ' Battel of the Catts,' 228 Charles I.'s execution, 46 V. (W. I. R.) on Parsloes Hall, Essex, 34 Pomple: trefoil, 126 Prerogative Court, of Canterbury, 95 Ythanraester, Essex, 90 Vftltyne on moon natnex, 289 Vane (Rev. and Hon. G. H. F.), his death, 100 Vane family of Kent. 165 Vanishing London, 365 Vaughan (Rev. E.), Archdeacon of Madras, hi descendants, 309 Vaughan (John), pretended Waterloo veteran, 347,39 Vaus (John), grammarian, bis works, 248 Venice, Coryat on, 189, 276 V«rbs and nouns differently pronounced, 64 Verderer's Court, Forest of Dean, 7