Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/680

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570 INDEX. Notes and Queries, Jan. 27, IBM. Wilton House, Shakespeare at, 365 Winchester, Queen Elizabeth's visits to, 344 Windsor uniform, 527 Winn (Hon. Miss Emily) on Wellington badge : Watier's, 1814, 68 Wintemberg (W. G.) on moon and hair-catting, 178 Wintemberg (W. J.) on " Pop goes the weasel," 211 Witchcraft, child executed for, 38 Withy tree cursed by Jesus, 85 Wolferstan (E. P.) on numismatic, 375 Quotations wanted, 208 Women, ugly, dowries for, 247, 292 Wood (G.), clockmaker, of Nailsworth, Gloucester- shire, 68 Wood (Robert), traveller, his wife's name, 108 Wooden water-pipes in London, 465 Wordsworth (W.), his 'Prelude,' 325, 395, 454; ' Lyrical Ballads' motto, 350 Worfield churchwardens' accounts, 327, 416 Worple Way, derivation of the name, 348, 396 Worth family, 207, 331 Wright (Thomas vere John), Dean of Courtrai, 86 Wyatt (Sir Thomas) and Alexander Scot, parallel, 70, 109 Wesley (John) and the wig, 36 West (William Edward), his paintings, 327 Westminster, Horeeferry at, 51 Westminster Abbey, almsmen of, 168, 236, 814 Westminster Hall, its interior, 148 Westphal (Admiral), his blood and Nelson's coat, 445 Whately (Archbishop) and Abraham Lincoln, 46 Wheatley (H. B.) on tripos : tripos verses, 172 Wheatstone (Sir Charles), hia music-shop, 386 Wheel as a symbol in religion, 167, 250 Whips, early Parliamentary, 507 Whirl of death, sensational performance, 65, 176, 333 ' Whitaker's Peerage' (Editor) on Trafalgar, 431 Whitchurch (Samuel), poet, e. 1811, 429, 616 Whitcombe family, 208, 352 White (T.) on Looping the loop, 416 Whitebrook (J. C.) on Mrs. Mary Williams, 267 Whitehead (Paul), d. 1774, his biography, 468 Whitgift's School at Croydon, 114 Whitney (Geoffrey), bis autograph, 208 Whitney (John), his ' Genteel Recreation,'a. 1700,108 Whitsunday, birch on, custom at Stoke-on-Trent, 87 Whitwell (R. J.) on John 1 ederer, 467 Wienholt (Mrs. E.G.) on Button : Hepburn : Lidder- dale, 509 Wig, John Wesley and the, 36 Wilde (Lady) and Swedenborg, 331 Wilde (Oscar), his 'De Profundis,' 168, 233; biblio- graphy, 266 Wilkie (Sir David), his 'First Earring,' 228, 317 Wilkinson (Sir T.), Political Agent at Chota Nagpur, his portrait, 46 Will registers, duplicate, 46 ; Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 95, 155 Willcock (J.) on Sir Thomas Browne on oblivion, 128 Chess between man and his Maker, 255 Quotations wanted, 488 Willesden families, 95 William of Wykebam and Norfolk, 130 Williams (A.) on Matt. Arnold's ' East and West,' 405 Williams (Mrs. Mary), her connexions, 267 Willow, weeping, and Pealm cxxxvii. 2, 115 Wilson (T.) on W. E. Bt-xfield, Mus.Doc., 267 England's lack of noblesse, 69 Kniaz, 107 Tinterero, 396 Yorkshire dialect, 190, 257 Wilson (W. E.) on gibbets, 315 James V.'s poems, 476 Wyndham (H. Saxe) on portrait of younger Rich, 247 Wyrley (Will), his Derbyshire Church Notee, 376 Y. on Horace Walpole's letters, 158 Yachting, first introduced into England, 108,156 Yak-bob day, 29 May, 132 Yardley (E.) on ' Byways in the Classics,' 261,352, 435 'Chevy Chase,'155 Corisande, 352 Detectives in fiction, 356 Dumas, its pronunciation, 275 English poets and the Armada, 414 Punch, the beverage, 477 Quillin or Quillan, 253 Quotations wanted, 393, 435 Yarrow on Robertson of Struan, 235 Yellow and black, the Devil's colours, 10, 97 Ygreo on detached belfries, 290 York, original registers sought, 167, 235 York (Cardinal) and Lord Nelson, 106 Yorke (Eliot), water-colour painter, 488, 537 Yorkshire dialect. 102, 170, 190, 257 Yorkshire, Norman inscriptions in, 16 Yorkshire spellings, 104, 253 Young (Charles) and Bartholomew Beale, 104 Ytbancaester, Essex, its identification, 48, 90 LONDON : PRINTED BY JOHN EDWABD 1 RAM Is, BBEAM'8 BUILDINGS, CHAKCEBY. LANK.