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NOTES AND QTJEKIES: f inltramitmmieatirjn FOB LITERARY MEN, GENERAL READERS, ETC. ' When found, make a note of."—CAPTAIN CUTTLE. No. 79. [s™.] SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1905. { PRICE FOUBPENCF. Rtaitttrtdaa a Ktterpaptr. Jtnttrid at t>,f. N. T.P O. a* S€tond-Cl«si Matttr. ftafljf Sttb»eriptionl20$. ti.i pott free. NOTES AND QUKRIBS.-The SUBSCRIPTION to NOTE* ASD UUF.RIBS free by po« In 10.,. U. for Six Month., or 20, M for TwelTe Months. Inclodlng the Volnme ***£-*>**'>• FRANCIS, AWM <mJ Biitnta Offlce, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane. DMIRAL NEALE.—Can any reader refer me S^*R|^^^

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1ITKRARY WORK RKQOIRED by a GENTLE- A MAN well UP In Hlstorr, Geography, Antiquarian BeMUCb, Compiling. :la.slf,in«, Indexing. 4c . or to ass-st Author or Ed.Mr- Address, T. SLBBT.Si, St. Alban's Crescent, Wood Green, N. A MERICAN (ENGLISH) ANCESTORS.— A KEGI8TEE8 ana AECORD8 .ongh,'for b, JOSEPH D1XON, Bmrro»-In-Fnrnen. roon NCESTRY, English, Scotch, Irish, and American , Chlswlck. London, BOOKS.—ALL OUT-OF-PRINT BOOKS supplied, no matter on what '"hi6^ *Cp"ease"stMetwean't"— AUTHOR'8 HAIRLESS PAPER-PAD (Th, ouid be retained. JUST PUBLISHED, Part VI. Vol. I. Fourth Series, price 2.'. GJ. •MTISCELLANKA QENKALOGICA et WL HEKALDICA (or JUNE, containing Notes on Yadelectus, arlet to Oenoaloev of Acworth VamllT ; Ke«rlster» ot WUsford »nd ike 'pedlirfe of the Famllj ot Duuns; Monumental Inscriptions at •oohTlch, <)»lnKham Churchyard, and 6t. Ann's, Soho, and In the ritish Cemeteries of the Ionian Islands. Plates—Douglass, Duke of Doter, and Arms of Abraham Acfrorth. London : MITCHELL HUOHE8 ft CLARKE, 140, Wardour Street, W. NOW BEADY, price 10,. &1. net. THE NINTH SERIES E N E R NOTES A L OP AND INDEX QUERIES. With Introduction bj JOSEPH KNIGHT, F.S.A. Thli Index Is double the six« of preytons ones, ss It contains, In addition to the usual Index of Subjects, the Nsmes and Pseudonyms of Writers with a List of their Contributions. The number of constant Contributors exceeds eleven hundred. The Publisher reserves the right of Increasing the price of the Volume at any time. 'Ilia number jrinteil Is limited, and the type has been distributed. Frm by post, 10,. 1U. JOHN 0. FRANCIS, Xotci and Qutria Oflice, Bream's Buildings, E.G. SECOND EDITION, fcap. 8vo, price Fonrptnce. NEW TESTAMENT CHRONOLOGY: the Principal Events recorded In the New Testament, arranged under their Protable Hupectlve Dates. Hy W. T. LYNN, H.A. FR.A.B., Aisoclate of King's College. London. Lay Reader In the Diocese of Rochester, Author of 'Celestial Motions.' 'Remarkable Comets, Remarkable Bcllpies, Astronomy for the Young,' *c. London: SAMUEL BAGSTER * SONS, LIMITED, 15, Paternoster Row. TENTH EDITION, price Two Shillings. riELESTIAL MOTIONS: a Handy Book of J Astronomy. Tenth Edition. With 3 PUtes. My W. T. LYNN, B.A. FR.A.8. " Well known as one of our best Introductions to astronomy." Qvardian. BAMP80N LOW. MAR8TON A CO.. LlMlTID, Bt Dunttan's House, Fetter Lane, B.C. TWELFTH EDITION, price Sixpence, cloth. REMARKABLE COMETS: a Brief Survey of the «-V most interesting Facts In the History of Cometary Astronomy. By W. T. LYNN, B.A. F R A.8. SAMPSON LOW, MAR8TON * CO.. LIMITED, St. Dnnstan's Houie, Fetter Lane. B.C. S~~TICKPHAST PASTE is miles better than Gam for stickirp in Scraps, joining Papers. Ac. 3J-. 6V/.. and 1,. with Strong useful brush (not a Toy). Send two stamps to cover po;t*ge for a sample Hottle. Including Hrnsh. Factory. Sugar Loaf Court. Leadenhall Strfet, B.C. Of all Stationer. Stlckphast Paste sticks. PRESS. —JOHN EDWARD ! ry«UN BRIDGE WELLS.—APARTMENTS. Com- . .Ln 11, . ,„ 'ntft null UHf.rlf*. SC . IS I w«**"»~- • — 13, Breams Iluililings, Cbsncery lane, B.C. Wells. 145558