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NOTES AND QUERIES, [lo-.s.iv. JULY 15,1903. W. H. SMITH & SON'S LIBRARY, 186, STRAND, LONDON, W.C., AND AT THE RAILWAY BOOKSTALLS, EMBRACES ALL THE MOST IMPORTANT BOOKS, BIO- GRAPHIES AND MEMOIRS, TRAVEL AND SPORT, HISTORY, THEOLOGY, SCIENCE AND SOCIOLOGY, NATURAL HISTORY, LITERATURE AND ART, POETRY AND ESSAYS, TOPOGRAPHY, FICTION, REVIEWS, AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. NEWEST AND BEST BOOKS ADDED AS PUBLISHED. Over 800 Branches to which Subscribers may be transferred, and books forwarded to their orders, carriage free. Terms and Particulars on application. SURPLUS LIBRARY BOOKS AND VALUABLE NEW REMAINDERS OFFERED AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Many Thousands of Volumes of Important Works in all branches of General Literature, suitable for Students, Institutions, Libraries, Presents, &c., Carriage Free to any of the Railway Bookstalls. MONTHLY CATALOGUE (150 PAGES) FEEE ON APPLICATION. Head Office: 186, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. rubliiiwii Wwklr »r JOHN c. FRANCIS Urmia • Bniidim. ci>»e>rr L»n«. B.C. -, and Printed br JOHN E i>n Alt i > m AM. I * AUienium Frew, Brwm'i Bolldinji, Cnunry line, B.C.-aMw«v, full 16,11)05.