Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 5.djvu/580

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NOTES AND QUERIES. i[io> s. v. JUNE 16,19%.

4 vols. quarto and 1 vol. folio, Paris, 1858, 51. ; the Oxford facsimile of the Chaucer first folio, 51. 5s. ; ' The English Dialect Dictionary,' edited by Joseph Wright, HI. 14s.; Westlake's 'Glass Painting,' 61. 6s. ; Petherick's ' Catalogue of the York Gate Library,' 20s. ; and Edward Fitzgerald's 'Literary Remains,' edition de luxe, 31. 13s. Qd. Many items of interest occur under Brasses, Coloured Plates, Costume, &c. Under Oxford, we find Joseph Foster's 'Alumni Oxonienses,' 4. 4s.; Loggan's

  • Oxonia Illustrata,' 1775, 101. ; and Moffat's ' Old

Oxford Plate,' 4Z. 4s.

Messrs. Henry Sotheran & Co. in their Price Current for 6 June complete their lists of works in Philology. This is followed by a miscellaneous portion, which opens with a long run of The Times from 18 Oct., 1850, to 1853, and complete from 1860 to 1905, making, with 88 vols. of Index, 401 vols., 051. The next item is a set of ' The Annual Register,' 1758-1902, 311. 10s There is a long list under Alp and Ice Lore, including Coleman's ' Scenes from the Snow Fields,' 31. 10s. ; and William Longman's * Lecture on Switzerland,' 10s. Under America will be found Benjamin Franklin's Works, 10 vols., royal 8vo, Boston. 1840, 4. 4s.; and Hunter's 'Ottawa Scenery,' 1855, 21. 15s. Chess occupies an important place in the list, one entry being Mrs. Baird's 'Seven Hundred Chess Problems,' II. Is. Under Entomology will be found a set of the Entomological Society s Transactions. 1836-1905, 50^.; and one of The Entomologist', 1840-1905, 9. 9s. A set of the Hellenic Society, 1880-1905, is priced 28^. 10s.; and of the Historical Society, 40 vols., 81. Other items include 'The Huth Library of Elizabethan- Jacobean Unique or Very Rare Books,' 271. (only 150 sets were privately printed) ; Kipling's Writings, Edition de luxe, scarce, IQl. 16s.; Owen Jones's 'Alhambra,' 1842-5, 147. ; Nash's ' Mansions of England,' 1839 - 49, 121. 10s.; John Stuart Mill's Works, library edition, very scarce, 19 vols., 131. 13s. ; Hoare's ' Wiltshire,' 8 vols., imperial folio, presentation copy, with 291 extra coats of arms emblazoned, 1812-52, 95Z.; and Picart's ' C6rmonies et Coutumes,' Amsterdam, 1723-36, 10Z.

Messrs. Henry Young & Sons, of Liverpool, have Gazette Arche'ologique, aussi Revue des Musees Nationaux, a complete set, 1875 to 1889, 14 vols., Paris, 121. 12s. ; the first edition of Shaw's ' Mediaeval Alphabets,' 10s.; Libri's 'Monuments inedits, 1'Historie des Arts du Dessin considered dans leur Application a 1'Ornement des Livres,' first edition, 1862-4, 121. (from Sir William Eraser's Library) ; a collection of prints after Claude le Lorrain by the celebrated engraver Richard Earlom, 3 vols., Boydell, 121. 12s. ; Snelling's 'Coinage of England from the Norman Conquest,' 1762-74,37. 10s. ; first editions of Crabbe's ' Borough,' 1810, 31. 15s., and 'Tales in Verse,' 1812, 21s. (the former contains a long autograph letter) ;

Elizabeth,' 1625, 67. 6s.; "Tudor Translations," 357.

complete Bewick's

set of

and others, imperial-paper copies, 1818-20, 157. 15s. ; 'The Works of Horace,' with life by Milraan, extended to 2 vols. by 104 additional engravings, Murray, 1849, 87. 8*.; Lever's Complete Works, library edition, 377. ; Samuel Richardson's Works, 1804-5-11, 127. 12s. ; Piranesi's ' Rome,' 1756-64, 217. ; Duruy's ' Rome,' translated from the French by Prof. Mahaffy, 87. 8*. ; Madame Sevigue letters,

Paris, 1806, 87. 8s. ; a complete set of R. L. Steven- son's works, Edinburgh edition, 387. ; and a most valuable collection of Gillray caricatures, 1257. Messrs. Young's catalogue contains, as usual, in- teresting illustrations.

MR. E. BERESFORD CHANCELLOR is engaged in writing a book on the Squares of London. He will be very glad of any interesting information with regard to houses in the various squares. Letters should be addressed to him c/o Messrs. Kegan Paul & Co., Dryden House, Gerrard Street, W.

' THE GREEN GATEWAY : a Peep into the Plant World,' is the title of a new book by Mr. Francis George Heath the first volume of his "Nature's Doorstep Series," fully illustrated "studies of earth, air, and water " for young people. The Country Press, Kensington, will be the publishers.


We must call special attention to the following notices :

ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately.

To secure insertion of communications corre- spondents must observe the following rules. Let each note, query, or reply be written on a separate slip of paper, with the signature of the writer and such address as he wishes to appear. When answer- ing queries, or making notes with regard to previous entries in the paper, contributors are requested to put in parentheses, immediately after the exact heading, the series, volume, and page or pages to which they refer. Correspondents who repeat queries are requested to head the second com- munication " Duplicate."

WE cannot undertake to advise correspondents as to the value of old books and other objects or as to the means of disposing of them.

H. K. ST. J. S. ("Kipling's 'Such lands as lie 'twixt Rake and Rye'"). Rake, according to Bar- tholomew's ' Gazetteer of the British Isles,' is a village on the border of Hants and Sussex, two miles south-east of Liss.

F. JARRATT ("Author of Quotation," "Blan- dina," "Pit"), J. RADCLIFFB ("Heraldic"), and ST. EWART ("Epitaph at Bowes"). Anticipated by replies already published.

COL. PRTDEAUX and E. LEGA - WEEKES. For- warded.

CORRIGENDUM. Ante, p. 244, col. 1, 1. 17, for "bastou" read baston.


Editorial communications should be addressed to " The Editor of ' Notes and Queries ' " Adver- tisements and Business Letters to "The Pub- lisher "at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C.

We beg leave to state that we decline to return communications which, for any reason, we do not print ; and to this rule we can make no exception.