Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 7.djvu/172

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Historie of Life and Death,' a very rare volume, 1H38 67.6*.; Ralegh's 'Philip cle Oommines, 1614, 4/l(K; and Hollar's ' Theatrum Mulierum,' 1643, 07 There are some interesting homilies. " Messrs. Henry Sotheran & Co.'s Price Current ,669 contains Ampigollus's 'Liber Manualis, 1476, Sndwith other black-letter theologicalmcunabula in one volume, folio, morocco extra by DeCmerley, 14/ - and the very rare first edition of Baxter s faints" EverlastingRest' 1650, 87 8.j (the earliest edition known to Lowndes was 16o3). There are sixty entries under Bible, and many of great rarity, including the Ashburnham copy of the Polyglott, 1667-69 357. ; the Tyiidale and Coverdale edition, 1537, 551.; and first edition of Cranmers Io40, iVV 10* The extremely rare Indulgence printed by Caxton, which Blades describes as No. 4 type, West- minster 1481, is 1951. " The Witchfinder's Charter." is the description of Sprenger and Kramers 'Malleus Maleficarum,' c. 1486. This formed the great textbook on procedure in cases of witchcraft. Davison states that, " for the first time, trials were now 'legally' conducted, and armed with Pope Innocent's bull they traversed Germany, leaving

behind them a track of blood and fire witches

were no longer burned in twos and threes, but in scores and hundreds." Under John Merbeck, is the first English Concordance, 1550, 47. 4* .; and under Cardinal Newman is a set of his works, 30 vols., 41 4* The Prayer Books include Queen Eliza- beth's 217 and Pickering's series of reprints, 1844, 7 vols. , folio, vellum, 87. 8*. There are a great many more important items, but space will not admit of our giving them.

Mr. Thomas Thorp's Reading Catalogue 171 con- tains Ashmole's 'Berkshire,' 1719, 107. 107. Hollands ' Heroologia-Anglica,' 1620, 187. 18*; Lavater, 1810, ,V 5.s- and the rare first edition of VV hite s Sel- borne,' 1789, 127. 12*. The first editions of Dickens include 'Oliver Twist' with the scarce "Fireside Keate," Bentley, 1838, 37. 10*. Under Drama are a number of prompt copies. Other items include 'Encyclopedia Britannica,' half - morocco, Times office, 14/. Lists occur under London as well as -under Military. A copy of Pickering's beautiful miniature Milton is priced 5*. : and a collection of 46 rare tracts, time of Cromwell, 47. 4*.

Messrs. Henry Young Sons, of Liverpool, have in their Catalogue CCCLXXVII. a beautiful Bible on vellum, 1320, 45/. This is a fine specimen of the Bibles made for the private use of wealthy individuals during the fourteenth century, and comes from the Sutherland Collection. Bacon's 'Henry VII.,' tall copy of the first edition, 1622, is !)/. )*. ; first edition of Camden's ' Anglica,' &c., in a very fine James I. binding, 1602, 217. ; and James I.'s copy of Camden's ' Britannia,' 1610, 37. 3*. Under Costume is a souvenir of the Bal Costume given by Queen Victoria at Buckingham Palace, 12 May, 1842, 52 plates, hand coloured, with letterpress by Planche giving an account of the ball and names of the guests, 67. 6*. This copy belonged to the Duke of Sutherland. The first edition of Meyrick and Smith's ' Costume of the ( )riginal Inhabitants of the British Islands to the Sixth Century,' 1815, is 47. 4*. Under Drama is a set of Inchbald, 42 vols., 12mo, 1809-11, 97. 9*. Other items include Fiiller's ' Church History,' the splen- did original edition, 1655, 67. 6*. ; large copy of Holinshed, 1586-7, 187. 18*. ; Herbert and Brayley's

  • Lambeth Palace,' largest paper, with the portraits

painted by hand, folio, 1806, 47. 4*. ; and the first illustrated edition of Milton. 1688, 67. 6*. Under Psalms is the scarce edition of King James's trans- lation, 1637, 47. 4*. Under Navigation will be found Seller's 'Coasting Pilot,' about 1670, 87. 8*. Under Early Printing are many choice specimens. There is a long list under Liverpool Authors. Under Trials is ' Celebrated Trials and Remark- able Cases of Criminal Jurisprudence, 1413-1825,' 57. 15*. 6(1. Borrow compiled this, and often refers to it in ' Lavengro ' and ' Romany Rye.'

THE sale of the Rev. J. Woodfall Ebsworth's library has been postponed to Thursday week and following day. The catalogue issued by Messrs. Puttick & Simpson indicates how choice is the collection.


We must call special attention to the following notices :

ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately.

To secure insertion of communications corre- spondents must observe the following rules. Let each note, query, or reply be written on a separate slip of paper, with the signature of the writer and such address as he wishes to appear. When answer- ing queries, or making notes with regard to previous entries in the paper, contributors are requested to put in parentheses, immediately after the exact heading, the series, volume, and page or pages to which they refer. Correspondents who repeat queries are requested to head the second com- munication "Duplicate."

WE cannot undertake to advise correspondents as to the value of old books and other objects or as to the means of disposing of them.

H. P. L. ("Straight is the line of duty"). MR. EUOEXE TEESDALE stated^ at 6 S. viii. 219 that this verse was " written by William Maccall, author of ' Elements of Individuality,' &c., and a personal friend of Thomas Carlyle."

Hie ET UBIQUE ("I expect to pass through this world but once "). There is a long note on these words in ' Cassell's Book of Quotations,' p. 448, just compiled by Mr. W. Gurney Benham. See also 8 S. xi. 118.

CECIL CLARKE (" The hand that rocks the cradle "). " Recently " is a rather vagiie date. Miss Roberts's letter to the New York Critic was printed at 9 S. ii. 358 (29 Oct., 1898), and supplemented by a New York correspondent of ' N. & Q.' at 10 S. v. 273. " Book-stealing " will appear shortly.


Editorial communications should be addressed to " The Editor of ' Notes and Queries ' "Adver- tisements and Business Letters to " The Pub- lishers " at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, B.C.

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