Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 7.djvu/513

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10 s. vii. JU>E i, 1907.] NOTES AND QUERIES.



CONTENTS. No. 179.

NOTES : Shakespeariana at Douai, 421 Maldon Records and the Drama, 422 Epitaphs at Stratford-upon-Avon Marvell's Poems, 1681, 423 Lancelot Sharpe Autograph Prices The Octagonal Engine House on Hampstead Heath, 424 " Roach "=Cockroach " Horssekyns " Chief Justice Taney and the Dred Scott Case Work Indicator, 425 Good King Wenceslaus "Dump" Charm for Burglars " Frittars or Greaves," 426 St. Mar- garet's, Westminster, and Buckingham, 427.

.QUERIES : " Pourcuttle " : " Pourcontrel " School for the Indigent Blind Graham and Little Parentage, 427 Authors of Quotations Wanted Cornelius Cordiner John Crooke Page of Wembley Shakespeare edited by Scott Autograph Letters sold by Auction " Tinners " in Military Musters, 428 Chapel Royal, Savoy: Curious Custom 'Book of Loughscur' James Boswell and 'The Shrubs of Parnassus ' Zoffany's Indian Portraits " Salu- tation Tavern," Billingsgate Pictorial Blinds Burmese God, 429.

REPLIES :' Sobriquets and Nicknames,' 430 " Pot-Gal- lery," 431 Pot-hooks and Hangers, 432 Slingsby, Male Dancer Abraham Lincoln and European Politicians Musical Genius : is it Hereditary ? 433 Napoleon's Car- riage, 434 Authors Wanted Bacon's Apophthegms, 435 Heraldic: Cross Clechee Goldsmith Tablet Thomas Thursby or Thoresby Bell Inscription at Siresa The Slovenish Language Coleridge's ' Epitaphium Testa- mentarium,' 436 B.V.M. and the Birth of Children, 437.

.NOTES ON BOOKS : ' London Topographical Record' ' Gems from Boswell'" The World's Classics."

Booksellers' Catalogues. .Notices to Correspondents.


HAVING recently had to examine H. R. Duthillceul's ' Catalogue descriptif et raisonne des Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque ,de Douai ' (Douai, 1846), I have come .across a Shaksperian reference which is .curious and interesting.

MS. 740 is described as a quarto paper volume in parchment binding. It is as- .signed to the eighteenth century, and con- tains (1) ' Twelfth Night ; or, What You Will ' ; (2) ' As You Like It ' ; (3) ' The Famous Comedy of Errors ' ; (4) ' Romeo ,and Juliett ' ; (5) ' Julius Caesar ' ; and (6) ' Macbeth.' In addition the volume con- tains (7) Lee's ' Mithridates ' ; (8) Dryden's ' Indian Emperor ' ; and (9) Davenant's ' Siege of Rhodes.'

This book came to the town library from the collection of the English Benedictines ,at Douai, and, although assigned to the eighteenth century by the catalogue, may possibly belong to the latter end of the seven- teenth, as these plays of Lee, Dryden, and Davenant were all published before the Revolution. It should be worth examining

any Shaksperian student who happens

o be in Douai.

The Catalogue registers a number of other codexes, English or of English origin, tfo. 14 is a folio illuminated Psalter of the fourteenth century, and has written on the first leaf : " Psalterum dompni Johannis abbatis ex dono dni Thome vicarii de Gorlestone." No. 421, * Tractatus diversi de Fide, de Providentia, de Sacramentis Baptismi et Pcenitentiae, et de Peccatis,' is said to be by an English friar, Robert Aleohot, whose surname is not very convinc- ng. No. 467 is an eighteenth-century MS., Brigam's instruction to his eldest son. No. 514 is described as ' The Gran Contro- versy of the Eucharist,' a seventeenth- century MS. No. 711 is a volume of the writings of Gervais Melkel, and was given to the English College at Douai by Alban Butler. Nos. 734 and 735 are miscellaneous collections, including poems of Dryden, Milton, and Addispn. No. 109 is a thir- teenth-century ' Vita ' of St. Thomas a Becket by John of Salisbury. " Ce manu- scrit," says M. Duthilloeul,

"provieiit sans doute de la bibliotheque Bodle"enne d'Oxfort, car on trouve, sur urie note presque illisible ecrite vers le xv e siecle au moins, lib. aule Oxdn in Oxdn. II a du appartenir ensuite au College des be"ne"dictins anglais de Douai."

No. 867 is an English translationof Lesley's ' De Origine, Moribus et Rebus Gestis Scotorum,' apparently made for the use of James II. when Duke of York. No. 869 is the Register of Cardinal Pole. No. 871 is Robert Parsons's ' Memorial,' " sub- scribed by the author's own hand." There is another " subscribed " copy in the archives of the see of Westminster (vide ' D.N.B.'). No. 872, a thirteenth- or four- teenth-century copy of Giraldus Cam- brensis has inside the cover : " Liber ecclesiae B. Marie de Ayton." No. 943 is a work by Sylvester Jencks : ' Epistola de Historia Suaviana.' There are other works which have an English interest.

The Shaksperian transcript is not the only dramatic codex. A fifteenth-century Seneca, a seventeenth-century ' Habrahamus Co- moedia,' an eighteenth-century ' Homo Varius,' and a seventeenth-century ' Oswinus' are registered. The last three were acted by the Jesuit students of Douai. Interest centres in the Shaksperian transcript. It is a remarkable testimony to his hold upon the nation that the Roman Catholic College of Douai should have had in its library a transcript of five of his plays.