Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 7.djvu/647

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Notes and Queries, July 27, 1907.



Heralds, their anointing and inauguration, 448 Heredity and genius, 170, 236, 433 Herodotus, single-tooth monstrosity in, 205 Herpich (C. A.) on authorship of Is It Shakespeare ? ' 164

Shakespeariana, 144 Hertford, Christ's Hospital at, 7 Hertslet (W. L.), 1839-98, his ancestry, 326, 492 Heslop (R. Oliver) on pot-gallery, 431

Pot-hooks and hangers, 432

" What wants that knave ?" 219 Hewetson (J.) on firgunanum, 7 He wit family genealogy, 88 Hewitt (A. J.) on Teniers and miniatures, 409 Hewitt (Canon J. A.) on ghost- words, 347 Hibgame (F. T.) on Chatterton in London, 506

Hickford's Room, Brewer Street, 128

Newman (Cardinal), his birthplace, 489

Pictorial blinds, 493

Roman Catholic priests buried in London, 72

Seething Lane, 390

Virginia and the Eastern Counties, 329

Wiseman and Manning (Cardinals), 133, 245 Hie et Ubique on the Haymarket, Westminster, 371 Hickford's Concert-Room, Brewer Street, 128, 196 Higham (C.) on Avignon Society of Illuminati, 386,514 Highgate, and Hornsey Wood House, 106, 157, 216,

253, 274, 371 ; sale of Holly Lodge, 487 " Highlander, Old," tobacconist's sign, 47, 92, 115,

137, 457

High Wycombe, place-name, its etymology, 292 Hill (N. W.) on 'All's Well that Ends Well, 3 V. ii., 484

Californian English : American coin-names, 154

Court Roll terms, 515

Echidna, 356

' Hamlet,' I. ii. 131-2, 146

' Henry IV.' Part I., II. i., 145

' Henry IV.' Part I., III. i., 485

Hoek van Holland, 473

Marlborough wheels, 157

'New York Times ': 'Christian Union,' 236

Pillion : flails, 272

Roosevelt : its pronunciation, 35

Snakes in South Africa, 258

Thune : (Eil-de-breuf, French slang, 153

Treats : mullers, their meaning, 517 Hills (A. ) on Washington pedigree, 25 Hilson (J. L.) on creeling the bridegroom, 256 Hilton (F.) on Hilton and Hare families, 290 Hilton family, 290 Hippoclides on blue-water as adjective, 109

Duynkerkers, 309

Stones of London, 448 Hitchin-Kemp (F.) on Clippingdale, 37

Page family and their Middlesex estates, 322

Virginia and the Eastern Counties, 412 Hock, words built on the base, 401, 494 Hock Stapler, title of horse at Winchester College, 494 Hodgkin (J. Eliot) on book-stealing, 212

Charles I. : his physical characteristics, 334 Hoek van Holland, signification of the place-name,

188, 236, 254, 473

Hog : hoga, words built on the base, 401, 494 Hogshead, derivation of the word, 346 Holbourne (Lady Anne), memorial inscription, 2

Holbrook (Mrs. Ann Catharine), her publications, 352

Holden family, 188, 233

Holed-stone folk-lore, 26, 157

Holland, Hoek van, signification of the place-name,

188, 236, 254, 473 Holland (W. R.) on Bidding prayer, 72

Bossing, 135

Holly Lodge, Highgate, its sale, 487 Holmes (O. W.) on citizenship, 249, 297, 475 Homer, iron in, 39, 141 ; and Dickens, 505 Hood (Tom), bells mentioned by, 294 Hoodman-blind, obsolete English game, 512 Horner : Anglo-Indian ' Little Jack Homer,' 97 Horne-Tooke (John), memorial inscription at St.

Nicholas's, Brighton, 509

Hornsey, William Wallace and Robert Bruce, 343 Hornsey Wood House, 106, 157, 216, 253, 274, 371 Horse-bells, survival of the custom, 33, 110, 174, 258 Horses, grey, and Scots Greys, 93 Horses of Marly, 190, 211, 251, 277, 352, 376, 396 Horses with four white feet, 157, 378 Horssekyns name for colts or fillies, 1548, 425 Houghton-le-Spring, Royal Kepier School, its scholars,

68, 116

House motto : Ulidia, its meaning, 289, 356, 518 House of Commons, Fathers of the, 486 Houses of historical interest, 312, 413, 472 Houses or hospitals, 14th-century religious, 34 How (Bishop Walsham), anecdote in his 'Lighter

Moments,' 419 Howard (Lady Constance), article on Kirby Hall,

Northants, 228, 275, 458

Howard (Sir George), Field-Marshal, 129, 192, 235 Howell (M. A.) on author of quotation wanted, 312 Howson (T.), vicar of Sturton, suit against, 46 Hubbub = disturbance, its derivation, 507 Humphreys (A. L.) on Payne at the Mews Gate, 492 Hungarian rare plant and English botanists, 370 Hungerford, Hocktyde festivities at, 401, 494 Hugo (Victor), his property in England, 33 Humphries (Richard), prizefighter, c. 1784-90, 13 Hunter's cakes: hunter's wood, incorrect translations

from the Dutch, 346 Hurricane lore, West Indian, 127 Hurstmonceaux, pronunciation of place-name, 248, 355 Hustle-cap, obsolete English game, 512 Hutchinson (T.) on Wordsworth anecdote, 193 Ice, splitting fields of, 114 Illuminati, Avignon Society of, 386, 514 Impecuniosity, earliest use of the word, 126 Imperial phrases, 348, 417 Inconsiderative, use of the word in 1684, 126 Incubators, early, 149, 218, 394 Indian title, Raja-i-Rajgan, 66 Infinitive, split, in Milton, 33 Ingenuus, English equivalent of the word, 109 Ingleby (Holcombe) on Virginia and the Eastern;

Counties, 412

Ingoldsby, parody on ' Poor Dog Tray,' 14, 137 Inniskilling : Enniskilling, spelling of the name, 269 Inquirer on Hoek van Holland, 188

Slavery in England, 149 Inscriptions at Bellagio, Italy, 164 4 Intelligence,' J. Macock, 1666, newspaper, 348 Ireland, Langtry estate in, 128, 198 Irish girl and Barbary pirates, poem on, 460