Notes and Queries, Jan. 25, 1908.
Crosby Hall, its threatened destruction and history,
30, 71, 111, 256, 376
Cross, and elder-bush folk-lore, 131, 211, 314 Cross, St. Andrew's, its colours, 507 Cross (S. E.) on mediaeval churchyards, 390 Crouch (C. H.) on Admiral Christ epitaph, 34
" Golden Angel " in St. Paul's Churchyard, 216
Sturrny or Esturmy family, 1 6
West's picture of the death of Wolfe, 17 Crow (W. R.) on Crowe family, 509
Hamilton family, 45C Crowe family, 509
" Crown" Hotel, St. Martin's Court, 1790, 430 Crucifixion, its date, 409 Cruickshank (J. G.) on Highlanders barbadosed, 68,
Cruikshank (George) : portrait in caricature by I. K. Cruikshank, 187 ; his illustrations of political squibs, 485, 516
Crumpsman, slang word, its meaning, 49 Cruscantism, use and meaning of the word, 48 Cudworth (Dr. Ralph) and W. M. Thackeray, 266 Cull (J. ) on Nana Sahib and Indian Mutiny, 31(5 Cumberland, Waliva in, 470 Cummings (W. H.) on 'Rule, Britannia,' 313 Cupples (J. G.) on Burns's "Mensuration School," 70 Cups, Maundy, 1490-1539, 56, 331 Curious on 'Lincolnshire Family's Chequered His- tory,' 371
Reindeer, its spelling, 358 Curry (J. T.) on Arundel Castle legend, 390
Incached, its meaning, 273
" Nom de guerre " and " Nom de plume," 248
Practice, a rule of arithmetic, 112
" Yeoman service," 150 Curtis (J.) on Court Leet : Manor Court, 93
Secret languages, 190 Cut his stick = ' hooked it," origin of the expression,
Cuthbertson (Major N.) on authors of quotations, 230 D, lines on words in, 482 D. on College HeValdique de France, 392
Goumiers, Morocco term, 296
Treaty of Tilsit, 511 D. (C.) on Wieland's ' Agathon,' 457 D. (F.)on authors of quotations, 230 D. (H. W.) on Arundel Castle legend, 434
British music publisher, earliest, 475
Littleton's ' History of Islington,' 156 D. (J.) on Treaty of Tilsit, 469
D. (J.) & Son on Sir Thomas Warner's tombstone, 288 D. (K.) on Shakespeariana, 303 D. (T. F.) on fiteres=rags, 32
Literary allusions, 513
London and Birmingham Railway, 473
Nelson and Wellington, 506
Provand's Lordship, Glasgow, 497
Thiggyng : fulcenale : warelondes, 92
Wellington (Duke of) on uniforms, 176
Women and Parliament, 445 Dallas (Sir Thomas), Indian cavalry officer, 170 Dalton (C.) on Carnwath pedigree, 445
Inches Volunteers, 1797-1800, 224 Dalzell family, 445, 492
Damage : " What's the damage?" the phrase, 187 Daniel (S.), his ' Civil Wars,' 1595, 405
Dante's ' Purgatorio,' meaning of Balzo, 226, 291
Dapifer in mediaeval Latin, its meaning, 48, 116
Darcie (Abraham), his ' History of Elizabeth.' 89
Darrell (Thames) and Harrison Ainsworth, 189
David family and Eton House, Kent, 290
Davies (A. Morley) on Chiltern Hundreds, 53
Halesowen, Worcestershire, 31 Davies (J. S.) on musical services on towers, 153 Davis (T.), his poem ' The Sack of Baltimore,' 13 De Arcubus family, 169
De Laune (Thomas), his ' Present State of London,' 1 De Lhuys or Norderloose (Jacoba), 89, 157 De Morgan (Prof.), his arithmetical books, 386 Dead, the, christened in Russia, 405 Death folk-lore and nightingale, 57, 192, 354 Defoe (Daniel), his ' Colonel Jacque,' 87, 411 Delahaize tomb in Tottenham Churchyard, 247, 355 Demont (Matthew Diamondbuld), 1658, 69, 213 Dennis (Edward), alias Jack Ketch, 1785, 245 Denny (H. L. L.) on Law family, 367 Deodands, abolished in 1846, 129 Derbyshire Gotham, origin of the place-name, 8 Devachan, theosophical term, its meaning, 28, 91 Devil, called Drowse in 16th century, 6, 73 Devil's Island, its history, 108, 175 Devonshire witchcraft, 127
Dey (E. Merlon) on Shakespeariana, 163, 164,303, 503 Diabolo, formerly lorio, the game, 65, 287, 374 Dialect words: Somersetshire, 248; Kent, 506 Diamonds and goat's blood, 270, 356, 456 ' Diary illustrative of Times of George IV.,' 387, 455 Dibdin (E. Rimbault) on Sham Abraham," 477 Dick (Sir William), d. 1655, his biography, 61 Dickens (C.) : " Be sure to butter your bread on both
sides," 210 ; Capt. Cuttle's hook, 467 Dictionary, early Latin-English-Basque, 16 'Dictionary of National Biography': Albert Moore in, 46, 317; proposed index nominum et locorum, 161; additions and corrections, 367, 407 Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, best German, 389, 457 Diddlebury, Shropshire, its vicar and rector, 288 " Dieu done tout," motto on fireplace at Coventry, 210 " Discreteness " in counties, examples of, 31 Dissent and affirmation, signs of, 205 Dissenting preachers in the Old Jewry, 347, 435 Divinity examination, Oxford, customs at, 54 Dixon (H.) on panel inscription, 29 Dockwra (William) and London Penny Post, 1680,
370, 410
Doctor on Vernon and Wentworth families, 328 Docwra (Sir Henry), 1560-1631, his descendants, 9 Dodgson (E. S.) on Admiral Christ epitaph, 34
Cornish epitaphs, 325
Coroon, a cherry, 48
'Don Quixote' in English literature, 107
Haberdatz, its meaning, 108
Incached, its meaning, 235
Lady-bird folk lore, 116
Latin- English-Basque dictionary, 16
Lei$arragan verb, 56
Panel inscription, 113
Primrose = prime, of age, 129
Pulle or maste, its meaning, 206
Totter-out, its meaning, 5
Two-tooth : two-teeth, 268
" With full swinge," 349