Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/115

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3Teilde (Rev. Matthew), his marriage, 1776,

vi. 477

Peld or Field families of Yorkshire, xi. 434 Felis on lairds of Drumminnor, v. 175 Pelix (Don), character in an old play, xi. 320, 409 " Felix Summerly " (Sir H. Cole), his handbooks

of London, x. 47, 98

Feliziano, Portuguese artist, c. 1668, v. 69 Fell (John), Westminster scholar, 1733, viii. 448 Fell (Mary A.,) on authors of quotations, ii. 28

Date of publication wanted, vi. 348 Fell (B.), Westminster scholar, 1739, viii. 448 Fellowship, college, sold in 1591, iv. 227 Felltham (Cv) or Suckling, song by, c. 1661,

vi. 346, 431

Female Grooms of the Royal Chamber, i. 187 Feminism, in the seventeenth century, vi. 485 Fe"nelons = slippers with tabs on the instep,

iii. 146

Fennyvesci (Mile,)., 1839, her biography, vii. 190 " Fent," trade term, its origin, iv. 410, 458, 478 Fenton, scene-painter, his Christian name, v. 350 Fenton (W. S. M.), Etonian, 1762, x. 268 Fenwick (J.), Westminster scholar, 1763, viii. 448 Fenwiek (Sir John), beheaded in 1697, iv. 249 Fenwick (Thomas), Westminster scholar, 1717,

viii. 448 Fenwick (Thomas'), Westminster scholar, 1720,

viii. 448 Fenwick (Thomas), Westminster scholar, 1772,

viii. 44S

Fenwick (Walter) = Magdalene Hunt, 1628, ix. 330 Fenwick family, x. 110

Feawig (Morlena), character in fiction, iv. 130 Feoffment separitite, form of conveyance, i. 510 ;

ii. 56

Fere, derivation of the word, ii. 304, 358, 393 Ferguson (Col. A. T.), of Kentucky, c. 1856,

viii. 250, 318 Ferguson (D.), his ' The Lady Bark,' dialogue,

vi. 349 Ferguson (Donald) <on Maria Jane Jewsbury in

Ceylon, i. 41 Ferguson (J. De Lancey) on Rudyard Kipling's

letters of travel, ix. 325 ; uncollected Kipling

items, 134

.Ferguson family df Inverurie, iii. 489 Ferguson-Tepper family, iii. 489 JFergusson (Rev. Adam W.) on sons of the clergy :

' Who's Who,' viii. 250 Fergussoii (Robert), his ' Elegy ' on ' Scots

Music,' iii. 349., 496 ; iv. 35 Ferlang on craniology, xi. 91 ; families of Kay

and Key, 235 Permat (P. de), d. 1665, his "last theorem,"

vii. 429

Permor, Earls of Pomfret, I. 288, 358 Fern (Matthew), Jacobite, his writings, v. 150,

257, 336

Fern to make malt, 1619,, ii. 228, 279 Ferrar (Major M. L.) on "biographical information

wanted, vi. 49 ; ix. 389 Ceylon officials : Capt.

T. A. "Anderson, iv. 355 Plenderleath (Peter),

v. 248 Skerrett, viii. 231 Smith (H. S.),

projected list of Yorkshire officers, viii. 467

Walshe (Anthony), v. 248 ITerrara (Andrea) and the Freemasons' sword,

viii. 469, 517

Perreira da Costa (F. de P.), Portuguese biblio- grapher, xii. 120 JFerrers (Earl of), his execution, 1760, viii. 287

Ferrers (Sir Humphrey), Tamworth Castle,

c. 1628, xi. 451

Ferrier (Susan), her ' Marriage,' ix. 169 Fessard (John), Winchester scholar, 1533, ix. 390 Festivals, Handel, at the Crystal Palace, 1857-

1912, vi. 61, 235

" Feuar," use of the word, 1508, ix. 387 Feudal Aids, B and G confused in, iii. 443 Fever and spider's web, a superstition, ii. 109,

194 ; iii. 96, 174 " Feyns," " amener de ffeyns," meaning of the

word, ix. 350

ffairbanck and Rawson families, vi. 166, 214 ffoulkes (C.) on armour, viii. 247 ffrancis, initial letter of the name, x. 228, 276, 358 ffrederick (Leonora) =Rumney Diggle, 1725,

x. 269, 391 " Fiance," synonym in English language, xii. 49,

90, 146, 209 Fiction, detectives in, x. 469 ; xi. 11 ; real

characters in, vi. 366 Fiction, Irish, a ' Guide to,' xi. 47, 68, 89, 107,

129, 149

Fiddles at sea, description of, ii. 526 Field (Francis Ventris), Westminster scholar, ii.

190 Field (Julian), his ' Aut Diabolus aut Nihil,' x.

139, 173, 236

Field, Day, Sumner, and Whitton families, xi. 150 Field or Feld families of Yorkshire, xi. 434 Field-names of Derbyshire, 1300-1500, v. 487 Fielding (Henry), ' Jonathan Wild the Great,'

ii. 261 ; " Dowdy " in ' Tom Jones,' iii. 289 ;

and the civil power, 1751, 486; iv. 58, 277,

336, 419, 534 ; his Parson Thwackum, vi. 348,

470 ; chronology of ' Tom Jones,' ix. 425, 520 ;

topographical slip in ' Tom Jones,' 507 ;

cryptic utterance in ' Tom Jones,' x. 85 ; his

' Letters,' 3 vols., 91, 214 ; geography of ' Tom

Jones,' 191, 253, 292, 372 ; sack and " the

visual words " in ' Tom Jones,' 209, 293, 392 ;

geography of ' Tom Jones,' xi. 12, 56, 60 ; and

Sarah Andrew, 1725, 301 ; portraits of, xii. 300,

351, 408 Fielding (W. Augustus), of London, c. 1800, ix.

470 Fielding-Hall (H.) on William Augustus Fielding,

ix. 470 " Kemendyne," ix. 356 Field telegraph in 1801, i. 225, 274 " Fiery Cross," the use of, 1545, ix. 387 Fife, called the " Kingdom " of, x. 449 ; xi. 11 " Fi-fi," name for grotesque figure of a cat, xi. 249 Figarola-Caneda (E.) on Belshazzar's feast, vii.

178 ; ladies and University degrees, ii. 498 ;

superfluity of books, v. 87 Fight at Dame Europa's School,' pamphlet, 1871,

x. 268, 314, 356 ; xi. 93

Fig tree and vines, Lincoln's Inn, ii. 367, 453 Fig trees in London, i. 52 Filbert legend, i. 33 Fildieu family, x. 29

File : use of tools in the Middle Ages, vii. 448, 515 Filet-work, or lacis, mediaeval, viii. 108, 194,

473 Filey Bay, old manorial right enforced, 1911, iv.

327, 413

Fillee bird " in Cornish carol, ix. 250

Fill the bill," phrase explained, viii. 390 Film-producing companies, American, xi. 321 Filtering stones brought from Barbados, xi. 229,