Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/117

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Fitzwhymarks or Fitzwymarks family, v. 450 Fitzwilliam and Grimaldi arms, vi. 144, 215, 256,

353, 397

Fitzwilliam family, v. 164, 312, 454 ; vi. 54, 118 Fitz William family of Maplethorpe, xii. 85, 148 " Five Courts," St. Martin's Lane, 1803, the site

of, iv. 110, 155, 176, 231 " Five Wounds," representations of, viii. 107,

176, 217, 236, 258, 337, 457 Flabellum called " culebath," xi. 189 Flags : use of the white flag, 1444, xi. 147 ; Red

Cross flag, the right to use, 148, 191 ; French,

and the Trinitarian Order, 167, 235 Flag, Danish national described, v. 249, 336 Flag, National, at sea, the Bed Ensign, x. 146 ;

days appointed for hoisting, ii. 5 Flag of the Knights of Malta, xi. 359, 439, 481 ;

xii. 35 Flagon, pewter, 1734, taken from a church,

iii. 148 Flagstaff, tallest one-piece, ix. 7, 94, 254 ;

xii. 73 Flaherty (W. E.), his ' Annals of England,' ii. 289,

354, 438

" Flash " of the uniform of the Welsh Fusiliers,

ix. 488 ; x. 15 ;.xi. 324 Flaubert (G.), words in ' Tentation de St. Antoine,'

i. 16 Flax Bourton, Somerset, place-name, its origin,

i. 389, 438, 497 ; ii. 12 " Fleet " = number of motor-cars, v. 187 Fleet Prison, picture of, 1658, xii. 401 Fleet Street, No. 50, its demolition, 1912, vi. 66 Fleetwood (Sir W.), his ' Duchy of Lancaster,'

1596, xii. 342

Fleetwood family, vi. 43, 331 ; xii. 321 Fleetwood family of Missenden, v. 41, 158, 217,

373 Fleming (J.), claim made by, in Scotch Court of

Session, c. 1800, xii. 101, 166, 209, 306 Fleming (Dame Mary), of North Stoneham, her

will, 1614, ix. 366 Fleming (W.) on a game leg, ii. 296 Oath of

Hippocrates, ii. 391

Fleming (William), Etonian, 1755, x. 268 Fleming (W. H.) on authors of quotations wanted,

iv. 449 Flemish immigrants, names of, before 1750,

xi. 451

Flemish settlement in Pembrokeshire, vii. 167 Flemish sideboard of sixteenth century, x. 190 Flemming (Gilbert), Westminster scholar, 1742,

vii. 470 ; viii. 74

Flesh, Elizabethan licence to eat, ii. 68, 115, 135 Fletcher (Benjamin), Governor of New York,

1692-7, v. 110 Fletcher (E.) on authors of quotations wanted,

vi. 509

Fletcher (E.), painter, his works, ii. 528 Fletcher (J.), and verses by Robert Burton,

i. 196

Fletcher (J. M. J.) on books, chained, viii. 317 ' Cloister and the Hearth,' xii. 207 Consecra- tion crosses, vii. 33 Epitaphs, vii. 266 Hares, superstition concerning, viii. 346 ' House that Jack Built,' xii. 377 Maps, county, ix. 97 Prior (Matthew), iv. 161 St. Agatha at Wimborne, ii. 29 Sifferth (King), vi. 8 Sugar-cupping at Easter, v. 265 Superstition in the twentieth century, viii. 393 Wimborne a double monastery, ii. 49

Fletcher (Phineas), two readings of his poem

' Love,' i. 425 1

Fletcher (Bishop Richard) of Bristol, 1589, iv. 28

Fletcher (Rev. Thomas), b. 1666, his descendants,

iii. 407

Fletcher (W. G. D.) on Boothby family quarterings, iii. 269 Burleigh (Lord), and Sarah Hoggins, vii. 61, 83, 143, 166 ; viii. 6, 394 Cartwright (William), nonjuror, ix. 150 Cuthbert Bede, xi. 28 Dymoke (Charles), Champion to Charles I., vii. 207 Elephant and Castle in. heraldry, ii. 398 Knights made at Coronation of Queen Anne Boleyn, 1533, xii. 301 Lingen family, vii. 95 Mercers' Chapel, London, xi. 28 Vanden Bempde family, vii. 448 Warenne (Gundrada de), vii. 509 Wright (Sir George) of Richmond, Surrey, viii. 412 Fletcher and Beaumont, and ' Monsieur Thomas,'

iv. 345

Fleur-de-lis and Army scouts, x. 51 Fleury (J. de), artist, c. 1850, viii. 30 " Flewengge," meaning of the word, viii. 449, 494 Flick, portraits by, i. 108

Flint (T.) on birds falling dead at soldiers' shouts, ii. 309 Carlyle : singing at work, ii. 309 ; quotation, viii. 515 ; ' French Revolution ' in French, ii. 206 ; v. 306 Disjection, use of the word, ii. 289 Eckwald the Dwarf in Goethe, v. 329 "Fondness for" or "fondness of," iii. 226 Higginbotham in Carlyle's ' Crom- well,' ix. 365 Mediant, French dessert, ii. 268 " Schicksal und eigene Schuld," iii. 407 " Vox populi vox musae," vii. 377 " You have forced me to do this willingly," ii. 289 ; v. 377

Flint firelocks in Crimean War, ii. 168, 214, 250 Flint stone memorial, Stevenage, Herts, ii. 524 Flodden Field, helmet worn at the battle,

x. 270, 392, 455

Flood (Jocelyn), Westminster scholar, ii. 529 Flood (W. H. Gtattan) on ladies and University

degrees, ii. 395

Flood superstitions in Warwickshire, iii. 206 Floral emblems of countries, x. 349, 413, 457, 513 Florence, inscriptions in new Protestant ceme- tery, iii. 324, 404 ; old names of streets in, v. 23 Florican on Napoleon and Wellington, vi. 349 Florio (John) and Francis Meres, xii. 359, 458 Flower, double, in Japan, vii. 188, 490 Flower, national, for America, iv. 228, 352, 455 Flower, pink, in the wheat, its name, viii. 467,

516 ; ix. 93 Flower-women in London, their head-dress,

x. 188, 236

Floyer (F. A.) on Caraccioli on Clive, v. 507 Konkani MS., viii. 90 Loti (Pierre) : Easter Island, vi. 53 Fluke, " by a fluke," origin of the phrase, vi. 26


Flv on a shield: Japanese variant, i. 266, 377 4 Fiy-Fisher's : Entomology,' 1836, vii. 328, 416 Flying machine. See Aviation. Flynn (Lieut. C.), Royal Reg. Artillery, d. 1781,

xi. 130 Flynn family, Irish, the descent of, x. 409:

xi. 305

Foe family, v. 241

Fogge (Richard), Westminster scholar, ii. 489 " Foghamshire," a street-name, vi. 487 Foley (Lord) and the first Earl of Mansfield, xi. 399