Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/13

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Aix-en-Provence, epitaphs in cathedral, v. 505 .Akam (Edward), author, c. 1852, x. 169 Akenside (Mark), his ' The Pleasures of Imagina- tion,' 1744, xii. 116

4t Akoda," vegetable food of West Africa, viii. 147 " -Al," noun-suffix, the use of, vii. 267, 414 Alabama- Kearsarge fight, 1864, photograph of, i.

327 Alabaster (William), Prebendary of St. Paul's,

iv. 389, 513

Alabaster boxes of love, ii. 169 ; iv. 299 .Alabaster effigies, the age of, vi. 208, 277, 378 Alabaster powder used medicinally, vi. 129, 175,


- Aladdin,' original of the tale, x. 186, 414 Aladdin ' and ' The Arabian Nights,' v. 29 Alassio, Riviera de Ponente, Italy, inscriptions at,

xi. 296

Albanian and Modern Greek, vi. 446 Albanian title, " Mpret," ix. 247 JUbert, Prince Consort, his local history of Bal- moral, iii. 428

Albrecht (J. A.) on arms of Hungary, xi. 379 Bombay as a surname, x. 107 Smith : name in the Vasconcellos family, viii. 510 Albuera and Ypres, a comparison of the battles,

xi. 265 Alcester, pronunciation of the place-name, xi.

261, 369; xii. 257 Alchemist's ape, meaning of, vii. 110, 157, 211 ;

viii. 33

Alcock (John), Etonian, 1762, ix. 350 Alcock and Langbaine families, Sussex, x. 190,

235, 275 Alden (John), one of the Pilgrim Fathers, viii. 306,

376, 436, 494

Aldermen of London, dates of death, ii. 27 Aldersgate, parish registers of St.. Botolph, ix.

84, 176 .Aldgate, boy's body found erect in St. Botolph's,

1742, ix. "246 Aldgate, Thomas Percy, Prior of Holy Trinity, ii.


Aldgate Pump, changes at, 1913, ix. 6 Aldington, Kent, thefts from the church, 1659,

xi. 261 Aldred (T.) on John Conder, D. D. (1714-81), xii.


Aldrich (Dr.) and Civil Law degrees, xi. 261 Aldrich (Dean Henry), his parentage, ii. 368 Aldrich (Stephen J.) on sand-pictures, viii. 116 Aldworth (A.) on Geoffrey Aid worth, ii. 268 Aldworth (A. E.) on ' Tom Jones ' : dowdv, iii.


Aldworth (Geoffrey), King's mvisician, ii. 268 AlenQon, the first Lords of, c. 1000, xi. 126, 284,

423; xii. 53

Aleppo, English records in, xi. 101, 249, 408 ; English Consuls in, 1582-1850, xi. 182, 254, 327, 389; xii. 9; English chaplains at, xi. 201, 289, 338

'" Aleppo Merchant " Inn, Carno, Montgomery- shire, iii. 289, 396 ; viii. 317

Ales in churchwardens' accounts, v. 470, vi. 74 Ale-taster, survival of the appointment, vii. 467 Alexander III. (Pope), and King Henry II., ii.

349, 396

Alexander (B.), cadet in E.I.C.S., c. 1812, viii. 90 Alexander (W.) and T. Hickey, of Lord Macart- ney's Chinese Embassy, 1793, viii. 125, 198, 276 Alexander family, Scotch and Irish, v. 308

Alexander the Great, the tomb of, xi. 361 ; xii.

37, 148, 404 Alexander the Great and Paradise, legend, v. 48,

154 Alexandretta (Scanderoon), English Consuls of

the Levant Company, xii. 93, 367 Alexandrines in Shakespeare, ii. 309, 417 Alexipharmics and mithridates, composition of,

vii. 189, 291 Alfieri (Count Vittorio), visit to England, c. 1771,

ii. 421, 532; iii. 37, 76 Alford (Dean Henry), edition of his poems, ii. 108,


Alfred and the cakes, the tale, i. 129,211,250,315 Algebra problems wrought on leather, xi. 429 Ali (Mrs. Meer Hassan), her ' Observations on the

Mussulmauns of India,' 1832, xi. 150 Alice Holt Forest, origin of the name, xii. 258, 306,


Alipore on Four Winds, a fairy story, i. 149 Alkin (T. Verrier), Etonian, 1760, ix. 350, 434 Allchin (J. H.) on ingenious tailor, vi. 353 Alldred (T. E.) on Shakespeare and Mountjoy, i.

376 Allegorical picture and Mount Cashell family, i.


Allegro on ' Quaver,' x. 250 Allen (Dr.), priest, d. 1579, x. 109, 297, 300 ; xii. 74,


Allen (C.), bookseller, Bristol, c. 1678, viii. 467 Allen (Archdeacon Fifield), his marriage, ii. 449,

517; iii. 91

Allen (Hope Emily) on Rolle's ' Prick of Con- science,' iii. 227

Allen (T. E.), Westminster scholar, 1818, viii. 310 Allen (W.), Westminster scholar, 1775, viii. 310 Allen (Cardinal William), his coat of arms, iv. 30,

78, 116, 215, 258 Allerton, Lanes, and Hardman family, ii. 249 Allestree (Richard), D.D., 1619-81, and ' Gentle- man's Calling ' and ' Whole Duty of Man,' xii.

27, 87, 487

Alleyn (Charles), c. 1606, his descendants, ii. 88 Alleyn (Dame Etheldreda), recusant in 1587, ii.

88, 257 Alleyn (Sir John), d. 1545, his biography, ii. 88,

176, 257 Alliteration : " Musice mentis medicina mcestae,"

iii. 46

" Allochata," meaning of the word, viii. 425 Allport on Falkland Islands : Capt. Durie, ii. 288 All Saints, image of, the form, xi. 300, 386, 456 All Saints' Day, observance in Leon, x. 345 " All Sir Garnet," origin of the expression, viii.

71, 117

Allsop Place, origin of the name, ix. 305 All Souls College, Oxford, and Duke of Wharton,

ii. 309, 355 Allway (Ploiner), Westminster scholar, 1845, viii.

208, 310 Almanach de Gotha,' complete copies of, x. 147,

198, 237, 255, 335 Almanacs, diminutive, English and foreign, vii.

329, 375, 457 ; dissertation on, 1736, xi. 261 ;

red-letter days in, 1599, xi. 414; published in

dialect, v. 390, 494; vi. 235 Almighty dollar, earliest use of the phrase, iii.

109, 179, 211

Almroth, origin of the Christian name, v. 326 Alms, requests for, and licences to beg, v. 248,

317, 357