Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/148

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Herle (Nicholas), M.P. for Grampound, 1679,

vi. 209, 276 Herlothingi, etymology of the word, viii. 487 ;

ix. 15, 76, 197, 232 ; xi. 15

" Hermit's Cave," Cratcliffe, crucifix in, xi. 126 Hermit's Cave, Weston Mouth, South Devon, ii.

369 Herodotus and astronomic geography, ix. 191, 238,

Heron-Allen (E.) on almanacs in dialect, vi. 235 Casanova's memoirs, English edition of, v. 296 " De la " in English surnames : survival of " atte," v. 417 Dinner-jacket, v. 297 Doctors, early women, v. 318 Poe's (Edgar Allen) mother, v. 294 Regent's Circus, vi. 358

Herpich (C. A.) on Shakespeare plays, Second

Folio of the, viii. 163, 294 Shakespeariana,

iv.^ 243 ' Tomahawk ' : Matt Morgan, viii.

" Vir bonus es doctus prudens ast baud

tibi spiro," iv. 198

Herringman (Jas.), Westminster scholar, 1725, iv. 89

Herringman (John), Westminster scholar, 1728, iv. 89

Herron (H. G. W.) on treatises on longevity, vi.

Herschel (Col. J.) on first use of finger-prints for identification : magazine article wanted, v. 208

Herschel (Sir W. J.) on earth-eating, vi. 397

Hertford Street, formerly Garrick Street, iii. 209 358

Hertford Street, Mayfair, Bulwer Lytton's resi- dences in, i. 161

Hertfordshire : inscriptions from churches and burial-grounds, iv. 326 Hundred of Dacorum, transcribed and indexed, vi. 147 M.P.'s for, list of, i. 64 Monumental inscriptions, iii. 146 ; x. 46 Parish registers, i. 146 superstitions, viii. 425, 494

Hertfordshire Biography, proposed Dictionary of,

Heruli in ' Widsith,' viii. 402

Hervey (Frederick), 1730-1803, Bishop of Derry,

xi. 48

Hervey (Rev. James), his correspondence, v. 209 Hervey (Mary F. S.) on the co umbine, i. 87

Hick, portraits by, i. 108

Hervey (Thomas Kibble), 1799-1859, his poem ' The Convict Ship,' iv. 468, 515 ; his bio- graphy, vii. 49

Hervye (Widow) and Sir Walter Ralegh, i. 367 Hesilrige (Sir Arthur), his portrait, ii. 308 Hesilrige (Arthur G. M.) on Baker of Ashcombe,

x. 333

Hesketh (C.) on Otford, Kent, ii. 329, 437 Heslop (R. Oliver) on " Aspinshaw, Leather Lane, London," iv. 290 Barbados filtering stones, xi. 310 Betubium, i. 13 British barrows Greenwell Collection, i. 291 Buddha in Chris- tian art, ii. 217 Chanteys, English, vii. 455 Cumberland song, vii. 352" Dubbing " : " iling," viii. 114 Du Bellay, v. 97 Franklin (Benjamin) and dreams, iii. 296 " He will either make a spoon," &c., i. 57 " Mid- Keavel," x. 413" Oliver (Thomas), Bond

Street," iv. 290 Scott's, mistake of, v. 293

Threading St. Wilfrid's needle, v. 32 Throp's wife, ix. 12 " To banyan," vii. 337 Hesper, an inchalffe hesper," 1596, xi. 267, 327 Hesse (Landgrave of), his saying on " enemies,"

Hessian troops in American War of Indepen- dence, vii. 364, 436, 475 ; x. 53 Hessle Whelp on " Whelps " as name for broken

water, i. 29 Hetherington ( J. Newby) on Charles I. : Royalist

societies, ix. 276

Hewer or Ewer family of Clapham, v. 429 ; vi. 37 Hewet, called in epitaph " rich Hewet," v. 469 Hewetson (Robert), B.A., 1776, and the Wither

family, xii. 119

Hewgill (Francis), Etonian, 1774, x. 410 Hewitt (H. Marmaduke), LL.M-, 1824-87, author,,

viii. 161 Hewitt (Capt. J. Waller), 1777-1867, vii. 165 ;.

his wife, ix. 474 Hewitt (Reginald) on " Let us go henee, my

songs," iii. 177

Hewitt and Ledlie families, ix. 86 Hewlett (William), regicide, his death, vi. 290 Heworth, Yorkshire place-name, its etymology, ii.

y 9 / o Hewson (Col. John), regicide, his letter c, 1650, iii.,


Hexagram a symbol of the Trinity, ix. 109 Hexameters, Latin, by machinery, .iii. 168, 249' Hexham chartulary, a fragment of, viii. 489 Heycock or Haycock family, xii. 442, 507 Heylin (Richard), Westminster scholar, 1644", iii.


Hey wood (James), Etonian, 1765, x. 410 Hey wood (John), dramatist, freeman of London,

1523, x. 128

Heywood (Oliver) his portrait, vi. 290 Heywood (W.), Etonian, 1754, x. 410 Hibberd (Cecil) on Jane Cromwell, Fradswell, viii-

8 Hibbert (Sir John Tomlinson), statesman, portraits-

of, iii. 209 Hibburd (E. W.) on Thomas Jenner of Ascot,-iii..


Hibernia (William de), mason-sculptor, x. 331, Hibgame (Edward), copvist of Gibbon's MS., ii.


Hibgame (Edward South), his library and bio- graphy, ii. 306

Hibgame (F. T.) on altar frontals from Lanherne Convent, Cornwall, ix. 344 Altars, ix.. 415 " As sure as God made little apples," iv. 377 Birkenhead, last survivor of the, ix. 468; death of a survivor, xi. 246 Blincoe (Robert), iv. 10 Bourne (Cardinal) with the British Army in' France, xi. 166 Caslon's Type-foundry, ii. 266 Choirboys in ruffs, viii. 450 Coffin-shaped chapels, ix. 114, 278 Communion table by Grinling Gibbons in St. Paul's, Cathedral, ix. 248 Consecration crosses on the outside walls of churches, vi. 390 Courayer (Peter) on. Anglican orders, iv. 330 Defoe Methodist Chapel, Tooting, ii. 505 Died in his coffin, vii. 417 English-speaking cardinals, ix. 427 Faber (Rev. F. W.), ii. 489" Fingers " of the clock, xi. 188 Folkard, the animal painter, ix. 450 Gate Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, x. 149 Hanover Chapel, Peckham, ii. 46 ' Husen- beth's Breviary,' vi. 191 King's Lynn as a spa, ix. 27 " Left his corps," ix. 225-y-Lists of Bishops and Deans in cathedrals, ix.. 78 Lucknow dinners, Last of the, xi. 278 "Marriage" as surname, viii. 457 Marriage in Lincoln's Inn Chapel, ii. 226 Marsh, (Anthony), clockmaker, London, viii. 348