Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/151

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iv. 85 Geffrey's (Geffery's) Almhouses, Kings land Road, vii. 504 George II. and the Princ of Wales, 1721-51 : baptism of their children iv. 266 Gibson (William), minature painter vi. 466 Green (Valentine), mezzotint engraver xii. 27 Gretna Green marriages, 182554, v 347 Grosvenor chapel, vii. 386 H.E.I.C.S. chaplains' certificates of appointment, v. 411 Halley's (Dr. Edmond) marriage, iv. 85 Hill (Langley), iv. 239 Hutchins (Rev. John)

iv. 259 ; vii. 354 Iliff (Rev. ), iv. 537

Kendall (Frederic), v. 50 Lamb's Chapel, Lon don, vii. 54, 354 Laud's (Archbishop) relations vi. 477 London proprietary chapels, vi. 83 Lumley (Frances, Lady), v. 47 M'Brid( (Rev. John) of Belfast,iv. 307 Oliver (Thomas) Bond Street, iv. 376 Pearce (Dr. Zachary) Bishop of Rochester, iv. 247 Pettingall (Rev John), vi. 477 Pott (Percival), F.R.8., vii 366 Powell, v. 355 Rosenhagen (Rev. Philip) xii. 488 St. Bride's : J. Pridden, v. 376 St. George's, Hanover Square ; Ely Chapel viii. 73 Scott (Rev Richard), ix. 498 Settle (Elkanah), xi. 33 " Sport of Kings, vii. 7 Sydenham (William), M.D., x. 26 Walter (John), 1739-1812, vii. 45 Warner (Rev. Ferdinando), x. 178 West Indian families, x. 136 Whichcote (Benjamin), x. 47 Wills (Lieut.- John), R.N., xi. 473 Wills at St. Paul's, x. 117 Wilson (John), vi. 509 Wool- dridge (Thomas), Alderman of Bridge Ward, iv. 206 Woollett (William), draughtsman and line engraver, iv. 346 Zinck : Zincke, vi. 469

" Hiren," name used in 1627, ix. 247

Hissing and clapping, x. 108

Historian on High Sheriffs of counties, xii. 68

Historical and Genealogical Society, founded 1854, in. 266

Historical documents, American, from 1540, iv. 268

Historical MSS., 1576-1700, publication of, viii. 248, 457

Historical parallel, Bonaparte and David II. of Scotland, iv. 525

Historicus on merchant adventures in Holland, vii. 108 ; rule of succession, ix. 49

Histories of Irish counties and towns, bibliography of, xi. 103, 183, 315 ; xii. 24, 210, 276, 375

History, American, seventeenth century, ix. 190

History, constitutional, of England, 1649-53, viii. 90, 158

History, inaccuracy of numbers in, viii. 346

History of churches in situ, xii. 446

History of England with riming verses, iv. 168, 233, 278, 375, 418, 517 ; v. 34 ; x. 267, 393 ; xi. 306, 436 ; xii. 75, 329

" Hit " =hideth, tense in Chaucer, v. 465 ; vi. 72

Hitchcock, use of the word, 1627, ix. 227

Hitchin-Kemp (Fred) on Canons, Middlesex, ii.

Hitchin Manor, Lords of, 1720-1825, v. 441 Hitchins (Sir Edward), Mayor of Oxford, 1812,

vii. 229, 318 Hoare (Admiral) and Smollett's ' Peregrine

Pickle,' ii. 421 Hobby-horse, earliest use of the word, c. 1300, iii.

465; In mid-winter mumming, ii. 209, 257, 317,

Hobhouse MS., Lord Byron and the, vii. 509 ; viii. 51

Hobhouse memoirs, published 1901, ii. 108 ; viii. 228

Hoboken, American Indian place-name, iv. 86

Hockaday (F. S.) on Archdeacons of Hereford, ii. 128 Arnold (Sir Nicholas) : John Arnold, iv. 110 Cleansing Week, ix. 127 Episcopal Visitations : Articles of Inquiry, ii. 9 Heart burial, ix. 92 Henry of Monmouth, cradle of, i. 456 Millers, honest, vi. 35 "," iv. 469 St. Columb and Stratton accounts, iv. 74 " Sevecher," iv. 209 Shakespeares in the eighteenth century, iv. 252 ' White Hand and a Black Thumb, '"v. 517

Hockley-in-the-Hole, broadsword contests at, iii. 446

Hocktide at Hexton : Rope Monday, i. 338 ; ii. 58

Hodges (James), Etonian, 1759, x. 410

Hodgkin (Benjamin), c. 1699, his bankruptcy, iii. 213, 293

Hodgkin ( J.) on ' Agathonia,' a romance, ii. 228 Alfred and the cakes, i. 211 American words and phrases, ii. 132 ' Arno Miscellany,' 1784, ii. 148 "As sure as God made little apples," iv. 377 Authors of quotations wanted, i. 155 Bakers' servants, c. 1400, i. 117 Bath King of Arms, ii. 32' Book of Oaths,' i. 130 Boole- lead : bole : bull, iii. 412" British Glory Revived," ii. 77 Broche, its meaning, i. 475 " Canabull blue silke," ii. 33 Cley-next-the- Sea Church : Woodwose, ii. 472 Cookery MS., fourteenth century, iii. 328 Courtenay (Vis- count) : mock coat of arms, ii. 128 Culprit, its etymology, i. 413 Eighteenth-century school- book, iv. 392 Feast of the Ass, i. 396 " Fern to make malt," ii. 279 Fish, obsolete, i v . 396 Galley in place-names, i. 458 Godbold (Sir W.) : earthquake in Italy, ii. 132 Grise :

trey : badger, v. 170 Guichard d'Angle, n. 72 Henry VII.'s Chapel, i. 175 Herb- woman to the King, i. 373 ; ii. 256, 378, 436 King's Butler, ii. 156 Lardiner at the Corona- tion, ii. 198 Latin law pleadings, i. 496 Mendiant, French dessert, ii. 333 Merluche, 11. 92" Mutation of throstles," i. 116 Obven- tion bread, ii. 216 Onocrotalus, a bird, i. 436 Orgeat, iii. 435 Pawper or pauper bird, m. 216, 351 Pensioners in the Long Parliament, in. 253" Peter boat and doublet," i. 390 Philip (Sir Matthew), Mayor of London, ii. 73 Pigeon- houses in the Middle Ages, ii. 96 Portygne, ii. 138 Prinknash, ii. 314 Rafael, sonnets by, iii. 297 Richard II. near Calais, i. 514 Royal tombs at St. Denis, ii. 116 St. Leode- garius and the St. Leger, ii. 112 Saunter, its derivation, i. 512 Scribble, its etymology, i. 494 Snuff-box inscription, ii. 93 Sprott's Chronicle, ii. 178 Sweetapple surname : Ben- jamin Hodgkin, iii. 293 Tally-ho : yoicks, i. 135 Teart, its meaning, i. 497 Tenedish, u. 354 Touching for the king's evil, i. 433 Turcopolerius, ii 336 Vavasour surname, its derivation, ii. 232' Walrus and the Carpenter ' parody, ii. 496 Watermarks in paper, ii. 371 Worth in place-names, i. 458 Hodgkin (J. Eliot) on the king's evil, i. 477 Hodgkinson (J.), Etonian, 1756, x. 410 Hodgson (J. C.) on authors of quotations wanted, vi. 11 Clavering (Lady), i. 231 Crowe of