Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/153

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Holton (Dr.) and * The Morning Herald,' xii. 360. 392

Holtuni (Christopher), his automobile, c. 1711, i. 343

Holwell family, ii. 528 ; iii. 74, 111, 192, 272, 432

Holworthy ( ), murder committed by, in

America, iv. 450

Holworthy (F. M. R.) on Cromwell's signature, vi.330 Cunningham (Alexander), K.N., iii. 353 Epitaphiana, iv. 524; v. 185 Garlike (Ben- jamin), iii. 196 Genealogical Society for the United Kingdom, i. 511 Hawkes family in Ire- land, ii. 129 Holworthy (James), artist, iv. 128 Holworthy portrait, c. 1805, iv. 408 Inscrip- tions in church and churchyards, v. 147 liardet, ii. 193 Murder in America, iv. 450 'Oakes (Col.) and Queen Caroline's funeral, iii. 173 Bush (Sir W. B.), ii. 93 St. Helena portraitist : Denzil Ibbetson, iii. 391

Holworthy (James), artist, his paintings, iv. 128

Holworthy (Matthew), his portrait, c. 1805, iv. 408

Holworthy (R.) on Hamlett, profile artist, ix. 56

Holy Crows, Lisbon, their history, ii. 67, 116. 155

4< Holy Thursday," applied to Ascension Day and Maundy Thursday, x. 370, 435 ; xi. 14

" Holy-water-frog, to play," 1611, ix. 227

Holyday (Barten), his ' But I a looking-glass would be,' xi. 27

Holyhead and London road, old map of, xii. 48, 106, 130

Holywood Premonstratensian Chartulary, vi. 468

Home (Lieut.), 97th Regiment, his family, i. 327

Home Counties, origin of designation, vi. 149

Homer, JEschylus on, vii. 387, 478 ; and Eumeeus, a critic's reference to, ii. 447 ; and Ulysses, allegorical interpretation, ii. 407, 515 ; vii. 295

" Homestead," early use of the word bv Dryden, iv. 525

" Homo Bulla," explanation of the words, xii. 85, 145, 210, 409

Hone (Nathaniel), his picture ' Two Gentlemen,' ii. 429

Hone (Nathl. J.) on manorial literature, v. 208

Hone (W.), T. Q. M. in ' Table Book,' ii. 230, 336 ; J. W. in ' Year-Book,' ii. 230, 335 ; quotation in his ' Ancient Mysteries,' v. 109, 191 ; his friends and letters, iv. 407 ; his widow, 1864, vii. 327, 450

Honecort (Wilard de), mason-sculptor, c. 1250, x. 331, 372, 417

" Honest " used in epitaphs, vi. 308, 377 ; vii. 517

" Honest Lawyer," tavern sign, Sunderland, xi. 338

" Honest Thieves," comedy, 1829, vii. 50, 96

Honeywood (Richard), Etonian, 1756, x. 410

"" Honorificabilitudinitatibus,"use of the word, iv. 487, 538

" Honorificabilitudinity," use of the word, v. 187

Honour, lists of Rolls of Honour, 1915, xi. 127, 178

4t Honours three," in a song, c. 1815, viii. 467 ; ix. 34, 115, 213

Honywood family, viii. 129, 193

Hood (Robin), alluded to in ' Dives and Pauper,' c. 1400, iv. 321, 358; bibliography relating to, y. 29, 94, 296: in romances, viii. 203, 297, 313, 378 ; ix. 498 ; xii. 170

Hood (T.) and Horace, ' Carmina,' Book I. 5,

i. 488

Hood (Thomas) and Lucan, xii. 47 Hood (Tom) at a ball in Hackney, iii. 29, 78 ;

" Sir Andrew " in his ' Ode to Rae Wilson,

Esq.,' xi. 211, 254 * Hood memorial column, Butleigh, Somerset, ix.


Hoods, Civil Law hoods, 1652, xi. 335 Hook (James), musical composer, 1746-1827, xii.

119, 163, 210 Hook (James), Westminster scholar, 1797, iv.

109, 154 Hooker (Thomas), Westminster scholar, 1773, iv.

109, 154

Hooks, iron, used in thatch fires, viii. 6, 75, 96 Hoole (Dr. H.) on oath of Hippocrates, ii. 310 Hooligan, the name, i. 220 ; origin of the word,

x. 288

Hooper (Mrs. Ellen), her ' Duty,' ii. 349 Hooper (J.) on analogy to Sir Thomas Browne, xi.

96 ; authors of quotations wanted, xi. 90 ;

Blizard or Blizzard as surname, ix. 290 ; Wal-

poole (G. A.), ix. 330 Hooper (Bishop J.), his portrait by Holbein,

viii. 66 ; the family of, viii. 149 " Hoosh," use of the word, viii. 307 Hope (Andrew) on " ash " coincidence, v. 387

Authors of quotations wanted, iii. 274-

Epitaphiana, ii. 524 " Firing- glass," viii.

475 Flower-name, viii. 516 " Gas "as a

street-name, viii. 472" He will either make a

spoon," &c., i. 57 Jacob and Esau, xii. 318-

Minster : verger, ii. 314 Pears : " Bon Chre"-

tien " and " Doyenne" du Cornice," iv. 372

" Vive la Beige," iv. 215 Hope (Lieut. J.), 92nd Highlanders, c. 1810, ix.

107 Hope (Lieut.-Col. R.), Royal Reg. Artillery,

retired 1805, xi. 130 Hope (R. C.) on Port Henderson: Corrie

Bhreachan or Bhreachan's Cauldron ? iv. 10 ;

St. Patrick : St. George, iii. 467 ; ' Testamenta

Eboracensia,' iv. 128

Hope family, of Hope & Co., Amsterdam, vii. 288 Hopkins (John) of Brittens, d. 1772, xii. 279, 350 Hopkins (Joseph), Etonian, 1764, x. 410 Hoppner (J.), his birthplace in Whitechapel, vi.

70 Hopson (Admiral Sir Thomas), 1643-1717, viii.

443 ; ix. 16

Hop wood (C. H.) on Communion table by Grin- ling Gibbons in St. Paul's Cathedral, ix. 316

George I. statues, ii. 99 Newgate and Wilkes,

ii. 269 Vanbrugh's epitaph, ix. 194 Hopwood Col. E. R. G.) on " Houlte Cuppe," vii.

148 Horace, * Carmina,' Book I. 5, ii. 55 ; and T.

Hood, i. 488 Horn (R. Dalrymple), Westminster scholar, 1814,

vii. 429, 493 Horn, ancient, held as service for property, iii.

187 Horn of unicorn, remedy against poison, viii. 16,

33 Hornbook temp. Elizabeth, allusions explained,

i. 48, 474

Horncastle, origin of the surname, xi. 362, 476 Home (Dean), 1730-92, his adventurous journey,

xii. 374 Home (Ethelbert), on wearing of the oak, x. 7