Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/166

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ix. 336 " Fairy-tales," viii. 298 " Pent " : trade term, iv. 458 " Fern to make malt," ii. 279 Fire- walking, ix. 152 Folly, ii. 113 Fountain pens, early, v. 497 German proverb : silks in the kitchen, vi. 255 Hay market Theatre in the Seventies, viii. 436 Hobby- horse, ii. 258 Holed stones : tolmens, iv. 463 Hood (Robin), vi. 94 Horn book temp. Eliza- beth, i. 475 Horses, learned, iv. 354 Human fat as a medicine, ix. 116 Ice : its uses, x. 73 King in place-names, ii. 193 Lacis or filet work, viii. 194 Land's End, Cornwall, viii. 414 " Latter Lammas," v. 18 London streets, renaming, x. 333 London taverns in seventeenth century, i. 472 " Lunkard," ix. 113 Man in the Iron Mask dramatized, iii. 312 Marsh (Anthony), clockmaker, vii. 436 Marybone Lane and Swallow Street, xi. 258 May baskets and June boxes, i. 394 Melmont berries = juniper berries, ii. 118 Mendiant, French dessert, ii. 333 Mistletoe, iv. 502 Money-box, v. 117 Moving pictures to cine- matographs, ii. 502, 537 ; iii. 194 " Never- mass," vi. 217 Octopus, Venus's ear and whelk, ix. 276 Oliver (Thomas), Bond Street, iv. 376 Onions, virtues of, xii. 245 Pawper or pauper bird, iii. 217 Picture-cards, viii. 471 " Pimlico order," v. 254 Plants in poetry, vi. 254 " Pomander," vi. 214 Poor souls light : " Totenlaterne," iii. 336 Proud Preston : leather shoes, i. 212" Put a beggar on horseback," iii. 334 Pyrothoiiide, ix. 57 " Raising feast," viii. 58 Red Bull Theatre, ix. 298 Regent's Circus, vi. 174; xi. 98, 198 Rhubarb, iii. 393 ; ix. 316 Rings with a death's head, viii. 253 Robin Hood Society, v. 473 Roding or Roothing, vii. 335 Saffron Walden, ix. 177 St. Agnes : folk-lore, v. 112 St. Gratlan's nut, i. 77 St. Swithin's Day, iv. 45 st. Swithin's Tribute at Old Nest on, ii. 126 Sash windows, v. 218 " Scammel "=to tread on, iv. 277 Scissors : " pile " side, iv. 317 Segundo, its meaning, iii. 395 Shakespeare : chronological edition, ii. 431 Shakespeare's Bible, ii. 430 Shakespeare's Sonnets, vii. 544 Shakespeariana, i. 323, 504 ; iii. 304, iv. 85 ; xi. 76 " Shieve," vi. 33 Shrove Monday: Collop Monday, i. 352 Skating in the Middle Ages, v. 98 Skolpyne, a lish, iii. 335 " Sleeve- less errand," vi. 16 " Souchy " : " Water- suchy," iv. 270 Starlings taught to speak, ix. 154^-" Stile "=" hiel," ix. 494 Stock Ex- change as " The House," ix. 274 Stonehenge : The Birth of Merlin,' iv. 235 Stone's End, Borough, v. 396 Suffice, its meaning, iii. 358 Sussex ironworks : obsolete terms, i. 116 Swords, wearing of, viii. 493 Tally-ho, i. 93, 135 " Terse " claret, iii. 116 Tewke, tuke, its meaning, iii. 131 Thermometer, iv. 134 " Thorpsman," iv. 373 " Thymalos " : " Mouse of the Mountains," iv. 239 Tilleul, ii. 93- Toads and poison, vi. 157 Tobacco in the 17th century, price of, vi. 336 " Town- planning," viii. 13 " Tram-car," viii. 474 " Unrejoicing " in Wordsworth, i. 232 " Wait and see," x. 158 Wall-papers, i. 350; x. 110 -Warming City churches, i. 511 " Welcome as flowers in May," iii. 414 Whelps as] a name for broken water, i. 98 W'Jmple as applied to running water, i. 498 Winchester measures and bottles, iii. 185

" With allowance," v. 135 Yedding, v. 514

Yews in churchyards, iv. 63 Jones (Rev. W.) of Nayland, author, b. 1726, vii.

470 ; viii. 134, 234 Jones (Sir William) and representation of Oxford

University, ii. 3 ; and the " On parent knees "

quatrain, vi. 21

Jones and Blunkett families, v. 29, 117, 258 Jones family of Plas-yn-llan, v. 430 ; vi. 55, 211 " Jongheer," origin of Dutch title, viii. 309, 353,

431 Jonquil (Genie), alluded to by Gray. ix. 509 : x

274 Jonson (Ben), his gravestones in Westminster

Abbey, i. 67, 110 ; interpretation of word

used by, ii. 67, 132, 174 ; gouland in, ii. 429,

532 ; iii. 136 ; lines quoted in his ' Poetaster,'

x. 26, 266 ; and " monstrous " possessive case,

204 ; and Marston's ' Eastward Hoe,' xi. 5 ; his

quotation from Pindar, 267 ; xii. 17 Jookery-parkery, term explained, i. 40 Jope or Job family, iii. 448 Jordan not a type of baptism, iii. 184, 256 Jordan (Tobv), bookseller of Gloucester, 1632, iii.

348 Joseph (Capt. Benjamin), d. 1617, his origin, iv.

530 Joseph (S.), sculptor, catalogue of busts by, ii. 81,

134 Josepha on Herodotus and astronomic geography,

ix. 238 Josephine (Empress), her house Malmaison. ii

289, 359

Josselny family of Essex, xi. 129 Jouel (John). See Joel. Journalism in Persia, vii. 446 Journals, foreign, published in the United States,

1910, iv. 466, 514 ; v. 53, 137 Journals by Wesley, whereabouts of the MSS., iv.


Joy, curious rimes to, ii. 426 ; iii. 232 Jove (Charles), Westminster scholar, 1728, iii. 188 Joy riders = reckless chauffeurs, i. 126 Jubilee of the Post Office Savings Bank, iv. 423 Jubilees, royal, 49th and 5()th anniversaries, iii.

467 ; iv. 12

Juckes (G. T.) on relic of John Bunyan (?), vi. 162 Judaea, influence on history of what happened

once in, xii. 441, 491 Judas Iscariot, " one day of respite from hell," ix.

349 Judd (Sir Andrew), Lord Mayor 1550, his portrait,

iii. 148

Judge, deaf, epigram on, i. 225 Judges addressed as " Your Lordship," x. 89,

333 ; xi. 251, 303, 388 Judges who have died on the Bench, vi. 248, 354,

413 Judgment of God : woman throwing her children

to wolves, ii. 228, 318 Judith, the story of, in the Lectionary, x. 389,


Jug, arms moulded on, x. 270 Jugglers and " Tregetours," notes on, xii. 280 Juiel (John). See Joel Julius Caesar : princes and comets, i. 448 ; ii. 18 r

57 Julius Caesar and Wymondley chestnut tree, iv*

287, 419

' Julius Ceesar,' the verse of, viii. 162 Julyan (S. C.) on early fountain pens, v. 497