Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/200

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Meadows (William), d. 1811, bis parentage, iv.

Meakin (Miss), quotation from her ' Russia,'

xi. 246

Meakin (Annette M- B.) on Hannah More por- traits, iii. 347

Mean, " not meaning you," 1632, ix. 288 Meanings, ambiguous, of phrases, vi. 167, 236 Mearnes (Samuel), royal bookbinder, temp.

Charles II., ii. 32 Mears (F. L.) on ' Brides of Mavis Enderby,'

Mears (William), bellfounder, 1626, ii. 445 ; iii.

75, 217

Meat and Dreams, De Quincey on, i. 88 Meayll Hill, Isle of Man, stone circle on, vii. 383 41 Mechanics' " Institutes, origin and use of the

term, xii. 49, 102 Medaille Militaire, regulations for bestowing, xi.

246, 326 Medal and Thunder Cross, from will, 1802, vi.

131, 198 Medallic legends, the source of, x. 28, 48, 68, 89.

109, 315, 356 ; xi. 12, 73, 270 ; xii. 469 Medallion, French Republican, v. 427 Medals : Isaak Walton and Charles Cotton on, iii. 329, 397 ; relating to John Wilkes, vi. 387 ; by Gibbons of the Duke of Wellington, ix. 428 Belgian : gold, dated 1787, x. 470 Brass, dated 1553, found in Germany, vii. 70, 23i 5 312 " Brother Adams, Lodge 17, 1810," i. 289 Canadian, " Beaver Club," 1785, xi. 341 Carthagena, mistake on, ix. 290, 358 Daubeny commemorative, 1856, i. 388 George III., 1788, ix. 88, 135 Great Britain and Ireland. 1800, vii. 489 -Hebrew inscription, with, iv. 447, 510 ; xi. 436 Italian War of 1860, granted to " Reggimento Inglese " in, v. 329 Lackington the bookseller, iv. 470 ; v . 16 Leipsic, for valour at, vi. 230, 313, 377, 432 Louise (Princess), commemorating marri- age of, iv. 189 Massacre of St. Bartholomew, commemorating, v. 390, 474 ; vi. 52 ; xi. 168, 211 Naked child holding torch, 1858, vii. 341, 422 South African, issued 1910, viii. 467 Swedish, for the siege of Gliickstadt, xii. 378, 430 " Meddle and Muddle," origin of the phrase, xii.

422, 486

Medhop family, xi. 299 Mediaeval halls, dais in, i. 148 Mediaeval rule : over-laying of children, ix. 188 Medical books, old, and genealogists, xi. 104 Medical books published by John Murray, i. 106 Medical members of Parliament, list of, i. 64, 338 Medical practice, Act regulating, 1419, vii. 409,

453 Medical profession, and Corporation of London

iv. 425, 496 ; v. 13, 75 Medici (Francesco Maria, Cardinal de), c. 1700,

xi. 49, 341, 408

Medici (Cardinal Ippolito del), 1532, Hungarian

troops raised by, ix. 87, 137, 375 ; xi. 116, 153

Medicinal mummies, x. 176, 234, 476 ; xi. 35


Medio-Templarius on Sir Francis Drake, " unus de Consortio Medii Templi," iv. 347 Wellington, x. 153 Medmenham Abbey, monks of, their history, i

31, 95 Medsted (Sir Andrew), c. 1360, x. 149

Mee (Arthur) on ' Tomahawk ' : Matt Morgan,.

viii. 133

Meehan (J. F.), bookseller, of Bath, d. 1913, viii. 504 ; ix. 37, 100

Meend," " myende," " meand " in place-names,, vii. 363, 432'

Meeting-houses built in the octagonal form, vii. 27, 72, 173, 238, 417 ; viii. 298, 333, 433 Meg's diversions," origin of the phrase, ix. 208, 254 Meidinger (H.), c. 1833, his philological work, xii.

260, 363

Mellichamp, painter, c. 1657, ix. 290 Mellish (Capt. T.), c. 1787, his biography, ii. 127 VIello (Dom Francisco Manuel de), his visit to

London in 1641, iii. 107, 178 Melly (Andrew or George), in Khartoum, 1850,

vii. 509; viii. 74

VEelly (George), of Liverpool, his death, viii. 488 Melmont berries = juniper berries, ii. 29, 118 Melville (F. J.) on first perforated postage stamps,.

iii. 183 Melville (H. S.), draughtsman on H.M-S. Fly.

1842-6, x. 168 Melville (Lewis) on correspondence of Edmund Burke, ix. 469 Cobbett at Kensington, iii. 267 Cobbett bibliography, vi. 1, 22, 62, 84, 122, 142, 183 Gay : request for letters, xi. 430 Members of Parliament : Hertfordshire, i. 64 ;

medical, 64, 338 Mementoes of royal visits, vii. 288 ' M.emmian naphtha-pits " in Tennyson, ix. 67,

137 ; x. 176, 234, 476 Memoirs of H.B.H. Charlotte Augusta ' and

Elizabeth Newman, iv. 368 Memor on Balzac, iv. 509 ' Memoria technica," vi. 309, 398 Memorial tablets, helmets over, viii. 289 Memorials : in the British Isles, i. 282 ; ii. 42, 242 ; iii. 22, 222, 421 ; iv. 181, 361 ; v. 62, 143, 481 ; vi. 4, 284, 343, 385 ; vii. 64, 144, 175, 263, 320, 343, 442 ; viii. 4, 13, 75, 82, 183, 278, 285, 382, 444 ; ix. 65, 164, 384, 464 ; x. 103, 177, 226, 275, 303, 313, 360, 374, 386, 405, 433 ; xi. 24, 145, 275, 428, 476 ; xii. 65, 178, 231, 298, 336, 338, 370, 388, 406, 416 of Galileo in England, ix. 81, 102 of Revolution in Peak district, viii. 270 Birmingham, ix. 202, 243, 257, 278, 282, 322, 363, 377, 411, 437 British, of the Peninsular Campaign, v. 204, 302 ; vi. 217 Calcutta, vi. 41, 104, 163, 204, 316 ; xi. 450 Chiswick churchyard, v. 347 Derwentwater, history of, xi. 361 ; xii. 15 Devon, of Revolution, 1688-90, v. 147 Kent, Dickens and Charles I., vii. 305, 378 Southampton, x. 188 Memory game of eighteenth century, vi. 509 : vii.

53, 97 " Men, women, and Herveys," author of the

phrase, viii. 250, 334, 360 ;" ix. 252 Mende, legend of the clapper of, v. 326 Mendelssohn (Sidney), his ' South African Biblio- graphy,' iii. 5 Mendez da Costa (Sarah), friend of Disraeli, xi. 190,

218, 234, 288 Mendham (Richard) in Scott's ' Red Gauntlet,*

xii. 319 Mendiant= French dessert, the term, ii. 268, 333,

435 Mendizabal's secretary, 1836, ii. 119, 171