Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/218

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P. (C. A.) on convention or assonance in names of twins, xi. 69

P. (C. E.) on Edward Ravenscroft, iii. 289

P. (C. H.) on Ling family, vii. 230

P. (C. J.) on " Brother Johannes," x. 397

P. (D. G.) on the Royal Charlotte, v. 352 Shilleto, ix. 136

P. (E.) on heraldic MSS., x. 90

P. (E. L.) on Cromwell (Oliver) of Uxbridge, xi. 9 Guildhall Library : subject Index, _x. 147

P. (F.) on bobbold (Elizabeth) : her descent from Edmund Waller, xi. 173 Dominus Roger Capello, vii. 291 "Fere,"ii. 358 " Inpomario quiddam," v. 412 " Mallas Rigg," i. 295 " Master " and " gentleman " during the 17th century in England, x. 36

P. (F. H.) on Feast of Belshazzar,' viii. 447

P. (F. K.) on Adams (John), mutineer of H.M.S. Bounty, xi. 302 Adams familias, i. 289 " As dead as Queen Anne," i. 430 Avenger, H.M.S. , ii. 130 Ball (Mr. Richard), B.D., vii. 330 Bridger (Mr. B.). vii. 230 Carlin Sunday, ii. 229 " Brains Aims Hay," v. 429 ; vi. 175 Cricket match, 1774, iv. 430 Henley family : overseers, xi. 195 Owen (Thomas Ellis), i. 78 Paul (Joseph), surgeon, iii. 469 petersfield old inns, i. 215 Royal George, wreck of the, vii. 353 Ships lost in the fifties, ii. 528 Victory : early ships of the name, iii. 113 West's picture of the death of Gen. Wolfe, iv. 446

P. (G. A. W.) on authors of quotations wanted, vi. 269

P. (G. E.) on vernacular of the seventeenth century, v. 409

P. (G. H.') on Lord John Grey of Pirgo, xii. 420

P. (G. M. H.) on authors of poems wanted, xi. 136 " Boches," x. 367 Canadian Pacific Railway, viii. 9 " Four S's," vii. 469 Gothaven, ix. 394 Lochow, vii. 29 " Red, white, and blue," xi. 289 Tpt'ct Ka-mra naKurTa, xii. 209 Vole's (Jean) ' Les Arrivants,' iii.

P. (H.) on Danes'-blood, a flower, ii. 488 Thackeray and pugilism, iii. 28

P. (H. A.) 'on Capt. Pitman, vi. 513 Quiberon Bay, battle of, 1759, vii. 216 Wharton familv, v. 368

P. (H. B.) 011 " Meddle and muddle," xii. 422

P. (H. E. P.) on Latin quotation, ii. 55 Russell (Lord William), murder of, vi. 350

P. (II. G.) on affinities, table of, xii. 360 do- : -ty- iii. 178 Folk-speech (Worcestershire) :" plain," xii. 267 Kennel or cannel coal, xi. 472 Nicknames, necessary, xi. 480 Organists and longevity, v. 206 Pearson family, ii. 39 Plains =timber-denned lands, i. 437'

P. (J.) on cousins and half-cousins, ix. 273 Skottowe (Thomas), x. 452

P. (J. B.) on ' Abbey of Kilkhampton,' i. 76

Armorial, vii. 154 Bruce of Airth, viii. 73

Bruce (Hon.) .lames of Barbados, viii. 215

Dolls buried in a Scottish cave, vii. 158 France, early arms of, iv. 450 Gamnocourt in Picardy Barbara de Bierlo, iii. 50

P. (J. T.) on baptism of Clovis, xi. 19 German pilgrimage of fifty years ago, xii. 237 Holewell family, ii. 528 Index-making, faults of, xii.

1 OS

P. (K.) on Catherine Sedley and the Churchills, v.

P. (L.) on authors of quotations wanted, i. 149 Function, a ceremony, i. 198 H6tel Moras (otherwise Biron), Paris, i. 177 Price family, xi, 301

P. (M.) on " burial porch," v. 415 Caister life- boat, ii. 429 Cuckoo in folk-lore, xii. 182 r , 287 Dancing on " Midsummer night," vii, 269- Danish ballad, vii. 250 Died in his coffin., vii. 214 Four winds, a fairy story, i. 198 Hobby-horse, ii. 209 Mill of youth, i. 428 Oak, " wearing of the, x. 177 Ogre-stories, English and Danish, vii. 228 Parr (Robert)^- centenarian, iv. 379 Rain-smir, ii. 346 Red Riding Hood, vi. 474 Roses as cause of colds and sneezing, xii. 208 Schultz's ' My Life as an Indian,' i. 208 " Silver wood,"' vii. 250 ; x. 170 Skull and iron nail, xii. 181 " There's some water where the stags drown," x. 29 Tying legs after death, ix. 196 Verlaine, translation wanted, xii. 210, 310 Vinegar, action on rocks, x. 197 Vole's (Jean> ' Les Arrivants.' iii. 178 War and the poets,. xii/227 Wild huntsman : Herlothings, xi. 15 Wool-gathering stick, x. 110

P. (M. A.) on old sampler, iv. 449

p. (M. G. W.) on carol wanted, xii. 461 Yews irt churchyards : clubs for killing old people, iii. 291

P. (M. Y.) on Louis Gabriel, viii. 509 Rubens and Gerard Dou, viii. 509 Tromp (Harpert),. viii. 490

P. (N. L.) on Bridget, Gertrude, Foillan, and Febrorua, S.S., iv. 189 Dramatic criticism, viii. 490 Haymarket Theatre in the Seventies, viii. 370 Maids of Honour under the Stuarts* - viii. 350 Novels on Gretna Green, xi. 231 Theatrical life 1875-85, xi. 210

P. (O.) on Widow Twankey, i. 68

P. (R.) on arms for identification, v. 91

P. (R. B.) or\ bag-envelopes, v. 467 ; vi. 274 Bang-beggar, i. 246 Birmingham, " the toy- shop of Europe," x. 346 Blackfriars Road, ix. 185 Brunels at Chelsea, viii. 275 Burial in woollen : " Dolberline," iv. 368 Button- makers, viii. 95 Candle, ix. 173 Candle auctions, i. 404 Cartwright (Edmund), vii. 435 " Cat-gallows," viii. 188 ' Comus ' at Covent Garden Theatre, iv. 348 Crosby Hall roof, iv. 327 Dickens : ' The Uncommercial Travel- ler,' viii. 13 Dudley (Dud), iv. 494 ; x. 457 " Gas " as a street-name, viii. 290 Great Eastern, the first of the leviathans, ix. 116 Handel's ' Harmonious Blacksmith,' x. 230 Heart-burial, viii. 493 Hotten (John Camden), xii. 147 Jackson (William), Musician, 1784, x. 211 Krupp factory in 1851, xi. 72 London

Bridge, vi. 318 London sanctuaries, vi. 306

Longman (John) : spinets, xii. 465 Magis- trates wearing hats on the bench, ix. 189 Muller (John Dietrich), ix. 209 Napier (David), vi. 258" Paratout," vii. 286 Pendrell pen- sions, xii. 99 Peripatetic scientific society, i. 365 Photobibliography, x. 488 Photo- graphy as an aid to the wood engraver, v. 407 Piano, mechanical, before 1868, vii. 238 " Pious chansons," x. 467 Policemen on point duty, vii. 494 ' Protector,' xi. 418 Railway smoking-carriages, ix. 129 " Raising feast," viii. 77 St. Katherine's-by-the-Towery

viii. 35 Shakespeare and the Bible, vii. 494

Spencer's patent clip, viii. 117 " Subways,'*"