Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/22

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Axon (W. E. A.) on ' Account of some remarkable Passages in the Life of a Private Gentleman,' iv. 305 ' Amulet against Sickness,' ii. 521 Bookbinding, first English book on, ii. 403 Byrom (Samuel), iii. 195 ' Caxton Memorial,' iv. 313 Coleridge (S. T.) and Anna Barbauld, v. 181 Coyer (Abbe) to Pansophe, i. 416 De Quincey and Coleridge, ii. 228 ; v. 268 De Quincey's ' Opium-Eater,' 1835, iv. 466 Gallows Bank : Matthew Cockling, iii. 378 Gutenberg's 42-line Bible, ii. 355 Haller's ' Usong,' i. 24 Leo XIII's Latin verses, i. 418 Leopardi (Giacomo) : Eastern epigram, vi. 209 Lockhart on Dante, iii. 248 ' May Fair,' iii. 377 ' Mediaeval Oberammergaus,' iii. 333 ' Mr. Punch : his Origin and Career,' v. 50 Murderous London boatman of 1586, iii. 446 Nonconformist Minister elected to Parlia- ment, i. 134 Price (Dr.), the Druid, iv. 274 " Psychological," v. 246 Republican son of Louis XV., i. 225 Robinson (Crabb) and De Quincey, iii. 102 Rousthwel (Chotta), iii. 386 St. Francis of Assisi and his snow family, iv. 486 Sare (Richard), bookseller, ii. 84 Shorthand teacher in A.D. 155, ii. 285 Shrop- shire newspaper printed in London, ii. 26 Thackeray's French lion, i. 221 ' Tit for Tat,' iii. 112 Turkish Spy in Paris, vi. 56 ' Twin- Brothers ' ii. 247 Uttoxeter's first book, iii. 405 Watering-place Guide, 1803, i. 395 Zadig of Babylon, iv. 317 Aylmer's ' History of Ireland,' 1650, iv. 327 Ayloffe. family, ix. 191, 252, 297, 338 Aynescombe, Surrey, its locality, iv. 130, 238 Ayrton Light on Clock Tower, Westminster, xi.

90, 154, 232

Ayscough (G. E.), Etonian, 1759, ix. 350, 395, 434 Ayxa on Ashford family, vii. 29


B. on authors of quotations wanted, iv. 488 Cages for criminals, viii. 269 ' Lily- White Boys ' : ' The Ten O's,' i. 452 Old London streets, viii. 516 T. & G. Seddon, early Vic- torian manufacturers of furniture, Gray's Inn Road, ix. 86 Sydney Smith and Spencer Perceval, ii. 267

B. (A.) on authors wanted, vi. 489 ; ix. 269 ; x. 290; xii. 360, 482 Authors of quotations wanted, i. 408 ; vi. 136 Old Hampstead : ancient vestments, ix. 348 " A Sunday well spent," ii. 388 "To be 'out' for a thing," vii. 52 Will Watch, xi. 190

B r (A.) on Dene Holes or Dane Holes, Little Thurrock, x. 249

B. (A. A.) on Gladstone on the upas tree, iii. 414 " Welcome as the flowers in May," iii. 414

B. (A. B.) on Cherubini and the military salute, ix. 70

B. (A. de C.) on Warren alias Waller, vii. 189

B. (A. E.) on Breton song : translation wanted, v. 449

B. (A. T.) on deaneries unattached to cathedrals, i. 37

B. (B.) on " alter " in a Latin epitaph, xii. 13 Arundel (Sir John) of Clerkenwell, iv. 97 Jane Austen and Columella, x. 388 Jane Austen and the word " manor," v. 130 Jane Austen's ' Lady Susan,' vii. 388 Bishopsgate

Street Without : Sir Humphrey Cahoon or Colquhoun, iv. 118 Mary Elizabeth Braddon: bibliography, xi. 366 Date formulae, ix. 269 D'Israeli: Thames Street, xii. 405 Employ- ment of counsel in trial for treason, vi. 112 Latinity, x. 515 " Meddle and muddle," xii. 486 Milton's ' Lycidas,' vi. 395 " O si sic omnes,"x.474 Place-names : Shrape,Thrunge, x. 397 " Pro pelle cutem," viii. 453 Red Hand of Ulster, viii. 217 Sampson family of Yorkshire : Lord de Blaquiere, iv. 138 Stair divorce, 1820, iii. 174 Waller's 'Pane- gyrick,' ix. 327, 474 Wiltshire phrases, v. 326 B. (B. H.) on authors of poems wanted, vi. 69 B. (C.) on ' Flying Dutchman,' iii. 48 Lawrence

(Sir T.), his sketch of Mrs. Linley, iii. 348 B. (C. A.) on authors wanted, xii. 341 B. (C. C.) on adder's fat as cure for deafness, iii. 117 Alchemist's ape, vii. 211 Dean Alford's poems, ii. 159 American words and phrases, ii. 193 ; iii. 315 ' Arden of Feversham ' : " Gale." ii. 417 Aristotle on education, iii. 258 Jane Austen's ' Persuasion,' iv. 339 ; v. 157 Authorized Version : date of translations, iii. 395 Author wanted, x. 198 Authors of quotations wanted, x. 57, 515 Bael : Bhel : Bel, ii. 426 Barlow, xi. 78 Bee-swarms, iii. 478 Bergamot, viii. 398 Bhang : Cuca, i. 16 ' Bingen on the Rhine,' vi. 493 "Buds of marjoram," viii. 237 Byron's " lay " again, x. 158 Cat queries, xii. 468 Charas (Moses), Pharmacopaeus Regius, vi. 96 Chaucer and Boccaccio, i. 192 Christian rule, viii. 216 Clergy retiring from the dinner table, ii. 136 Coffee : chocolate : first advertisement, vi. 96 Columbine in the sixteenth century, i. 198 " Convict ship," iv. 515 Curious sunset effect, vi. 87 Danes' -blood, a flower, iii. 16 Dedica- tion of Nonconformist chapels, vi. 236 Diseases from plants, v. 257 " Earth goeth upon earth," i. 116 Echoes, remarkable, iii. 352 Ellops (or elops) and scorpion, xi. 212 " Eowestre " : " Yousters," viii. 173 " Esses," xii. 426 " Fingers " of the clock, xi. 255 " Forwhy," xi. 35 French sonnet : Felix Arvers, vi. 335, 517 Fulsby, Lincoln- shire, v. 316 " Galleon " in English verse, x. 95 Goldsmith's (Oliver) ' Deserted Village,' viii. 135 Gordon's (Rev. Patrick) " Geo- graphy," iv. 237 Gray's sonnet " On the Death of Mr. Richard West " : " Complain," iv. 276 Greenstone, vi. 378 "Guesses at Truth": contributors, iv. 276 " Happen," iv. 497 Hebrew dietetics, xii. 405 Hemans (Felicia), iv. 534 " Holy Thursday," x. 435 Human fat as a medicine, ix. 115, 195 Jew's eye, ii. 277 Keats's " Ode to a Nightingale," v. 11 Knives as presents, v. 157 ' Kultur," x. 517 : xi. 54 Lang (Andrew), vi. 154 Lowell's "Fireside Travels," x. 197 Medicinal mummies, x. 234 Merluche, ii. 92 Metrical prose, iv. 426 Milky Way : its various names, iv. -135 Milton queries, ix. 234 Mithridates and Alexipharmics, vii. 291 Modern advocate of Druidism, xi. 14 Modern pronunciation : " idea," v. 457 Moonwort or " Unshoe the horse," vii. 177 Moses and Pharoah's daughter, ii. 152 " N. E. D." : missing words in ' Si- Simple,' iii. 146" N. E. D." : ' Simple Sleep,' iv. 346" Notch," vii. 52, 133 Octopus, Venus's ear, and whelk, ix. 173