Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/243

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Puritans in Newfoundland, c. 1621, x. 88, 237 I urnell-Edwards family of Stancombe Park, vii.


Purpose, alleged dance-name, i. 217 Purrear (W.) of Cranfield, c. 1550, vii. 330 Purvis surname, iv. 290, 357 Push-plough, the use of, ix. 194, 234, 311, 356 'Puss in Pattens,' print, 1782, vi. 489 Put (A. Van .de) on ' Almanach de Gotha,' x. 335 ;

Beethoven's nationality, xi. 247 ; Patron Saint

of Pilgrims, x. 354

Puteolana (Maria), maiden warrior, vi. 288 Putney Bowling Green, 1742, its locality, iii. 369,

433 Puttenham's ' Arte of English Poesio,' i. 404 ; ii.

363, 444 ; iii. 82 : Turbervile's poems, censure

of, ii. 1, 103, 182, 264; and Gascoigne, ii. 363,

444 ; Pottol's ' Miscellany ' and Chaucer, iii. 82 Puxley Green, Northants, vii. 70 Pyke, Day, and Freeman families, iv. 428 Pyke, Day, and Halley families, iii. 388 Pyke, Freeman, Dav, and Parrv families, ix. 146,

193 Pyke, Fullwood, Halley, and Parry families, vi.

303, 415, 497 ; vii. 203, 277

Pyke, Halley, and Stuart families, ii. 44, 227, 486 Pyke, Me wee, Washington, and Hallev families,

vii 102, 317

Pyke, Parry, Freeman, and Bruce families, x. 9 Pyke, Reeve, Day, and Sharpe families, iv. 489 Pyke, Stewart, Freeman, and Day families, vi. 25 Pyke, Stuart, Freeman, Parry families, iv. 164 Pyke and Peake families of Southwark, iii. 368 Pykeryng <Ralph), Winchester scholar, 1523, ix.

409* 517 "Pyne ;(W. H.), his * Wine and Walnuts,' 1823, iv.

227 Pyott, tradition of name taken by Graham family,

ix. 110 '" Pyramid in London," meaning of the phrase,

x. 510 ; xi. 57 Pyrothonide, use of, in ancient medicine, viii.

490 ; ix. 57 Pyrrhus's toe, allusion to, in Sir T. Browne's

  • Hydriotaphia,' iii. 89, 131, 174, 238

<Q. on drinking-mug : frog or toad mug, iv. 211 ; Stewart or Stuart, x. 429 ; Wyre Forest old sorb or Whitty pear tree, iv. 145

Q. (A. N.) on " As sound as a roach's," xi. 18 ' Autobiography of a Dissenting Minister,' ix. 69 Aviation : deaths of pioneer airmen, ii. 385 Braddon (Mary Elizabeth) : bibliography, xi.

283 Electro-plating and its discoverers, xi.

297 Ellis of New Bond Street, ix. 285 " Fleet " : new use of the word, v. 187 German libraries and the war, xii. 458 Great Eastern, the first of the Leviathans, viii. 506 Lister (Lord), the founder of modern surgery, v. 145 Louvain Library : Irish MSS. in Dublin, x. 207 Mayor, English : first coloured man as, viii. 406 Military Medal and Sir John French, xi. 246 Mons: bibliographical hoax,x. 247 Newcastle-under-Lyne charter restored,

ii. 125 Omar Khayyam, v. 105 Ortega in

Nelson's Strait, x. 514 Parsee investiture, xi. 185 Pontifical Zouaves and the banner of the .Sacred Heart, v. 367 Regiments and their colours in time of war, x. 168 Royal ladies as

colonels-in-chief, x. 27 Rule of the road, ii. 161 St. Martin's-in-the-Fields and the Royal Standard, vi. 125 South African bibliography, iii. 5 Spy shot at the Tower of London, x. 407 Submarine's daring feat, x. 507 Thackeray's last words, iii. 91 Thorough toll at Newcastle, ii. 166 Wales (Princes of), ii. 21 War, cost of, x. 426 Welsh Guards : motto and emblems : leek and dragon, xi. 206 Westminster Cathe- dra], ii. 49 Women doctors, first, v. 65 Q. (J. H.) on alleged murder by Chelsea pensioners,

ii. 325

Qugesitor or " Quo vadis ? " vii. 448 Quaker, allusion to " the great Quaker," viii. 420,


Quaker deputation to the Tzar Nicholas, ii. 387 Quaker documents and records, viii. 254 Quaker oats and " quaking grass," ii. 528 ; iii. 75,


Quakers, their Yearly Meeting, and rain, v. 467 Quaritch (Bernard), MSS. collected by, viii. 207,


Quarles family, vi. 70, 153, 197 Quarme (Mrs.), c. 1775, i. 9 " Quarrel d'Olman," expression of 1684, ix. 270,


Quarrell (W. H.) on " ask " =tart, viii. 335 Beilby (Ralph), viii. 290 Brinsop Court, v. 26 Carnwath House, viii. 378 Cathedral bell stolen, viii. 27 Cat queries, xii. 369 Chilean views, x. 59 Clan Macleod, x. 227 Clifton Campville Church, v. 67 Dogs on brasses and stone effigies, iii. 377 D'Orsay's portraits, x. 231 Dud Dudley, iv. 406 Execution of Charles I., sermons on, xii. 440 Epitaphiana, iv. 524 ; v. 505 Essex place-name, xii. 466 Fire and new-birth, viii. 418 Gisalbertus (Andreas), viii. 494 Gregory (Henry), of Gloucestershire, xi. 135 Hill (J.), xi. 271 History of churches in situ, viii. 12, xii. 446 Hosier' Lane, West Smithfield, vii. 333 King (Capt. James), xii. 160 King John, justification of, ix. 155 Lamoureux, xi. 171 Longevity, iii. 186 Martin (T.), miniature painter, iv. 509 Misprint [?], vii. 327 Pitti Gallery : portrait of Justus Sustermans, iii. 418 " Quarrel d'Olman," ix. 270 Rigby (Rev. John), D.D.. ix. 229 Romney, vii. 333 St. Andrew's, Droitwich : church plate, ix. 51 St. Michael's Church, Worcester, ii. 266 Teapoy : cellarette : gardevin, iii. 318 Town Clerk's signature, viii. 313 Verger's staff, xii. 56_Whitchurch (Alexander), xi. 302 Quarter-boys of Christ Church, Bristol, viii. 105 Quarter-deck, sailors' custom of saluting the, xi.

8, 53

Quartermain (H. W.) on ' Conquest of Canterbury Court,' by Roger Quartermain, x. 390 bt. Mary's at Thame, ix. 348 Shirburn Church and churchyard, ix. 247

Quartermain (Roger), his ' Conquest of Canter- bury Court,' x. 390

Quartermaine (Dr. William), his will, 1667, ix. 154 Quartermaine family, viii. 370, 470 ; ix. 154 Quatrain, " On parent knees," the Persian original

of, vi. 21

Quatre Bras, Capt. John Kynoch killed at, iv. 348 ' Quaver, The ; or, Songster's Pocket Companion,

1854, the publisher, x. 250

" Quay," " key," pronunciation, c. 1300, xi. 90, 127"