Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/250

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Quotations :

No more the thirsty entrance of this soil, vii.


No one but a madman would throw fire- brands about, vii. 508 ; viii. 55 No pleasing memory left forgotten quite, ii.


No redeeming vice, i. 150, 198 No woman over thirty is worth looking at, xi.

168 ; xii. 447

Non minima pars ervditionis, x. 387 Non seulement 1'Angleterre mais chaque

Anglais est une ile, xii. 68 Non sibi, sed toti genitos se credere mundo, i.

207, 251 Nor boast, O Choisv ! seat of soft delight, xii.

219 Nor custom, nor example, nor vast numbers,

vi. 48, 189, 238

Nor strive to wind one's soul too high, vi. 109 Nos habitat, non tartara, sed nee siclera

cceli, ix. 429 Not all who seem to fail have failed indeed, x.

490 Not in ye ardent course, as where he woes, x.

47 Not 'noath the domes where crumbling arch

and column, iii. 128

Not out of envy, for there's no effect, xi. 5 Now as long as France and England shall

give birth to warlike men, xi. 494 Now sound ye forth with trumpet tone, iii

329 Now the evening shadows closing, xi. 170,

Nulla non donanda lauru, vi. 370, 418

Nulli penotrabilis astro, x. 69, 117

Nutrit ubi itnplunos perogrina Ciconia foetus,

i. 351

O, never question curiously, iii. 48 O, Willie has gone to the Parliament House

iv. 108

O Charon ! halt, we pray thee, i. 202, 498 O days gone by, O living lyre, xii. 503 O God I think again Thy thoughts after

Thee, ix. 270

K&r/ios ffK-qvj, xii. 77, 117, 170 O mater preclarissima, vii. 326 O nox quam longa ost quse facit una senem, ix.

125 O quantum nobis profuit ilia fabula de

Christo, vi. 36 O si sic omnes, x. 429, 474 O snuff, do thou my box abundant fill, viii


O stout North-Easter, vi. 69, 172 O voi ch' aveto gl' intellotti sani, v. 68 Of Carthago wall I was a stone, vii. 109, 195,


Of all the gay birds that e'er I did see, xi. 150 Of some the dust is Irish earth, xi. 89, 136,

Oh for a deeper insight into Heaven ! i. 109 Oh memory ! shield me from the world's

poor strife, v. 230 Oh, that were best indeed, ii. 449 Oh, the little more, and how much it is I xii.


Old Genius the porter of them was, i. 269, 316 Omnes omnia bona dicere, xii. 462, 509

Quotations :

On cause mieux quand on ne dit pas, Causons,,

iii. 128

On Esperance, on ! v. 348 On to the breach, ye soldiers of the Cross,..

viii. 309, 357 Once poor, my friend, still poor you must

remain, viii. 87 One of thy tressed Curls then falling down,,

iv. 374 One physician, like a sculler, plies, ix. 231,

273, 396 One ship drives East, and one drives West, vL

330 ; vii. 138

One takes a wife to flatter his pride, ix. 270 Only those nations that behaved well to the-

Jews prospered, viii. 170 Orator qualis adhuc nemo fortasse fuerit, x.

89, 217

Our bodies in the sea so deep, i, 50 Ours is the harvest where the Indians mow,,

ix. 327, 414, 474,

Out of my country and myself I go, i. 269, 317 Out of the strain 'of the doing, x. 290, 336 Out of the waspish word " No " to pluck the-

sting, iii. 147 Over the hills and far away, x. 468, 515 ; xi..

17, 35, 57, 73

Own large father-like heart, vi. 189 Pallas, nor thee I call on, mankind maid, xii.,

17 Pass round the tankard, boys, while the tap

flows for ye, xii. 503 Pectoris et cordis pariter proprieque mo-nile,

iv. 276 Perfacile est, aiunt, prouerbia scribere ;

cuiuis, vii. 155, 498 Per passage penible passons a port plaisant,

xii. 280

Perhaps if we had never met, v. 327 y 438 Perils stood thick, ii. 327, 373 Perimus licitis, x. 270, 314, 335 Pero con ambo le braccia mi prese,. vii. 461 4>p<5iUyLcoi ws oi 60eis, x. 508 Finks, goulands, kingciips, ii. 429, 532 Piraeus mistaken for a man, xi. 9, 57 Plv thy book when thou art voung, vi. 109..


Pompa Mortis magis terret, xii. 231 Por ce ine abbassa come vinto e stance, ix.-

250, 334, 416 Prayers that e'en spoke and Pity seem'd to-

call, x. 69 Prends le premier conseil d'une femme, x. 270 ;

xii. 247 q

Primus in orbe deos fecit timor, i. 408, 455 Princes and lords may flourish, or may fade.

i. 467 Pungent radish biting infant's tooth, viii. 69 ^

136 Quam nihil ad genium, Papiniane, tumn 1 iv.

325, 631 ; v. 95 Quanti profxiit nobis hsec fabula de Christo, v.-

468 ; vi. 35 Quanto piace al mondo e breve sogno, vii.

208, 257 Quantulacunque estis, vos ego magna voco, v.


Qu'est-ce qu'une grande vie ? xii. 68, 187 Qui fallit in poculis fallit in omnibus, iii. 12$