Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/255

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open air, i. 386 May celebrations at Oxford in 1598, iii. 325 May-Day celebration at Brighton, i. 383 Newspaper " editions," iv. 388 " Pale beer," iv. 26 Queue in England, i. 486 Railroad with passengers, earliest English, iv. 65 Reprieve for 99 years, iv. 70 Rhinoceros, first, in England, iii. 286 Soldier, oldest British, iv. 206 Stockings, black and coloured, iv. 297 Walker (Joshua), M.F., ix. 330 Witchcraft in the twentieth century, ii. 46

R. (A. J. V.) on " Five Wounds," viii. 177

R. (C.) on Inquisition in fiction and drama, vii. 57 ; Tavern signs, vi. 328

R. (C. E.) on Queen Victoria and George Peabody, ii. 247

R. (C. K.) on Samuel George Sloman, iii. 108

R. (C. V.) on Public School Registers, i. 271

R. (D.) on Coleridge (S. T.), i. 310 ; Flax Bourton, i. 389

R. (D. M.) on " Ancient Britons " : projected natural history, vi. 270 Boyle (Henry ),'i. 290 Myddelton : Dref : Plas, ii. 132 Noncon- formist Chapels, dedication of, vi. 192 Piper (Henry Hunt), vi. 216 ' St. James's Chronicle,' ii. 475 Victoria's (Princess) visit to the Mar- quis of Anglesey, iv. 113 Wynn (Sir Watkin Williams), the Prince in Wales, vi. 211

R. (E.) on Lord Chief Justice, the Sheriff, and ventilation, iv. 169

R. (E. C.) on J. Hill, xi. 208

R. (E. F.) on authors wanted, vii. 168

R. (F. B. H.) on Cullompton bells, x. 290

R. (F. C.) on references wanted, vi. 189 " The Last of the Barons," dedication of, vii. 30

R. (F. E. H.) on ' Lady's Pocket Magazine ' and ' The Athenaeum,' x. 310

R. (F. H.) on Damant, ix. 50

R. (F. R.) on arms on silver box, i. 150 ; Farthing Victorian stamps, xi. 93

R. (G.) on authors of quotations wanted, iv. 414 ; Authors wanted, xi. 299 ; Milo as a surname, ix. 250 ; Young (Arthur), xii. 241

R. (Gerald) on Warrington : poem wanted, x. 408

R. (G. B.) on Greek History with illustrations, ii. 228

R. (G. E.) on Thomas Dawson Bowker, i. 407

R. (G. R. Y.) on battle of Blore Heath: Philip Yonge, viii. 387 ; Biographical information wanted, viii. 454 ; Dyers' ordinance, thirteenth- century, x. 107 ; Fox (Sackville), viii. 16

R. (G. W.) on Arundel Collection sale catalogue, i. 368

R. (G. W. E.) on altars, ix. 275 Ananias as Chris- tian name, iii. 453 Arnold (Matthew) on eloquence, ii. 438 Arter (Andrew), his memo- rial, iii. 75 Austen's (Jane) 'Persuasion,' iv. 412 Authors of quotations wanted, vi. 35 Author wanted, xi. 54 " Chevy Chace " parody, ix. 429 Dickens and wooden legs, x. 493 Disraeli queries, viii. 216 ' Dra wing- Room Ditties,' ii. 199, 234 Essex as Christian name, iii. 339 Fern (Matthew), Jacobite, v. 336 " George Inn " at Woburn, iii. 172 German Emperor, xi. 358 Gordon (Lord George) in ' Barnaby Rudge,' v. 212 Harcourt's election- eering sqxiibs, vii. 417 Herb- woman to the King, ii. 312 " Highdays, holidays, and bonfire nights," ii. 193 " Holy Thursday," x. 435 Kingsley (Charles), i. 196 Knighthood, ii. 413 Lunatics and private lunatic asylums,

iv. 251" Mother of free Parliaments," i. 375 " Nib "= separate pen-point, iv. 158 "On the tapis," ii. 352 " Ow," pronunciation of, x.- 455 Palmerston in the wrong train, x. 209 Piccadilly Terrace, xi. 498 Pull, dialect meaning, ii. 18 "|Ripon's (Dean of) famous similitude," xi. 402 Smith's (Horace) verses on surnames, viii. 73 Sussex (Duke of) : mor- ganatic marriages, x. 36 Swinburne as polyglot author, ix. 157 Town Clerk's signature, viii. 246 R. (H.) on " A fact is a lie and a half," ix. 298 -,

Public School Registers, i. 271 R. (H. B.) on Frost arms at Winchester, iv. 478 R. (H. V.) on lawyers in literature, x. 171 R. (J.), Letters to Lord Orrery by, v. 8, 57, 158 "* R. ( J.) on Braddon (Mary Elizabeth) : biblio- graphy, xi. 283 " Meg's diversions," ix. 208 Possessive case, ambiguous, viii. 153 Raglan's (Lord) arm, vi. 131 Railway travel- ler, oldest living, viii. 249 " Slav scholar " : - " English scholar," viii. 395

R. (J. C.) on Earldom of Lincoln, viii. 277 ; Mar- quessate of Lincolnshire, viii. 112

R. (J. F.) on ' Almanach de Gotha,' x. 147

" Ambulator," viii. 93 Authors wanted, xi. 461 Baked pears = " wardens " : Bedford- Fair, iv. 371 Botany, vi. 416 Casanova, v. 129 Elizabeth's (Queen) portrait with Italian proverb, iii. 487 Glasgow Cross and Defoe's 'Tour,' ix. 32 Historical MSS., viii. 457 Lecky and theory of morals in ' Pall Mall Budget,' iv. 147 Missionary ship Duff, ix. 457 Pears : " Bon Chretien " and " Doyenne" du Cornice," iv. 372 Tobacco in the seventeenth century, price of, vi. 336 Voltaire in England, - ix. 308

R. (J. H.) on anti-Wesleyana, ix. 88 Bawdwen, vii. 329 Bream of Bream's Buildings, v. 90 Brodribb of Somerset, v. 71 Cadell and Davies : their successors, v. 68 Carne (Joseph), F.R.S., x. 110 Charter of Henry II. : date, v. 150 Chartularies, bibliography of, vii. 286 Cornish wills, Prerogative Court of. Canterbury, vii. 366 Erick (John), iii. 409 Falmouth's (Lord) charters, iv. 10 Gilbart (James W.), x. 130 ; his mother, ix. 250 Holywood Premonstratensian Chartulary, vi. 468 London, stones of, vi. 429 Panthera, v. 91 Penleaze, v. 270 Pentalpha, symbolism of the, vi. 490 Pigot (Col. John), i. 349 Register transcribers of 1602, v. 130 St. Agnes : folk-lore, v. 47 St. James, Bristol, Priory of, vii. 288 St. James, Westminster ,.-

Manor of, vii. 268 Seal, Elizabethan, iv. SO

Smith (Baker Peter), v. 330 R. ( J. W.) on Cathedrals, fabric of, xii. 264 -,

Rimes : source wanted, xii. 69 R. (L. C.) on King's Butler, ii. 108 R. (L. G.) on Charles, Duke of Brunswick, xi. 381 Club Etranger at Hanover Square : Cercle des Nations, iv. 258 Dogs on brasses and stone effigies, iii. 311 French coins : Republic and Empire, iv. 255 " Galiman," x. 468 Habak- kuk, xii. 502 Horses, cream- coloured, xi. 361 Lardiner at the Coronation, ii. 140 Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures, iv. 464 OnionSj virtues of, xii. 406 Parishes and patron saints, ix. 348 " Shiffles," xii. 400 " Speak to me,. Lord Byron," ix. 388 " Thirmuthis " : Chris- tian name, x. 490